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The Holistic Approach

The Holistic Approach . Pam Rosenberg Shawn Dolan. Five modalities. Massage Hydrotherapy Chiropractic Aromatherapy Homeopathy. Improves circulation Increases range of motion Preventing injury Reduces inflammation Relieves tension. Massage Therapy . Stimulates lymphatic system

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The Holistic Approach

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Holistic Approach Pam Rosenberg Shawn Dolan

  2. Five modalities • Massage • Hydrotherapy • Chiropractic • Aromatherapy • Homeopathy

  3. Improves circulation Increases range of motion Preventing injury Reduces inflammation Relieves tension Massage Therapy

  4. Stimulates lymphatic system Eliminate toxins and promote healing Improves animal disposition Treat body as a whole Massage Therapy

  5. Shock Lowers blood pressure Fever Speeds up metabolism Cancer Could spread When not to massage

  6. Equissage One week course in VA Certified with the (IAESMT) International Association of Equine Sports Massage Therapists Massage Programs

  7. Hydrotherapy is taken to mean the treatment of disease by, or in, water. Hydrotherapy

  8. Improve general fitness Improve muscle tone Helpful in recovering from injury or operation Bone are not put under great stresses as on land Benefits of Hydrotherapy

  9. Thermal effects Warm for dogs, cooler for horses Buoyancy For weight bearing problems Increase hydrostatic pressure Edema Cohesion Resistance moving through water Turbulence Hydrotherapy’s unique features

  10. Therapy for animals • Weak, unbalanced animals • Animals that can’t bear weight on their joints • Arthritis, fractures, CNS problems

  11. Hydrotherapy is NOT for: • Animals with heart and/or respiratory dysfunctions.

  12. Animal Rehabilitation Center of MI • A tank of approximately 4 ft x 6 ft • Cleaned every 10 days • Run about 8 dogs through a day • $50 to $100 a day • Annette swims with frightened dogs

  13. A back problem is almost always secondary to a primary cause. Ie: shoeing, badly fitting saddle, injury Chiropractic

  14. Joint manipulation aka adjustments One fixed joint causes excess movement of surrounding joints. Deals with the entire body as a whole What is Chiropractic?

  15. Pain Last thing to come and the first to go Changes in animal’s Attitude Performance Signs of stiffness, soreness, muscle spasms When to use Chiropractic

  16. The Story of Bones

  17. 3 yr old Appendix Green broke, off the track Injury to right hind in July of 2001 Caught in a fence? Abandoned Bones’ History

  18. Lowering of hip on right side Can not physically stand square How did this happen? How do you fix this without chiropractic? Bones’ Butt

  19. Aromatherapy • The art and science of using essential oils from plant sources for the health and well being of the patient.

  20. Essential Oils • Life force of plants • Affect the patient on both mental and emotional planes • Act through the resonance principal • Many uses • Massage, Candles • Ingested, Aromatherapy

  21. Aromatherapy • Quick acting • Oils are inhaled • Stimulate olfactory nerve • Send messages to limbic area of the brain • memory, learning, emotion

  22. Homeopathy • The natural pharmaceutical science that uses various plants, minerals and vitamins in very small doses to stimulate the body’s natural defenses.

  23. Homeopathy • Body cures itself, homeopathy creates/facilitates conditions so healing can take place • Giving small doses that cause symptoms • 1:9 – 1:30 • Allergy injection

  24. Homeopathy • No clear scientific explanation • Scientific research • Becoming more and more popular • OTC

  25. Why Integrate Complementary Healing and Conventional Veterinary Medicine? • Western practitioners respond, “because I am tired of not being able to help.” (Particularly in managing chronic illnesses.) •“There are more options to animals healing than we ever imagined…” (Allen Schoen, DVM)

  26. Why Integrate Complementary Healing and Conventional Veterinary Medicine? • There is a difference between treating and healing. Treatment comes from the outside. Healing comes from within. (Dr. Andrew Weil). • Practice builder – You’ll be unique in your area!

  27. Three Examples:An Integrative Approach to: • Managing Seizures • Upper Respiratory Infections • Bladder Problems in Cats

  28. An Integrative Approach to Managing Seizures ( in small animals) • If possible, eliminate the cause: • food allergies? • neurotoxic insecticides? • over vaccination?

