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Kybella: Frequently Asked Questions

Would you like to get rid of your double chin? Learn all the new injectable that treats submental fat, Kybella, from Memphis plastic surgeon Dr. Phillip Langsdon.Visit http://drlangsdon.com

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Kybella: Frequently Asked Questions

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  1. The Langsdon Clinic Frequently Asked Questions: Kybella 1.What is Kybella®? Kybella(deoxycholic acid) is the first and only FDA-approved injection to improve submental fullness (double chin) by destroying the fat cells. 2.What areas can be treated with Kybella? Kybella can be injected in the submental region (under the chin). 3.Are there any off-label uses for Kybella? Not yet. 4.Kybella versus liposuction for double chin, which would you recommend and what is the difference? Kybella is good for small amounts of fat. Liposuction is better for large amounts. 5.What is recovery like for Kybella injections? It is normal to have swelling and some temporary tenderness after the injection. It is best to rest the first 24 hours after treatment, however it usually does not limit normal daily activities after the first 24 hours. 6.How long do results from Kybella® injections last? Once the fat cells are destroyed, they do not usually return. However, it the patient eats the same type and amounts of food, fat will be deposited anywhere fat cells are located. 7.What do I do if I gain weight after using Kybella? One will deposit fat wherever there are fat cells.

  2. 8.Are Kybella injections painful? A topical numbing cream is applied prior to treatment and cold packs are applied after treatment. There is a burning sensation for a few hours. 9.How long is a Kybella treatment? Kybella is an in office treatment. The process takes 20-30 minutes. 10.How many Kybella treatments do I need to see results? A series of treatments is recommended to achieve desired results.

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