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CS 326 A: Motion Planning

CS 326 A: Motion Planning http://robotics.stanford.edu/~latombe/cs326/2004 Navigation Through Virtual Environments 12M triangles Papers First paper: T.Y. Li and H.K. Ting. An Intelligent User Interface with Motion Planning for 3D Navigation.. Proc. IEEE VR2000 International Conf. , 2000.

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CS 326 A: Motion Planning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CS 326 A: Motion Planning http://robotics.stanford.edu/~latombe/cs326/2004 Navigation Through Virtual Environments

  2. 12M triangles

  3. Papers First paper: T.Y. Li and H.K. Ting. An Intelligent User Interface with Motion Planning for 3D Navigation.. Proc. IEEE VR2000 International Conf., 2000. Second paper:B. Salomon, M. Garber, M.C. Lin, D. Manocha. Interactive Navigation in Complex Environments Using Path Planning, Proc. I3D, 2003. Other paper:D. Nieuwenhuisen, M.H. Overmars. Motion planning for Camera Movements in Virtual Environments. 2003.

  4. First vs. Third Person View A first person game has a camera view from the player's eyes or point of view. A third person game has a camera view from outside the player's body, usually from behind or left/right side.

  5. Local vs. Global Assistance • Local Assistance: (1st paper) Infer the user’s intention and compute a (short) path • Global Assistance: (2nd paper) Given a goal, generate a (long) path

  6. Walking vs. Flying Camera UNC (2nd paper) Utrecht (other paper)

  7. Cinematographic Rule Utrecht D. Christianson et al . Declarative Camera Control for Automated Cinematography. Proc. AAAI-96, Portland, OR, Aug. 1996

  8. Visibility Constraints (Art-Gallery Problem)

  9. Virtual Colonoscopy[S. Napel, 3D Medical Imaging Lab. Stanford]

  10. Virtual Angiography[S. Napel, 3D Medical Imaging Lab. Stanford]

  11. Virtual Bronchoscopy[S. Napel, 3D Medical Imaging Lab. Stanford]

  12. UNC

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