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Positive affirmations for success, abundance, and confidence

Are you looking to start the new year off on the right foot? Why not try using positive affirmations to help manifest your goals? Affirmations are simple statements that you repeat to yourself often,<br>

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Positive affirmations for success, abundance, and confidence

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  1. Positive affirmations for success, abundance, and confidence • • Are you looking to start the new year off on the right foot? Why not try using positive affirmations to help manifest your goals? Affirmations are simple statements that you repeat to yourself often, in order to program your mind for success. When used correctly, they can help increase your self-confidence and abundance, while steering your thoughts towards what you want instead of what you don't. Here are some tips for creating powerful positive affirmations that will work for you. #1 – Use the present tense Let's say you want a raise. If you were to affirm, "I am a hard worker and I deserve a raise!" you would not get very far. Why? Because it is in the future tense. The universe does not respond well to future tense statements. In order for your mind to fully understand this affirmation, you have to state it as though it has already happened: "I AM a hard worker and I HAVE received a raise!".

  2. Present tense statements are much more powerful because they show that you believe what you are affirming is already true. #2 – Keep them short Longer statements tend to be broken down into shorter thoughts by your brain, which can make them lose their power. For example, don't say "I am a confident and positive person who has fully released all past negative experiences." Just say "I am confident" instead. #3 – Use the power of emotion The more emotional energy you can put behind your affirmation, the better. When you are feeling emotional about something, it is because your subconscious mind agrees with what you are saying. In other words, when you feel excited or happy about something—it's because it matches your innermost desires! This means that using affirmations while in a positive mood will help them manifest much faster than if you said them while feeling neutral or even negative about it. So find a quiet space where won't be disturbed and try out different emotions to see which ones make you feel the most excited. Then, use these emotions to power your positive affirmations. #4 – Keep it believable! Don't make any affirmation that would cause you to get angry or upset if you didn't accomplish them, because this might actually repel success rather than attract it. For example, say "I am confident in who I am" instead of "People like me." The latter might be true some of the time, but not all of the time—and people don't always like everyone else. It is better to state something that is more general and always true about yourself than something that can potentially apply only sometimes. If you want an affirmation for confidence around other people, try something like "My friends and family love and support me." #5 – Put it in writing Write down whatever you're trying to accomplish, and then write out your affirmation underneath. Read them out loud (preferably while feeling the emotion)!

  3. This method works even better than just thinking things through because your brain loves visuals. You can also create a vision board by cutting up magazine images of what you want, and placing them on a posterboard. Tape your affirmations nearby and read them often! Affirm yourself often, and watch as you attract wonderful experiences into your reality—one thought at a time! Positive affirmations are an excellent way to shift thoughts from dwelling on negativity to focusing instead on what we do want in our lives. But many people find that writing their affirmations down is what really makes them work. By repeating to yourself what you want, and then--even more importantly-- seeing it written out in front of you, your subconscious mind picks up the message, loud and clear! Visualizing success is key to bringing it into reality.

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