  29. An Integrative Approach to Managing Seizures • If the cause is unknown, some management options include: • Supplementation: • Eg. Antioxidant combination of Vitamin C, E and Selenium along with B-6 or magnesium • Dose by weight of the animal

  30. An Integrative Approach to Managing Seizures • Acupuncture: • To be discussed in another presentation. • Minimize the animal’s stress: • Eg. Herbs: valerian root, skullcap, oatstraw, kava • Be aware that you might need to lower the dose of other anticonvulsants when using herbs.

  31. An Integrative Approach to Upper Respiratory Infections(in cats) • PREVENTION! • Vaccinate against common causes of URI’s: • Feline rhinotracheitis • Feline calici virus • A holistic approach to vaccination: • Follow vaccine with a homeopathic remedy to reduce the likelihood of a reaction • Don’t over vaccinate (boost vaccine every 3-10 years, depending on exposure and risk)

  32. An Integrative Approach to Upper Respiratory Infections • PREVENTION! • Suggest isolation of new cats before they are introduced into a household with cats

  33. An Integrative Approach to Upper Respiratory Infections • If prevention wasn’t enough… • Bacterial culture and sensitivity • followed by appropriate antibiotics

  34. If the infection is not bacterial in origin or is resistant to antibiotics: ADD supportive measures to the antibiotic treatment to help boost the immune system: Vitamins Western or Chinese Herbs Immunostimulant homeopathic remedy Acupuncture Interferon Chicken soup (no joke!!) An Integrative Approach to Upper Respiratory Infections

  35. Diagnostic Tests: Urinalysis Blood chemistry Radiographs Treatment: If the problem is acute: SURGERY to remove blockage Followed by diet change and/or antibiotics (depending on the cause) Close observation to detect reoccurrences An Integrative Approach to Bladder Problems(in cats)

  36. An Integrative Approach to Bladder Problems • Treatment • If the problem is chronic, a more natural approach may help prevent reoccurrences: • Increase water intake • Add extra water to canned food • Feed a low ash diet

  37. An Integrative Approach to Bladder Problems • Treatment • If the problem is chronic, a more natural approach may help prevent reoccurrences: • Nutritional Supplementation • Vitamin C and E • Cranberry juice capsule for cats • Chinese Herbal Formula (“polyporous combination”) • The formula includes herbs specific for treating both crystals and bacterial infections • Acupuncture

  38. Some Caveats to Integrative Therapy • Natural DOES NOT mean safe and/or effective! • Don’t combine Western and Chinese herbs at the same time. • Use herbal formulas from quality companies. (It is best not to create your own formulas unless you receive training as an herbalist.) • Study homeopathy before you apply it, or REFER to a specialist.

  39. Some Caveats to Integrative Therapy • Be aware that clients might try to “self” medicate their pets. Ask! • Remember that hydrotherapy is contraindicated in animals with cardiovascular or respiratory depression. • Offer clients options (conventional, alternative or complimentary). • There is a lot of opposition to integrative veterinary therapy – if you are going todo it… be really good at it!

  40. In Conclusion… • A quote from Michigan Veterinary Conference (2001), “Use the best medicine that is effective on that day, for that condition, and is least invasive.” Keep in mind that might range from improving saddle fit to surgery. (Joyce Hatman, DVM)

  41. To Learn More About Holistic Veterinary Medicine: • Talk to Dr. Deborah Wilson here at MSU (Anesthesiology)! • Journal of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (www.AHVMA.org) • Love, Miracles and Animal Healing – Allen Schoen, DVM (www. Drschoen.com)

  42. To Learn More About Holistic Veterinary Medicine: • Kindred Spirits – Allen Schoen, DVM • Four Paws, Five Directions – Cheryl Schwartz, DVM • Animal Rehabilitation Center of Michigan, Inc. (www.unionlakepets.com)

  43. QUESTIONS???? Equine Acupressure Meridian Chart Thank you!

  44. Thank You for your help: • Dr. Wilson • Dr. DeCamp • Jenny Kohn • Cari Blind • Nicole Dingwell • Jeanette Furlong • Annette Liendo

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