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11 Foods to Reduce Acne Scars

We spend tens of thousands of Rupees purchasing over the counter drugs, lotions, and pimples in an attempt to get rid of acne scars. However, most of us do not know that we can easily remove these unpleasant marks by taking foods readily available in our kitchen.

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11 Foods to Reduce Acne Scars

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  1. 11 Foods to Reduce Acne Scars We spend tens of thousands of Rupees purchasing over the counter drugs, lotions, and pimples in an attempt to get rid of acne scars. However, most of us do not know that we can easily remove these unpleasant marks by taking foods readily available in our kitchen. Prevention is better than cure. Keeping your skin clear is the best way to avoid acne from forming. This dermatological problem occurs when the pores of our skin become blocked with dead skin, oil, or bacteria. Washing your face with mild warm water and gentle medicated soap removes dead skin and cleanses oil, and eliminates bacteria as well. Find below a list of foods that will build up the defense of your skin and prevent acne from forming. Kale This low calorie, fiber packed food contains: •Copper •Manganese •Potassium •Calcium, and •Vitamins A, C, K, and B-6 Vitamin C promotes the formation of collagen, increasing cell turnover rate; thereby, helping to repair acne scars faster. It also contains minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that smoothen your skin tone. Lemon: The juice of fresh lemon acts as an astringent. However, you should never apply it directly as the citric acid it contains can cause damage to your skin. Therefore, squeeze the juice of a lemon into a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. You can also include it with salad. However, make sure that you include the peel too. Lemon helps to lighten acne scars, block free radicals, and increase production of collagen. Berries: Berries of all types such as blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and cherries contain lots and antioxidants and vitamin C. The combination of antioxidants and vitamin C prevents the occurrence of blotchy skin and dark spots, preventing them from forming. This helps in removing acne marks quickly and efficiently. Sweet potatoes:

  2. It contains retinol, a derivative of vitamin A, ideal for warding off wrinkles and fighting acne. You can find many variants of retinol serums and creams on the market, but most of them contain additives that are harsh for your skin. Therefore, eating sweet potatoes in its original form is your best option. Legumes: Legumes such as peanuts, chickpeas, lentils, and kidney beans are low-glycemic. This implies that they prevent the flare up of acne. The bonus is that they also help to regulate the level of blood sugar. Pumpkin: This gourd is loaded with alpha hydroxy acids, zinc, and fruit enzymes. It has the ability to restore the pH balance of your skin and soften it too. The zinc regulates the quantity of oil production, preventing the buildup of acne. Papaya: It contains papain, a digestive enzyme that is powerful enough to: Unclogs pores Exfoliates dead skin cells Hydrates skin, and Fades acne scars Quinoa: It contains lots of fiber that eases constipation. Pooping regularly removes toxins from your body. This helps reduce acne scars and helps you to get cleaner skin too. Salmon: For those who do not know, Omega-3 fatty acids protects your skin against damage from the sun. It also helps heal acne scars quickly and efficiently. For your information, salmons contain a high percentage of Omega-3 fatty acids. Cauliflower:

  3. Never underestimate cauliflower. Packed with histidine, a powerful amino acid, cauliflower removes existing acne marks and prevents harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun from wreaking havoc on your skin. Water: Water is not a food but one should not underestimate its importance. Drinking 8 to 10 liters of water daily ensures that toxins in your body that promote the growth of skin ailments are flushed out from your system through your urinary tract.

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