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What to Do if Your Cat is Not Eating on Time?

Why is my cat not eating? Itu2019s common that your cat is not eating the offered food. Maybe they are sleepy or simply to put it out theyu2019re being picky. However, if that is happening on a regular basis then it should be taken into consideration. There can be numerous reasons your cat is not eating on time. Most cat owners are not aware of the fact that cats are good at hiding illness which can be a reason for your cat not eating on time or they have been recently vaccinated.

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What to Do if Your Cat is Not Eating on Time?

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  1. What to Do if Your Cat is Not Eating on Time? Why is my cat not eating?​ It’s common that your cat is not eating the offered food. Maybe they are sleepy or simply to put it out they’re being picky. However, if that is happening on a regular basis then it should be taken into consideration. There can be numerous reasons your cat is not eating on time. Most cat owners are not aware of the fact that cats are good at hiding illness which can be a reason for your cat not eating on time or they have been recently vaccinated. The Most Common Reasons ​Cat is not Eating on Time 1) Digestive System Diseases If your cat has stopped eating then it might be because of digestive system diseases. They may puke or have diarrhea and would sleep quietly. Loss of appetite is one of the first signs you would see in a cat who is suffering from digestive system diseases. 2) Respiratory Diseases

  2. One of the reasons your cat is not eating on time can be because of respiratory diseases. These diseases would have an effect on the taste and their ability to smell. They would have a hard time breathing. If not early checked, then it can turn into cancer. So, you need to visit a veterinarian immediately for the better. 3) Food Flavor Well, after eating the same cat food for years. Your cat would stop eating that food. So, it is advisable that you change the diet of your cat every three to six months. It would be difficult to do so at first. However, you can give a small amount of new cat food mixed with your cat’s favorite food. What Can Be Done? If your cat has stopped eating then it can have a bad effect on his health. So, you can visit a veterinarian. Don’t bore your cat by giving the same food on a daily basis. If your cat is ill then plan a diet that consists of his favorite food along with nutritional food. That way you won’t starve your kitty. However, if your cat is not suffering from any diseases. Then you can give them appetize stimulants food. Canned tuna can be great for your cat. That doesn’t mean you have to give canned tuna to your cat in large amounts. It can have an undesirable effect on your

  3. cat. So, give them a small amount. You may have been giving your cat people food for a long time. But it is advisable that you mix your cat’s favorite people’s food along with a one-third ratio of cat food at first. After a few months, you can shift to giving him more cat food. Most vets would advise you to shift from brands to brands when it comes to cat food to avoid any development of intestinal problems and food allergies. Tips to Follow ● You can experiment with different flavors. ● You can make cat food at home. He/she might like freshly cooked food. ● Check your cat’s favorite flavor ingredients, whether the company has been using a new formula or not. That might be the reason your cat is not liking a change in the ingredients. ● Try heating the cold cat food in the microwave oven and feeding your cat. ● You can also give your cat vitamin B12. If your cat is facing digestive issues then vitamin B12 would be helpful. Final Takeaway It is important that you seek the help of a professional if you’re facing any problem dealing with your cat. Till then, you can follow a few steps at home by giving them appetize stimulants food.

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