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  1. Digital marketing startegy 2022

  2. Our planning process is very simple and easy, so that you can easily understand,Thus the steps from which can achieve our target are: • Current market trends and digital opportunities in 2022. • Now the world has become digital era and everything has changed from facebook to google,its all algorithm are changed and has been updated. • Proper and clearly defined digital startegy. • Implement it in practical world and know its pros and cons. • raech your target auidence. • Follow and regularly send them engaging and interesting content. • set you goal or objective of your campaign. • Convert your lead into sales.

  3. Making a marketing funnel: • Awareness:the potential client knows about your item or administartioon.they are as yet outsider ,however they re gone to your site on purpoes,however they re gone to your site on purpose. They re searching fro something they require. At this atge you needed to pull in the client by demonstarting to them that you have something they re searching for.Utilize a lead magnet or invitation to take action to give the cleint assset identified with your item or administration. • Interrst :they are currently communicating enthusiasm for a specific lkind of your items or administarion.now your e given them some data and they re occupied wuth what you need to state or the administrations you give. You ve utilized your lead magnet or CT in oraganize one to accumulate more data about them. AT this stage its smart thoght to suplythem with addiitonal data that is more custom fitted to their particular needs. • Desire: they re appreciated a particular item or administarion.since you re prvided them with data particular to what they re searchinbgfro,theyre discovered an item or administration you give that may be a solid match for them.welcome them to plan an interview utilizing an email or an invitation to take action.

  4. Action: • Making the following stage toe wards buying .this is the point at which you ve ready to tarnsform your potential client in to alead.you ve given them important impor data,demonstated them you focus on our clients needs,and demonstaed to them that you have something they require that will profit them.ALL that is left is talking about things like value,intsallment and different parts of your item or administartion that are applicable to a purchaser. • building up suggestion to take action: • W e have dicussed utizing an invitation to take action in the second step as apiece of your advertising channel,yet what is a suggetsionto take action precisely?AN invitation to take action (CTA) is a picture or content that prompt guests to make a move ,for example buy in a pamphlet an online class or demand an item demo.CTAS should guide individuals to presenationpages,where you can gather guests,contact data in retuen fro an important advertising offer.

  5. Making an effective lead magnet: • A lead magnet can be utilized allone or alongside a CTA. • This will likewise be utilized either inside your showcasing channel or as an approach to drive potential clients into your pipe. • Supply them with something important to your item or administration that they need.Utilize your offers as an approach to assemble more data about a potential purchaser.while driving them encourage into your pipe in the meantime.This conveys them nearer to turning into a genuine qulaity lead who will burn through cash on your item or administarion.the thought behing behind a lead magnet is to exchange data. • Driving traffic: • All together fro there to be individulas to crash into your showcasing pipe,first must be movement on your site.HERE are a couple of the ones I suggest. • Quality content: Use substance, for example, blog entries ,statements and articles on specialist sites.Embed connects to different places on your site inside this substance to fabricate your image name through presentation and direct people to you site. • Ctachprase strategy:INSERTING RELATED WATCH WORDS in to substance will enable your substance and site to appera in more query items,this prompts higher volimes of web movement.

  6. SITE OPTIMIZATION:Ensuring that your site is improved and working talking care of business is fundamental,individuals would prefer not to visit a site that doesn’t legistilately. • Online socail networking; • Use drawing in web based social networking presents on pull in more rush hour gridlock to your website. Utlilizng pictures,video,and other important media will enable your presents on get greater engagement.

  7. Some keywords that are ranking in google

  8. SOME keyword staht are ranking in google:


  10. 2.SNAPDEAL:

  11. 3. SHOP CLUES

  12. 4.MEESHO

  13. 5.AMIZAN:

  14. Q.How to conduct a social media competitor audit? • Answer: To conduct a social media competitor audit: • Find out who your competitor are; • Use google. • Use graph serach on face book. • Do a check on other social media platforms. • Make a list of your audience and seee who theyw re following . • Check your battles.

  15. Gather information: • List of social networks they are on. • List of followers?fans?subscribers they have and their growth rate. • Frequency of their posts. • What are their metrics like?

  16. Content dissection: • What kind of content are they posting? • What kind of content format is working best for them? • What does their content calendar looking like?

  17. Customer satisfaction: • Are they responding to their potential customers in the comments? • What Infromation can you gather information from their resources? • How is their revenue looking like? • Do they have a lot of direct engagement happening? • Is it consistent across every channel?

  18. Food for thought: • Inspiration and plagiarism has a very thin line separating. • Sometimes data reveals something that is beyond social media . • You need to be right only one .Think outside the box. • Find content gaps rather than content inspiration. • Organize and keep going at it, the learning curve is steep.

  19. Q.How to Kill our competitors strategy? 1.our pricing strategy should be flexible and affordable. 2.Daily send them newly updates on our schemes and offers. 3. We should do monthly do SWOT analysis of our company. 4.Run lucky draw offers and give exciting prizes and offers. 5.Give holiday packages and foreign tour to all your customers. 6.Run events ,seminar and events. 7.Create a face book group and invite them to group poll for listening their desires and needs. 8.Run brand awareness campaigns,raemarketing campaigns, run discount campaigns to generate interest and attraction towards your product and services. 9.Be active on social media and try to follow other big accounts related to ecommerce company management.

