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Medication Administration Test

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Medication Administration Test

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    1. Medication Administration Test January 2008

    2. Exit Question #1 Never give medication sent to school in a baggie True False

    3. Exit Correct All medication must be in the original container properly labeled with the name of the student, name of the medication, dose, route, and frequency of administration Next question

    4. Exit Incorrect Law states all medication must be in the original container properly labeled with the name of the student, name of the medication, dose, route, and frequency of administration Back

    5. Exit Question #2 If a parent calls saying the doctor has increased the dose from one pill to two, always follow the parents instructions True False

    6. Exit Incorrect Medication must be given as directed on the prescription label. Written instructions from the doctor or a new prescription label are required to change the dose Back

    7. Exit Correct Medication must be given as directed on the prescription label. Written instructions from the doctor or a new prescription label are required to change the dose Next question

    8. Exit Question #3 Once a staff member has been trained to give medication by the nurse, they only need more training if the laws regarding medication administration change True False

    9. Exit Incorrect Oregon law states yearly instruction must be provided to designated school staff on the administration of medication Back

    10. Exit Correct Oregon law states yearly instruction must be provided to designated school staff on the administration of medication Next question

    11. Exit Question #4 The law says that school personnel are responsible for giving medication scheduled during school hours and non-prescription medication necessary for the child to remain in school True False

    12. Exit Correct School personnel are responsible for giving medication scheduled during school hours and non-prescription medication necessary for the child to remain in school Next question

    13. Exit Incorrect School personnel are responsible for giving medication scheduled during school hours and non-prescription medication necessary for the child to remain in school Back

    14. Exit Question #5 Alcohol-based cough syrup can be given at school True False

    15. Exit Incorrect The law defines nonprescription medication as: commercially prepared, nonalcohol-based medication to be taken at school that is necessary for the child to remain in school. This shall be limited to eyes, nose and cough drops, cough suppressants, analgesics, decongestants, antihistamines, topical antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and antacids that do not require written or oral instructions from a physician. Nonprescription medication does not include dietary food supplements Back

    16. Exit Correct The law defines nonprescription medication as: commercially prepared, nonalcohol-based medication to be taken at school that is necessary for the child to remain in school. This shall be limited to eyes, nose and cough drops, cough suppressants, analgesics, decongestants, antihistamines, topical antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and antacids that do not require written or oral instructions from a physician. Nonprescription medication does not include dietary food supplements Next question

    17. Exit Question #6 If a parent sends a pill bottle with the students name on it to school and keeps the original pill bottle at home, it is OK to give the medicine True False

    18. Exit Correct Prescription medication must be in the original container with a pharmacy label attached Only a licensed pharmacist can legally package and label medication Next question

    19. Exit Incorrect Prescription medication must be in the original container with a pharmacy label attached Only a licensed pharmacist can legally package and label medication Back

    20. Exit Question #7 When a parent asks you to give their child two Childrens Tylenol for a headache, it is OK to do so if you have the medicine True False

    21. Exit Correct Oregon law requires written permission and instruction from the students parent to administer nonprescription medication It is the parents responsibility to provide a students medication Next question

    22. Exit Incorrect Oregon law requires written permission and instruction from the students parent to administer nonprescription medication It is the parents responsibility to provide a students medication Back

    23. Exit Question #8 When the trained medication person is absent, the principal can have another staff member give medicine even if they have not been trained True False

    24. Exit Incorrect Law states school staff designated to administer medication must receive yearly training Back

    25. Exit Correct Law states school staff designated to administer medication must receive yearly training Next question

    26. Exit Question #9 Any student can carry and administer their own medication if their parent says it is OK True False

    27. Exit Incorrect LCSD policy states written instructions from a physician are necessary for students K-8 to carry their own medication 9-12 students may carry and administer their own medication after paperwork has been completed Narcotics, stimulants, barbiturates are not to be carried or self-administered by students Back

    28. Exit Correct LCSD policy states written instructions from a physician are necessary for students K-8 to carry their own medication 9-12 students may carry and administer their own medication after paperwork has been completed Narcotics, stimulants, barbiturates are not to be carried or self-administered by students Next question

    29. Exit Question #10 Any student can carry their own inhaler if the instructions say to do so True False

    30. Exit Correct It is important for students with asthma to have an inhaler available at all times Write students name on inhaler with permanent ink If student is to carry their own inhaler, it is recommended a back-up one is stored in the office in case the student loses theirs Next question

    31. Exit Incorrect It is important for students with asthma to have an inhaler available at all times Write students name on inhaler with permanent ink If student is to carry their own inhaler, it is recommended a back-up one is stored in the office in case the student loses theirs Back

