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Number of homicide in US compared to Sweden

Number of homicide in US compared to Sweden

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Number of homicide in US compared to Sweden

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The number of homicide per 100,000 inhabitants in Sweden is 0.92 murders per 100,000 people The number of homicide per 100,000 inhabitants in the United States is 5.31 murders per 100,000 people 113 killed 17 715 killed

  2. The number of murders per 100,000 inhabitants in the United States is 5.31 murders per 100,000 people (5.77 times higher than in Sweden) (0,92 d./100 K) Compared with Sweden, in 1690 it had the same mortality rate as the United States has today

  3. FBI expanded homicide data for United States

  4. DIAGRAMRUBRIK FBI expanded homicide data for United States 17715 15368 15311 14594 14548 13852 13202 13000 12818 12434 12312 Axeltitel 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Serie1 13202 12818 13000 12434 12312 13852 15368 15311 14594 14548 17715 Axeltitel

  5. Murder and manslaughter In 2021, 113 cases of lethal violence were found in Sweden. This is a decrease of 11 cases, compared to 2020. At the end of 2021, Sweden's population was 10,452,326 people. 0.92 murders per 100,000 inhabitants. (Sweden) 334 million US population Number of murders 17,715 (US) The number of murders per 100,000 inhabitants in the United States is 5.31 murders per 100,000 people (5.77 times higher than in Sweden)

  6. Mord och dråp År 2021 konstaterades 113 fall av dödligt våld i Sverige. Det är en minskning med 11 fall, jämfört med 2020. I slutet av 2021 var Sveriges folkmängd 10 452 326 personer. 0,92 mord per 100 000 invånare. (Sverige) 334 miljoner USA befolkning Antal mord 17 715 stycken i USA Antal mord per 100 000 invånare i USA är 5,31 mord per 100 000 personer (5,77 gånger högre än i Sverige)

  7. Dödade per 100 000 inv. Dödligt våld 2002 – 2021 (Sverige) 113 st År 2021

  8. Mord och dråp i Sverige 1750 – 2009 (per 100 000 iv, och 5 års medeltal)

  9. Mord och dråp i Stockholm 1576 – 2010 (per 100 000 inv.)

  10. Mord och dråp 1750 – 2009 (5 års medeltal även per 100 000 inv.) (Sverige)

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