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How can I find the best seller on amazon

Amazon's list of best sellers is one of the most prestigious lists in the world. If you can get your product on there, it means instant success and global recognition. But how do you manage that? Here are five ways to get your product on top of Amazon best seller list in 2022. <br><br>

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How can I find the best seller on amazon

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  1. 5 Ways to Get Your Product on the Top of Amazon's Best 5 Ways to Get Your Product on the Top of Amazon's Best Sellers List in 2022 Sellers List in 2022 January 13, 2022 Amazon's list of best sellers is one of the most prestigious lists in the world. If you can get your product on there, it means instant success and global recognition. But how do you manage that? Here are five ways to get your product on top of Amazon best seller list in 2022. For more tips and tricks, make sure to check out our blog! 1. Start an Amazon SEO war Amazon's algorithms are very complex, but there's one thing we know for sure - having the keywords you want in the product name increases your chances of getting ranked higher. Of course, you can't just name your product "chair" and hope that everyone buying chairs will buy yours too. You have to think outside the box! A good trick is to use a common phrase or expression that contains your keywords. For example, if your product is about meditation, call it "Zen Meditation Techniques"! Some SEO experts say that using long tail keywords also helps pop up higher on search results, so don't be afraid to use long sentences in the title if it makes sense! 2. Don't get distracted by Amazon SEO Wars There's a lot of competition on Amazon, and you need to make sure that your product is still standing out even with all those keywords. Use tools like KeyworX by Cin7 to check for other sellers' listings with the same keywords as yours. You can easily compare them and find out their weaknesses, which will come in handy when it comes time to do some ninja marketing. After all, this is war! And just like any great warrior, you need every advantage you can get - including using low prices or coupons at the most effective moment.

  2. 3. Be patient… but not too much It takes time for every best seller list to refresh itself and you should be ready to wait about 14 days for your product to appear on the first page. However, keep in mind that this doesn't mean you should stop working on your search rankings or sales - they refresh themselves all the time! You can visit KeyworX every day and check whether any of your keywords lost their rank. If it did, use some ninja marketing tactics to get them back up there! 4. Don't be afraid to make deals The best way to win an Amazon SEO war is by using an army of bots for ad campaigns - but it's also expensive, especially if your product isn't selling well yet. Fortunately, there are other ways to do it: find a supplier with high traffic and offer him a deal so he pushes his own products while helping you out with yours. In the end, it'll be a win-win situation! 5. Don't give up!

  3. No matter how niche your product is or how fierce the competition is, don't give up! You might have a long road ahead of you but you need to remember - this is a marathon, not a sprint! The best way to get there is by having a strong strategy and being patient enough to wait for opportunities that will take your product to top of Amazon's best sellers list in 2022 . For more tips and tricks on marketing products on Amazon , make sure to check out our blog !

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