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How to make easy notes for the Board Examination

Class 10 and 12 students will give their CBSE Board exam and they don't know how can they make notes and get them from somewhere?

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How to make easy notes for the Board Examination

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  1. How To Make Easy Notes For The Board Examination? You may have heard this many times - take brief notes while preparing for any competitive exams. Students are encouraged to keep notes for essential lessons, topics, and ideas. A good reading note can make your review process faster and easier. Students experience difficulties when they start writing notes for the first time. Students' common problems include choosing an appropriate language for notes, content summarizing, etc. This type of problem is faced by every student while writing. You know why all this is happening to you; you lack the practice of preparing notes. For preparing notes without wasting time, you can refer to NCERT Notes for Class 10. Without preparation, you’ll not be able to ace the examination and for that, you need to make notes so that you don’t have to go through the textbooks at the time of examination.

  2. Tips and Tricks You can Use for Making Proper Notes for Your Board Examination. 1. Structure your notes It is an excellent idea to organize your dots in the syllabus for each lesson because it means: You will cover all the content that can be asked in the test and have a solid structure for your notes that makes sense. You start by following the lesson's structure and then prepare to write your notes on the topics. Next, go down to the syllabus content section and use dotted points for each subject as headings and subheadings for your notes. Then, fill in the details (descriptions, explanations, facts, etc.) under those headings. 2. List out the essential topics To prepare brief notes, you first need to write down the important topics in each article. To find an important topic, you should read the NCERT books and NCERT Solutions in whole or resolve last year's questionnaire as another way to find essential topics in the CBSE Board Syllabus. Make a list of vital topics in all subjects separately. 3. Use proper keywords The most significant change you can make to improve your ability to take notes is to focus only on reducing keywords and concepts. Write down individual words or phrases that are most relevant to the topic, such as dates, words, ideas, and descriptions, but only the most necessary details to consider. Think about what you want to keep. Why are you studying in class? It may be your first instinct to write down what you hear or see word for word; you should remember to take notes to learn something from them. Do not waste time writing down the information you already know. Concentrate on writing down any new information you have never read before; this will give you great value in your notes. 4. Write notes in your own words Always write your notes in your own words instead of copying the description or description in a book, online, or from your teacher. You can copy the information and not have to think about it at all, which sounds good on the one hand but, on the other hand, defeats the whole purpose of writing notes. By including

  3. information in your own words, you should think in your mind and understand what will go a long way in remembering the content. 5. Use diagrams & tables for reference Having tables and diagrams will play a beautiful role in your CBSE Board notes 12. People claim that one can memorize anything quickly with the help of a diagram. It would help if you made diagrams or charts according to your fitness. The drawings you will make will be remembered for a long time. If you are experiencing difficulties in a particular topic, the best way to solve a problem is to create a well-defined diagram or table. For practice, you can also refer to NCERT Solutions for class 12 to understand the questions easily. 6. Use color coding for your notes Many people find that adding color to their study notes helps to make the information more accessible and easier to maintain. It is because color rejuvenates the creative side of your brain, making your notes more attractive and therefore easier to maintain. Coding helps you connect color with memory, allowing you to remember the contents of your notes with relatively little effort. Try using different colored pens on different parts of your notes - for example, you can write questions in red, explanations in green, and endings in blue. 7. Use a mind map to create notes Sometimes, words are not enough to design a mind map or thought process. You need a visual approach to see how different ideas come together and how they interact. If handwriting and sentences do not work well for you, you can try a creative way to take notes using a mind map. The mind map allows you to review the complete structure of a particular topic. Drawing ideas can also help you to link ideas within the topic. You can use a mind map when you need to highlight important ideas quickly. If you do not know where to start, you can use the free mind map tools to help you. 8. Use the chart method for taking notes With certain types of information, a chart approach can be helpful. You can record the relevant information in the appropriate section by drawing and labeling the columns early. It reduces writing time and enables you to summarize and compare information quickly. If you review before testing, you can recreate a chart that outlines critical points related to a large amount of data. Try referring to NCERT Solutions for class 10 for better understanding.

  4. 9. Make sure your notes are attractive enough You will be reluctant to go back and read your notes if they are dirty, unorganized, and hard to read, so they must look good. It will be much easier to read if you start your notes on a new, blank page for each new class or topic. Taking notes would be a waste of time if you could not read them afterward! No matter how fast you write, make sure your writing is small, neat, and readable, and avoid using handwriting if possible. Items such as arrows, dots and boxes, diagrams, charts, and other visual aids are often good ways to link and remember key ideas, especially if you are a visual student. 10. Bullet points Make sure to use bullet points while writing your notes, otherwise you’ll not be able to understand the headline and the main concept you’re looking for, and end up messing up everything that you’ve prepared. Conclusion Notes are like Reading 101, but that doesn't mean we always think of the best way to write and use them. They will probably take up part of your time next year so if you want to make your Board Test easier, remember: ● Follow the syllabus structure. ● Enter examples. ● Write in your own words. ● Submit test/application tips. ● Find among other visuals and keep reading. Your notes play an essential role in the 2022 trial review process, so prepare your personalized ones instead of questioning your friends' records. You still have time to write down important details and other points to review just before the test. So don't spend a lot of time preparing hard and significant books and start making your notes. You should keep these common points in mind while making brief notes. I hope the article helps prepare for the CBSE Board exam. This Blog Already Has Been Posted on- https://dailybusinesspost.com/how-to-make-easy-notes-for-the-board-exam ination/

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