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Canadian Telecommunications Emergency Preparedness Association (CTEPA) “Telecom Sector Concerns” JIIRP Workshop - UBC

Canadian Telecommunications Emergency Preparedness Association (CTEPA) “Telecom Sector Concerns” JIIRP Workshop - UBC February 26th, 2007. Purpose. The purpose of this slide deck is to:

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Canadian Telecommunications Emergency Preparedness Association (CTEPA) “Telecom Sector Concerns” JIIRP Workshop - UBC

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Canadian Telecommunications Emergency Preparedness Association (CTEPA) “Telecom Sector Concerns” JIIRP Workshop - UBC February 26th, 2007

  2. Purpose • The purpose of this slide deck is to: • Provide an understanding of who the Canadian Telecommunications Emergency Preparedness Association (CTEPA) is • Identify the issues and challenges CTEPA is facing with regards to standardization of processes and policies regarding the protection of Canada’s Critical Telecom Infrastructure

  3. Who is CTEPA? • Emergency Planners representing the wire line, wireless and satellite facility-based telecommunications companies in Canada • Share a united commitment and vision for telecom emergency preparedness related to regional, national or international disasters • Share and exchange information on common regional, national and international emergency preparedness issues • Formed in 2000 Under Name of CTEPA • Formerly the Stentor Alliance Emergency Preparedness Working Group - Emergency Planners from Stentor Alliance Members - Y2K CTIF (Canadian Telecommunications Industry Forum) • Competitor Companies Invited to Participate

  4. Membership • Aliant • Bell Canada • CAPTS (Canadian Alliance of Publicly Owned Telecommunications Systems) • EastLink • Globalstar • MTS / Allstream • OTA (Ontario Telecommunications Association) • Rogers Wireless • Rogers Telecom (Sprint Canada) • SaskTel • Telesat Canada • TELUS • Industry Canada – Emergency Telecommunications (Associate Member)

  5. CTEPA Objectives • To provide a forum for building a network of emergency planners and to promote emergency preparedness within the telecom industry • To promote best practices for emergency preparedness with in the telecom industry • To establish a process designed to facilitate mutual aid support in the event of a regional, national or international disaster • To encourage cooperation and information sharing, raise understanding and establish a working relationship with members, government and other external organizations

  6. Telecom Sector Issues & Challenges • Standardize across all provinces a number of policies and processes which will aid in the Telecom industry’s ability to respond to a disaster, such as; • Access to fuel and refuelling • Vehicle Access to the roadways • 1st Responder designation (Support of Response and Recovery phases) • Access to security personnel (police / military) • Access to vaccine - if and when required • A single Ministry of Health contact at the Provincial level for Pandemic issues • Standardize the definition of Critical Infrastructure across federal, provincial, and local levels • Standardize critical infrastructure prioritization across all levels of government

  7. Telecom Sector Issues & Challenges • Standardize critical infrastructure protection across all levels of government • Develop common and agreed to protocols for the sharing of critical infrastructure information at the appropriate times during a disaster • Understand under what circumstances the government would intervene to prioritize service or service levels during a pandemic • Understand if the CRTC will consider making concessions proactively versus following regular procedures for extraordinary circumstances, such as a pandemic, if metrics are not met during any emergency • Understand what level of support is expected at the Federal Government EOC during a National Disaster from CTEPA or its membership

  8. Questions?

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