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Top Super-Foods to Beat the Heat

Summers are all about frozen desserts, ice creams, pools, and so on! Right? Actually, it is also about beating the scorching heat.

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Top Super-Foods to Beat the Heat

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  1. Top Super-Foods to Beat the Heat Jindal Naturecure

  2. Summers are all about frozen desserts, ice creams, pools, and so on! Right? Actually, it is also about beating the scorching heat. And no other thing is better than having the right food items that will help you keep the heat away and provide you with certain health benefits too. As per the traditional Chinese medicines and the experts of Jindal Naturecure, there are ‘cooling foods’ and ‘warming foods’. It is believed that ‘cooling foods’ can help you kick out the toxins from your body and clear heat. ‘Warming foods’, on the other hand, can increase circulation and vital energy. Now, the question is – what are the food items that you can take during this summer to keep your body cool? To answer this, we have listed a few items below suggested by popular naturopaths like Jindal Naturopathy. So, continue reading for more.

  3. Cucumbers When you search for the coolest food items, you will surely find cucumber on the list. These are amazingly hydrating fruits or vegetables. Since staying hydrated on hot days is important, you can definitely try cucumber salads or other dishes having the main ingredient - cucumbers. You can try out a green juice made with lots and lots of cucumbers along with some lemon is the most amazing way to keep your body cool and hydrated. With fewer calories and up to 95% of water, you can also enjoy other health benefits this way.

  4. Watermelons If you love spending your summers at the beachside, then no day will be completed without having a fresh slice of juicy watermelon. By doing so, you can do a little favor as you will be offering the necessary nutrients to your body to stay hydrated and cool during the hot days. Many experts including Jindal Hospital Bangalore even call watermelon an internal air conditioner due to its cooling properties.

  5. Peaches This fruit is yet another cool pick for this season. Not just peaches are delicious in taste, but they are loaded with numerous nutrients like vitamin A and vitamin C. Apart from this, a cup of peaches only contains 40-50 calories, hence, they are the perfect dessert or snack item for those who are on a diet.

  6. Apples You must have heard the popular quote – an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But do you know, apples can also keep your body cool and hydrated! You can have apples with peanut butter as a snack or simple plain apples as it will not just cool your body down but fill your tummy too. The soluble fiber found in apples (pectin) is quite effective when it comes to preventing hunger pangs and boosting up the weight loss journey. So, start having apples to enjoy countless health benefits along with beating the heat.

  7. Pineapples Do you need something delicious yet healthy option to keep your body cool? If yes, then what about the pineapple smoothie! You can take some fresh pineapple slices and mix them with cucumber, banana, kale, and spinach to prepare a kick-ass green glass. Since all these ingredients have some cooling properties, you can also reduce the body’s inflammation – thanks to the bromelain enzyme found in pineapples. Therefore, pineapples are considered and tagged by experts like Jindal Naturopathy Bangalore as a super-food.

  8. Green leafy vegetables Yes, nobody likes green vegetables but they are loaded with numerous benefits. Collard greens, kale, romaine, and spinach are filled with nutrients needed for helping and healing your body. These vegetables contain a lot of water and are very easy to digest. It means your body will not work more to digest these items. And when less energy is consumed, your body will stay cool. So, guys! Stop making excuses when your mom makes these green vegetables.

  9. The bottom line Apart from the above-listed options, zucchini and lemon can also be added to your diet to keep your body cool and hydrated. In case, you are having some other issues due to excessive heat, you are advised to consult with a good physician or naturopath near you. For this, you can also count on Jindal Naturopathy as they will not give you any medicine but suggest some dietary and lifestyle changes to cure the problem.

  10. Thank You

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