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The Ultimate Ways To Increase Plays on Soundcloud

1. Easy Profile Description<br>2. Use Your Header Image to Highlight Recent Releases<br>3. Using Soundcloud Charts<br>4. Share your music on Social Websites<br>5. Purchase Plays<br><br><br>If You are Looking to Buy Real SoundCloud Plays Visit QQSumo.com

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The Ultimate Ways To Increase Plays on Soundcloud

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  1. The Ultimate Ways To Increase Plays on Soundcloud

  2. 1. Easy Profile Description I’ve seen so many producers and artists write large paragraph descriptions about their mission. It’s tough to carry someones attention so they can understand a tweet, much much less an extended mission description. The perfect ones I’ve seen are easy, have just a few hyperlinks out to their socials, and have an email contact.

  3. 2. Use Your Header Image to Highlight Recent Releases The header image is displayed at the top of your page. Using this huge digital space to push your latest album, rather than just being a bland photo of your band or yourself. With new tracks from the album right there on his SoundCloud account, you can be sure he gets more SoundCloud plays for free as people get curious about the new album. He also changed out his old profile picture for the new one he’s using to hype this album.

  4. 3. Using Soundcloud Charts This one is simple. Make sure your tags in your song is identical to whichever chart on SoundCloud you want to chart within. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve seen a track blow up but because the only tag on the track is something like Pizza Pappy it doesn’t make it into the charts. Believe it or not, something as simple as tagging your song “electronic” can make a HUGE difference in its success should you find yourself fortunate enough to have charted on SoundCloud.

  5. 4. Share your music on Social Websites Always share your music. This way it will reach a large number of people and they would come to know about it. Use social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and others to share it.

  6. 5. Purchase Plays A standout amongst the best and surefire approaches to give a lift to your popularity perception is through purchasing plays. Most importantly, purchasing plays will clearly build the number of plays for your music. In any case, less clearly, it will likewise give social believability to your music since tracks with higher quantities of plays are considered of higher quality. At the point when individuals see that a considerable measure of other individuals has turned into your music, they will probably need to hear it out themselves. This will make a positive feedback loop where more individuals will discover your music every day. So You Can Buy SoundCloud Plays, For Your Popularity.

  7. If You are Looking toBuy Real SoundCloud Plays Visit QQSumo.com

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