    32. Exit Question #11 All medication should be stored in a clean, secure cabinet True False

    33. Exit Correct All medication should be stored in a clean, locked cabinet Refrigerated medication may be stored in a refrigerator that is in a secure location Next question

    34. Exit Incorrect All medication should be stored in a clean, locked cabinet Refrigerated medication may be stored in a refrigerator that is in a secure location Back

    35. Exit Question #12 If a student vomits after taking their medication, be sure to send a note home to the parent True False

    36. Exit Incorrect If a student vomits after taking their medication Observe for signs of an allergic reaction Observe for signs of illness Contact parent to pick student up from school Back

    37. Exit Correct If a student vomits after taking their medication Observe for signs of an allergic reaction Observe for signs of illness Contact parent to pick student up from school Next question

    38. Exit Question #13 When an eighth grade student does not come for their medication, it is their own problem; they are old enough to be responsible True False

    39. Exit Incorrect Once we have received medication and a signed permission slip from a parent, we are responsible for getting the medication to the student within hour of the designated time If a student does not come for scheduled medication Send for the student Back

    40. Exit Correct Once we have received medication and a signed permission slip from a parent, we are responsible for getting the medication to the student within hour of the designated time If a student does not come for scheduled medication Send for the student Next question

    41. Exit Question #14 When student requiring medicine is going on a field trip, put their pills in a zip-lock bag with the students name and instructions, and give them to the teacher True False

    42. Exit Incorrect Prescription medication must be its original container with a proper pharmacy label attached Nonprescription medication must be in its original container, labeled with the students name Anyone dispensing medication at school must receive annual, ODE approved training. Back

    43. Exit Correct Prescription medication must be its original container with a proper pharmacy label attached Nonprescription medication must be in its original container, labeled with the students name Anyone dispensing medication at school must receive annual, ODE approved training. Next question

    44. Exit Question #15 A student is given the wrong medication in error. The best thing to do is make the student vomit the medicine True False

    45. Exit Incorrect Never induce vomiting Medication errors must be reported to the nurse and parent immediately Medication errors include: Failing to give a dose Giving medication to the wrong student Giving medication at the wrong time Giving the wrong medication or the wrong dose Giving the medicine by the wrong route If a nurse is not immediately available, you may call Poison Center 1-800-222-1222. Back

    46. Exit Correct Never induce vomiting Medication errors must be reported to the nurse and parent immediately Medication errors include: Failing to give a dose Giving medication to the wrong student Giving medication at the wrong time Giving the wrong medication or the wrong dose Giving the medicine by the wrong route If a nurse is not immediately available, you may call Poison Center 1-800-222-1222 Next question

    47. Exit Question #16 Teachers should know when their students are taking medication, in spite of confidentiality laws True False

    48. Exit Correct Teachers have a legitimate educational interest in students taking medications All medication has the potential to cause side effects All medication has the potential to cause an allergic reaction Next question

    49. Exit Incorrect Teachers have a legitimate educational interest in students taking medications All medication has the potential to cause side effects All medication has the potential to cause an allergic reaction Back

    50. Exit Question #17 Always use pencil when recording medications so that you can make changes if you make a mistake True False

    51. Exit Incorrect Medication records are legal documents Must be written in ink When you write on the medication log, initial what you have written If your initials are on the log, place your initials and signature in the appropriate spot on the bottom of the log Back

    52. Exit Correct Medication records are legal documents Must be written in ink When you write on the medication log, initial what you have written If your initials are on the log, place your initials and signature in the appropriate spot on the bottom of the log Next question

    53. Exit Question #18 At the end of each month, send the medication logs to the District Nurse to be filed True False

    54. Exit Correct Send completed Medication Logs to the district nurse If the medication is complete The student moves At the end of each month Next question

    55. Exit Incorrect Send completed Medication Logs to the district nurse If the medication is complete The student moves At the end of the month Back

    56. Exit Question #19 When the prescription label says to give the medicine at 12:00 and lunch is at 11:45, it is OK to give before lunch True False

    57. Exit Correct Medication is to be given within hour of the designated time Next question

    58. Exit Incorrect Medication is to be given within hour of the designated time Back

    59. Exit Question #20 The 5 Rights of Medication Administration include: The Right Student Right Medication Right dose Right Time Right Route True False

    60. Exit Correct If the person administering the medication always follows the 5 Rights, it is very unlikely an error will occur You have now completed the test. Click next to submit the results

    61. Exit Incorrect Right Student-always ask their name, even if you know them Right Medication-read the prescription label and compare it to the medication log Right Dose-give the exact amount specified by the physician on the label Right Time-check the medication log for the time it is to be given. Up to 30 minutes before or after the prescribed time is OK Right Route-always check the label which will tell you if it is to be taken by mouth, rubbed on the skin, or put in an ear Back

    62. Exit

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