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Warm-up. What neighborhood do you live in? Do you identify with this place? In what ways? Would you get into a fight over this neighborhood? Would you fight for another neighborhood? Why? Why not?. European Alliances and the Long March to World War I. Ms. Siarny Modified from Ms. Fuchs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Warm-up • What neighborhood do you live in? Do you identify with this place? In what ways? Would you get into a fight over this neighborhood? Would you fight for another neighborhood? Why? Why not?

  2. European Alliances and the Long March to World War I Ms. Siarny Modified from Ms. Fuchs Visuals from Spodek, The World’s Peoples; Stearns, World Civilizations; and various websites

  3. What HAPPENED?! • 1914 • European domination • Land Empires: Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, Russian, Chinese • Typical political system: empire or monarchy • 2008 • World powers: China, Japan, United States, Russia • Global economic empires: businesses, banks, investment companies • Typical political system: none. • So….WHAT HAPPENED?!

  4. The World Changed…but HOW? And WHY? • Triggers for change: • Collapse of European dominance • World Wars • Economic depression • Technological innovation • Demographic explosion • Where to begin?

  5. Why did World War I begin? • European diplomatic tensions • Colonial rivalries • Arms races • ALLIANCES

  6. What is an alliance? An agreement between different parties (can be people, countries, teams) to act in a certain way

  7. Where have you seen the term alliance used?

  8. Your Assignment • Make a chart of the major alliances that existed before WWI • You will use this chart for your homework tonight.

  9. Title: Pre-WWI European Alliances

  10. The Dual Alliance • Formed in 1878 between Germany and Austria-Hungary when Russia backed out of the Three Emperor’s League • If Austria or Germany were to be attacked by Russia (or Russia aiding another country), the other would come to its defense

  11. The Triple Alliance • In 1881, Italy joined the Dual Alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary • Germany and Austria-Hungary agreed to help Italy if it was attacked by France and vice-versa (if Germany or Austria-Hungary were attacked by France, Italy would help)

  12. Secret Franco-Italian Alliance • Despite its alliance with Germany/Austria-Hungary, Italy made a secret alliance with France in 1881 • Italy agreed to ‘remain neutral’ (not fight) if France was attacked by Germany

  13. Franco-Russian Agreements • 1891 Russia allied with France • They agreed to ‘consult’ (or discuss options) with one another if either found itself at war with another nation • The result: if a member of the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria or Italy) attacked France, Russia would join the war on France’s side

  14. Triple Entente • In 1907 Russia signed an agreement with Britain • This created ties between both France, Britain and Russia against the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy

  15. Serbian-Russian Alliance • Serbia and Russia were alligned based on shared ethnicity. • If Serbia was attacked by anyone, Russia would come to its defense

  16. Lightning Round • Why did so many European countries join alliances? • What is an alliance?

  17. Homework: • Using your chart of alliances as a guide, create a flow chart demonstrating what might happen if Austria-Hungary went to war with Serbia? • *Hint: Use your chart and look at who is aligned with who to show what might happen • Be sure to provide SUPPORT for your hypotheses!

  18. HW Example: Because of Serbian-Russian alliance, Russia defends Serbia, causing Russia to be at war with Austria Austria attacks Serbia

  19. Sources • Russian Map in 1913 http://www.nicholasandalexandra.com/virtual1999/russmap.html • Austro-Hungarian resources: http://www.newcastle.gov.uk/core.nsf/a/hmd_info13 • Map of China: http://etc.usf.edu/maps/pages/1400/1429/1429.htm

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