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Christmas carols that are sang in Jamaica, are similar to those of Canada. ... The Jamaican Christmas dinner consists of rice, gungo peas, roast chicken or ...

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    Diagonal yellow cross divides the flag into four triangles green {top and bottom} and black {hoist side and outer side.} Jamaica Gained full independence from the British Commonwealth in 1962. During the 1970’s, deteriorating economic led to violence and a drop off of tourism. In 1980, elections saw the democratic socialists voted out of office. Jamaica is slightly smaller then the State of Connecticut. Jamaica is located off the coast of the Caribbean The land area of Jamaica is 10 830 sq. km {4181 sq. miles The highest point in Jamaica is Blue Mountain which is 2256 meters high The Population of Jamaica is 2 680 029! The age structure of people from the ages of 0-14 is 29.1 %, 15-64 is 64.1%, and 65 and over is 6.8% The birth rate is 17.74 births/ 1000 pop. The death rate is 5.45 deaths/1000 pop. Jamaican music, came into being, through the process of time and evolution. With 300 years of of continuous history, there people have developed a homogeneous community. The fabric of their music is woven of many threads and the sources are varied and many, with European and African influences. However the blend is uniquely Jamaican. Reggae, Jamaica’s most popular sound, was developed from the folk-mento forms. {an expression which means “everything is going well”} {Nonsense} {A phrase which is used to praise someone} {Big things are happening} {A term used to express disgust or regret} {Chill out} The three main natural resources of Jamaica are: The main Natural Hazard of Jamaica is: They usually occur between the months of July and November The main environmental issues of Jamaica are: Jamaica’s climate consists of the following: Government type: constitutional parliament democracy Jamaica gained independence on the 6’th of August, 1962{from the U.K} The Administrative divisions consists of 14 departments: Clarendon Hanover Kingston Manchester Portland Saint Andrew Saint Ann Saint Cathrine Saint Elizabeth Saint James Saint Mary Saint Thomas Trelawny Westmoreland The capitol of Jamaica is Kingston Roman Catholic 4% Others including some spiritual cults 34.7% Protestant 61.3% Black 90.9% East Indian 1.3% White 0.2% Chinese 0.2% Mixed 7.3% Other 0.1% English Patois English The main industries in Jamaica are: tourism bauxite textiles Food processing Light manufactures rum cement metal paper Chemical products The unemployment rate in Jamaica is: 16% {2000 est.} Population below poverty line: 34.2% {1992 est.} The main Agricultural products are: sugarcane bananas coffee citrus potatoes vegetables poultry goats milk Christmas in Jamaica, even though not much different from around the world, has its own style based upon the many cultures that make up the island. Christmas carols that are sang in Jamaica, are similar to those of Canada. Eccept they re-record the songs into the famous reggae versions. The Jamaican Christmas dinner consists of rice, gungo peas, roast chicken or duck, oxtails and curried goat, ham, roast beef or pork. C’ntd? One famous celebration\parade, that is celebrated in Jamaica is the JohnKano celebration. It is a parade of masked, dancing musicians. Even though Jamaicans don’t see snow, or have houses that boast chimneys, they still see Santa Claus and his gifts. It is very much part of their tradition,as it is in many nations around the world. In some rural areas on the Island, Santa Claus would ride a cart and a donkey. From doing this project, I learned numerous things about Jamaica. Some things are: there form of Government, There natural resources, their religions, ethnic groups, there main language, I learned about different things about there economy, and I also learned how to say words and phrases in Jamaican! I got all of my information from these sites: http://www.jamaicans.com/index.htm http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/jm.html I got my pictures from these sites: http://www.3dflags.com/ http://www.jamaicans.com/index.htm http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/jm.html
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