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. Explain the origins and main concepts of socialism and Marxism. . . Examine unionization and legislative reform. Describe other reform movements of the 1800s.. Reforming the Industrial World. 9.4. The Philosophers of Industrialization. . Laissez-faire Economics. Laissez-faire-economic policy of not interfering with business .

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Objectives Identify thinkers and ideas that supported industrialization.

    3. Examine unionization and legislative reform. Describe other reform movements of the 1800s.

    4. Reforming the Industrial World 9.4

    5. The Philosophers of Industrialization

    6. Laissez-faire Economics Laissez-faire-economic policy of not interfering with business

    7. Originates with Enlightenment economic philosophers

    8. Adam Smith-defender of free markets, author of The Wealth of Nations

    9. Believes economic liberty guarantees economic progress

    10. Economic natural laws- self-interest, competition, supply and demand

    11. The Economists of Capitalism Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo boost laissez-faire capitalism

    12. Capitalism-system of privately owned businesses seeking profits

    13. Malthus thinks populations grow faster than food supply

    14. He believed that wars and epidemics kill off extra people or misery and poverty result

    15. Ricardo predicted a permanent poor underclass providing cheap labor

    16. The Rise of Socialism

    17. Utilitarianism Jeremy Benthams utilitarianism-judge things by their usefulness

    18. John Stuart Mill favors regulation to help workers, spread wealth

    19. Utopian Ideas Robert Owen improves workers conditions, rents cheap housing

    20. In 1824, Owen founds Utopian community, New Harmony, Indiana

    21. Socialism Socialism-factors of production owned by and operated by the people

    22. Socialists think government control can end poverty, bring equality

    23. Marxism: Radical Socialism

    24. Marxisms Prophets Karl Marx-German journalist proposes radical socialism, Marxism.

    25. Fredrich Engels- German whose father owns Manchester textile mill

    26. Marx and Engels wrote the Communist manifesto-

    27. Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels believed society is divided into working classes

    28. Capitalism helps the haves-employers or the Bourgeoisie.

    29. Capitalism hurts the have-nots, workers known as proletariat

    30. Marx and Engels predict the workers will overthrow the owners

    31. The future according to Marx Believed that capitalism will eventually destroy itself

    32. Inequality would cause workers to revolt, seize factories and mills

    33. Communism-society where people own, share the means of production

    34. Marxs ideas later take root in Russia, China, Cuba

    35. Time has shown that society is not controlled by economic forces alone

    36. Labor Unions and Reform Laws

    37. Unionization Unions-associations formed by laborers to work for change

    38. Unions negotiate with employers for better pay and conditions for workers

    39. Sometimes they strike-call a work stoppage-to pressure owners

    40. Skilled workers were 1st to form Unions

    41. Movements in Britain, U.S. must fight for right to form Unions

    42. Union goals were higher wages, shorter hours, improved conditions

    43. Reform Laws British, U.S. laws passed to stop worst abuses of industrialization

    44. 1842 Mines Act in Britain stops women, children working underground

    45. In 1847, workday for women and children limited to 10 hours in Britain U.S. ends child labor, sets maximum hours in 1904

    46. The Reform Movement Spread

    47. The Abolition of Slavery In 1833, reformers help end slavery in British empire

    48. Slavery ends in U.S. in 1865; ends by 1888 in the rest of Americas

    49. Fight for Womens Rights Women pursue economic and social rights as early as 1848

    50. International Council for Women founded in 1888; worldwide membership

    51. Reform spreads to many areas of life Reformers establish free public schools in Europe in late 1800s

    52. Public schools common in U.S. by 1850s Prison reforms were also sought

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