  20. Objectives' of our proposal • To generate qualified ,keyword –specifc tarffic to your website and achieve top top rankings on pre defined search engines,against slected keywords. thereby, • Increase web traffic. • Increase quantity and quality of customer lead from website. • increase page rank. • Increase the overall website visitors and engage themselves. • Improve the ranking and visibility of our website.

  21. Google keyword analyzer.: • Google keyword planner is one of the best and attractive tool which helps in craeting good targeted keywords and also helps in beating our competitors. • Social media keyword analyzer: • Yeah!social media keyword analyzer is one of the best tools that provides ideas to beat our competitors and there are tools of social media such as google trends,google alerts,buffer,hootsuite,canva ,google analytics etc. • Website optimization as per the latest algorithm use by search engines.: • There are algorithms such as google panada,penguin update,hemmignird plugin update algorithms,which provides guidelines and instruction to be followed while ranking in google.

  22. Technology used: • Google analytics.: • Google analytics' is a software or you can say a tool which provides a tracking code to see our report of our website conditoion like its impression,enegagement,souce,refferals,medium etc. • Increase web traffic.: • Through off page seo effort like social book marking,image sharing,classified submission ,article submission and continuous hard working which will increased our website traffic. • Google webmaster.: • Google webmaster such as google search console,bing webmaster tools which helps in faster indexing of tour website pages by creating sitemap of your file.

  23. Methodologies used while ranking in google are: • Getting indexed in the right way. This part involves methodologies for crawlers to find pages for websites with the correct context and some keywords. • Incraesing traffic and page ranking_we use only white seo techniques which mainly includes dedicated manual link building with quality websites . We do follow the following tactics: • Long term and quality scores-we do provide quality link building services.links will be located fro along time and links are not created from any farms, spam websites or ffa pages. • One way-one way link building is a great way to improve your link populairy and ranking in the serach engines.we offer one way link bulding services. • Sauce relevancy-good back links are from reputable places-preferably from sites with similar them. • Link relevancy-the text and title tag of an out bound link is more effective when it is made relevant to the destination page. • We can help you obtain the most valuable links with maximum relevance.

  24. Timings– A search engine recognizes the date a link was created and from this can realize whether unnatural link building is taking place. Therefore link building should be timed to emulate a natural, non-uniform process. So we concentrate on all these regulations. • Google friendly-we are updated with current trends and links will be placed on domains that have been indexed by google and follow all Google link schemes. • Reporting: • We will send the Internet marketing reports on monthly wise. • We will send daily reports on daily basis through whatsapp

  25. Brand digital marketing packages SEO/SEM • One/team of SEO/SEM experts will be assigned to market your products and services using various methods. Spend time will change based on the pack you choose for monthly. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) 4 page -15,000 sr 8 page -30,000 sr 15 page- 60,000 sr 25 page-1,00,000 sr 50 page-1,25,00 sr 4 PAGE-15,000 sr 8 page -30,000 sr 15 page- 60,000 sr 25 page-1,00,000 sr 50 page-1,25,00 sr

  26. Payment Terms: • 100% of the monthly project value has to be paid as advance along with the work contract. • Mentioned packages are flexible so customers can switch packages according to their marketing requirement. All payments Made in favourof pezkart company.

  27. Terms & Conditions 1. Client has to provide required internet marketing related datas such as images, videos, internet marketing, supporting phone numbers & Email ids,social media passwords & usernames within 5 days as of the date of acceptance and requested date. 2. The datas required for internet marketing should be shared from time to time with pezkart company Solutions for better results. 3. The client retains the copyright to data, files and graphic logos provided by the Client, and grants the pezkart company India IT. Solutions the rights to publish and use such material. 4.To deliver the best results, pezkart company India requires FTP access to the website and its content management, system or a contact email address/contact detail to the person who is uploading the features as required. 5. Pezkart company India has the rights to change or remove (temporarily or permanently) the website content or any part of it and you should confirm that pezkart company Indore shall not be liable to you for any such change or removal.

  28. 6.Pezkart company Indore requires payments as per the proposal, violation leads to delay in internet marketing results or the cancellation of work. 7. Cost per click(CPC)/pay per click(PPC), email campaign, SMS campaign, social media likes, Google ads will be managed by pezkart company Indore billed extra. The delay in payment may affect internet marketing results 8. Internet marketing work is governed by many factors which are outside the direct control of or any other Internet marketing company. Therefore no reputable Internet marketing company can guarantee drastic change & particular results. 9. The pezkart company India, however, guarantee improvement to a client’s internet marketing results within 2-5 months as per the current market conditions, otherwise will provide 10% extra work. 10. Monthly reports (where applicable) will be circulated to clients as per the agreement terms.

  29. Q.Why pezkart ? What can we offer? Our main goal is to generate as many enquiries for your business and website as we can and we will always work hard with this goal constantly in our sights. There is NO EXCUSE for this method..! We take pride in every aspect of our work so that you can always be assured that you are getting the very best service for your money.

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