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Travel Hacks You Need to Know Before You Go | Dhillon Hotels

Travelling is always fun, especially when you are out for enjoyment purpose. One of the best part of the travelling is to timely arrive at the destination and managing all the other things. But at times when there is a lot of discomfort caused during any travel trips, one really wonders if all the efforts carried out for the trip was really worth it.

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Travel Hacks You Need to Know Before You Go | Dhillon Hotels

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  1. Travel Hacks You Need to Know Before You Go Travelling is always fun, especially when you are out for enjoyment purpose. One of the best part of the travelling is to timely arrive at the destination and managing all the other things. But at times when there is a lot of discomfort caused during any travel trips, one really wonders if all the efforts carried out for the trip was really worth it. There is always a pinch when we think that we have overpaid for airfare after which still there was no comfortable seat provided throughout the journey. However, by incorporating certain tricks or hacks one can make that simple looking trip very much enjoyable. Below are few of the travel hacks one can note of before they plan their next trip: Before starting for the flight or any other way of travelling, have a pre-check done whether it is on time or getting delayed so that you can be well geared up for the flight and avoid any flight misses. Keep a good book handy, podcasts or any other audiobooks. It would help to productively use the travelling time and make the most of it. While packing the baggage ensure to place certain important items at the same place in the luggage so that you can reach out to it easily. This seems quite simple but a good habit and also it would avoid any instance of misplacing or losing the important items when one is rushing. Also while keeping the clothes in the bag, roll the clothes instead of creating them in a folded pile. When we roll clothes and keep it in the suitcase it allows for more space. Also if the hotel bookings are full or if you are travelling with the family then instead of a home go in for reserving a hotel room. There are various websites which provide home rental accommodations at a cheap price than the hotels. Most of the times such homes provide better accommodations than hotels. Ensure to double check the credit card or any other travelling card so that you are not left wondering why all of a sudden the card has stopped working. You can also call those card companies to double check the authorization. Scan all the important documents such as passport, any other identification card as well as the itinerary. Email all these scanned documents to your own email account. This would provide for an additional benefit of having an extra copy incase the one which you are carrying gets misplaced. You can also look to pack dryer sheet if you have one. Once you are travelling, you need not worry about doing laundry during the holiday period. Dryer sheet would help in keeping the clothes smelling fresh and clean as well. To avoid any instance of forgetting any essential item, make a checklist. This becomes essential while packing as well as while re-packing stuffs back while returning home. When it comes to filling the suitcase, one of the main concern is using as much as space available. Space becomes of utmost importance when it comes to packing those essentials, shoes or boots which take up most of the space in the bag. Rather you can stuff certain small items such as underwear, socks, into those shoes and then place it in the suitcase to make optimal use of the space.

  2. While travelling ensure to book direct flights as much as possible instead of going in for connecting flights. When it comes to flight travelling, there is always instances of delay in the flight arrival or departure. Hence to avoid missing any flight connection it is best to go for direct flights unless there is no option but to go in for connecting flights. While booking tickets ensure you do so by setting the browser mode to private. Airlines or travel agencies are known to track down the cookies online and hence they can say when you keep coming back to check the same flight thus making it expensive than the previous cost. Get your own bottles of water rather than depending on the airline policies with regards to drinking water since it can turn out to be expensive. Having your own personal water bottle ensures you can have it whenever you want. You can top off the bottle when they come in to give something. Half an hour before landing ensure to make a visit to the bathroom since it takes time for the landing and then getting the baggage else you will end up fighting for bathroom once you land. You can look to trick the airline by tagging the luggage as Fragile to ensure that your baggage is handled properly by the airline staff. If it is marked as fragile then they keep it on top hence it would be the first of the bags to be released post landing. Once you arrive at the lodging, ensure that you only remove essential items from the bag instead of removing all the stuffs from the bag since it would be a tough time for re-packing when it’s time to leave. Store cash at a safe location and carry only limited cash while you are roaming outside. There are thieves always looking out for an opportunity. You can use your sunscreen lotion bottles or lip balms to store money while no one can get a doubt about. Once you are at the new destination, try using the internet for exploring on new locations. Guidebooks are also available, though they are good but they only provide certain tourist spots. If possible, try to use the local language as much as possible. It shows that you are taking extra efforts which can act in your favor. Go in for local food items since it can save you on money as well and at the same time you can experience a new flavorful meal. Get out of your comfort zone but follow the rules as applicable in that country. If the country has travelers or advises in modest dressing, then do so. It would ensure your safety as a traveler and also gain some respect among locals. While once you back home, unpack the luggage immediately even if you feel tired. If you delay in unpacking it can lead to luggage smelling due to soiled laundary.

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