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Persona Canvas

Customer Persona Canvas

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Persona Canvas

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  2. Learning Objectives • At the end of this topic, the learners should be able to:  • know what the Customer Persona Canva is and find out its benefit • have a deep understanding of the importance of using Customer Persona Canvas in a business • create a neat and meaningful Customer Persona Canvas

  3. INRODUCTION • Customers change, markets change. If we don’t use data and research to support our decisions, we are throwing money away. The mental model each member of a team holds can vary – a lot. The way to improve this is to use to create PERSONAS, test assumptions and update the persona using the results. • Getting to know each member of the target audience individually is infeasible. Therefore, we need to create a buyer persona. It helps create a picture of our ideal customer based on the common aspects shared among our potential customers.  SUCCESS

  4. What are Personas? • Personas are a representation of a person that is supported by qualitative and quantitative research. • A personas also is a prompt for teams to check their understanding of a segment vs. their mental models.

  5. What are Persona? A persona is not a real person. A persona is a representation of a group of people that has common characteristics. Often a team will use multiple personas each one representing a different group of people.

  6. What is Customer Persona? • A Customer persona, also known as a Buyer persona, audience persona or marketing persona • It is based on extensive research on your target audience, educated guesses and even on interviews with the customers themselves.   • A document that describes who your ideal or target customer is • The buyer persona consists of information like who they are, what they do, their goals and interests, their behavior and so on

  7. B2B Buyer Persona B2C Buyer Persona • A B2B buyer persona represents the buyers who make purchasing decisions on behalf of the companies they work for • A B2C buyer persona represents an individual who will be buying your product or service with their own money • They don’t make impulsive buying decisions and depend on educational and credible content to make decisions

  8. What is Customer Persona Canvas? • It is used to help the development of a buyer persona.  • The canvas highlights different areas that you need to focus on in order to deeply understand your buyer. • The persona canvas is a simple way to create a working persona to help you make decisions about a group of customers or users.

  9. Identity – how we identify the group/segment • Discovery – what are they trying to achieve and how. What could be improved? • Why/Why not – do we understand the motivators and anxieties/barriers to change? • Market/Size – what are the trends and how big is this group. • Brand affinity/Comms – how do we need to communicate with them and where. • What is the solution, offer, product, and service that meets their needs? The Persona Canvas and how it links to The Value Proposition and Business Model Canvas

  10. How to Create a Buyer Persona? Step 1: Conducting research Gathering Information Conducting research on your audience is an important part of creating a buyer persona. Research provides you with factual data. On the other hand, making guesses or assumptions about your target customers will only mislead you.  Areas should focus on when collecting data • Demographics • Education  • Career and working life • Daily life • Consumer habits • Paint points, goals, challenges • Finances • Personality and personal life • Online behavior  • Product preferences    

  11. Conducting Research Existing customers If you already have customers, it’s better to start from them. Competitor’s Customers If you are starting new and have no leads, you can start with the customers of your competitors. Target Market You can rely on social media and website analytics to find unique information (i.e., the keywords they used) about people who are interacting with you online, even if they are not your customers yet. 

  12. How to Create a Buyer Persona? Step 2: Narrowing down the details  Step 3: Segmenting customers Step 4: Creating your buyer personas As you filter through the information you have gathered from your research, you will be able to come across different segments in your target audience based on their preferences, goals, habits, etc.  You can create different buyer personas for each of them.  Going this extra mile to neatly organize the data you have gathered • Give each of your buyer personas a name (i.e. Mark or Mary)  • Add a profile picture to personalize it even more • Categorize data for easy comprehension (i.e. demographics, interests, goals, etc.) • Include excerpts from interviews with your customers or survey answers • Look for details that are common in the answers given by the users or the research data you have found. • Narrow down the basic information you need for the persona, such as demographics, interests and challenges, behaviors, etc. 

  13. Customer Persona Canvas Templates

  14. B2B Buyer Persona template

  15. B2C Buyer Persona Template

  16. Customer Profile Template Audience Profile Template

  17. What are your thoughts on using a Customer Persona? Not only to shape marketing or sales strategies, but buyer personas can also be used to create new products that your customers would love. Buyer personas can evolve as you get to know more about your customer, so remember to update it along the way.

  18. References: Amanda Athuraliya Amanda Athuraliya is the communication specialist/content writer at Creately. (2021, January 21). How to create a buyer persona in 4 quick steps: With editable templates. Creately Blog. Retrieved April 5, 2022, from https://creately.com/blog/diagrams/how-to-create-a-buyer-persona/ Fox, G. (2020, December 13). Persona canvas – how to make better decisions about your customers. GARY FOX. Retrieved March 28, 2022, from https://www.garyfox.co/canvas-models/persona-canvas/

  19. Activity Take a photo of your lecture and upload it into google drive provided. File name is your SURENAME_TOPIC (i.e., TACTAY_CUSTOMER PERSONA CANVAS) Deadline: until 5pm

  20. THANK YOU! Jouie D. Tactay jouie.tactay@gmail.com +639950289614

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