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Definicija. Vrsta reci koja opisuje ili odreduje imenice ili zameniceBlack shoesA fine dayMy roomThis bedShe's niceAll thisEverything new. Podela. Dele se na:Opisne (descriptive)Prisvojne (possesive)Pokazne (demonstrative)Upitne (interrogative)Odnosne (relative)Neodredene (indefinite)U

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    2. Definicija Vrsta reci koja opisuje ili odreduje imenice ili zamenice Black shoes A fine day My room This bed Shes nice All this Everything new

    3. Podela Dele se na: Opisne (descriptive) Prisvojne (possesive) Pokazne (demonstrative) Upitne (interrogative) Odnosne (relative) Neodredene (indefinite) Usklicne (exclamatory) Brojeve (numerals)

    4. Mnogi od ovih prideva imaju iste oblike kao i zamenice pridevske zamenice Uz imenicu = pridevi Samostalno = zamenice What book were you talking about? (pridev) What do you know about this man? (zamenica) All my notes are here. (pridev) Is this all you know about him? (zamenica)

    5. Opisni pridevi Opisuju imenice ili zamenice kakve su, od cega i u kakvom stanju Ne menjaju se po rodu i broju: A nice girl a nice boy nice people Mogu se porediti: A good job a better job the best job Mogu biti prosti, izvedeni i sloeni: Good, bad, wet; beautiful, golden, rainy; well-known, short-sighted, good-hearted

    6. Izvodenje opisnih prideva Izvedeni od drugih vrsta reci dodavanjem sufiksa, kao to su: -able, dodaje se na glagol: laughable, eatable, fashionable -al, dodaje se na imenicu: cultural, national, natural -ible, dodaje se recima latinskog porekla: responsible, visible, possible -an, dodaje se licnim imenicama: Elizabethan, Shakespearean

    7. -ed, dodaje se imenicama: talented, warm-bloooded, good-natured -en, dodaje se gradivnim imenicama: golden, wooden, waxen -ese, dodaje se imenima zemalja, oblasti i gradova: Japanese, Viennese -fold, dodaje se prostim brojevima i reci many: tenfold, twofold, manifold -ful, dodaje se imenicama: beautiful, careful, hopeful

    8. -ian, dodaje se licnim imenicama: Edwardian, Parisian -ic, dodaje se prezimenima, imenima zemalja, recima stranog porekla: poetic, artistic, Icelandic, systematic -ish, dodaje se imenicama i pridevima: British, Turkish, foolish, childish, reddish -ive, dodaje se imenicama: descriptive, possessive -like, dodaje se imenicama: childlike, catlike

    9. -ly, dodaje se imenicama: lovely, friendly -ous, dodaje se imenicama: dangerous, courageous, mountainous -some, dodaje se imenicama i glagolima: handsome, troublesome, tiresome -y, dodaje se imenicama i glagolima: rainy, sunny, stony, sticky -less, dodaje se imenicama i glagolima, jedini sufiks s negativnim znacenjem: careless, hopeless, endless

    10. Negativni prefiksi Daju pridevima negativno, tj.suprotno znacenje: Un-: unselfish, unimportant, unfreindly Dis-: dishonest, disagreeable In-: inexpensive, inadequate Im-: impossible, impolite Il-: illegal, illegible Ir-: irregular, irresponsible

    11. Upotreba opisnih prideva Uz imenicu (ispred imenice): a small house, a beautiful garden Kao imenski deo predikata: The house is small; the water feels cold; the cake tastes good Kao dodatak objektu: They painted the house red. The fire kept us warm. They broke the door open.

    12. Mesto prideva Ispred imenice na koju se odnosi: a tall man, heavy books, a lovely girl Neki pridevi ne mogu da stoje ispred imenice, vec se upotrebljavaju kao imenski deo predikata: afraid, alive, asleep, ill The children were afraid. The monster was still alive. The boy is asleep. John is ill.

    13. Ako je pridev dodatak objektu, onda stoji posle njega: I found the room empty. Did she dye her hair black? U nekim posebnim imenickim frazama, pridev ide posle imenice: Court martial (vojni sud) Secretary General (generalni sekretar)

    14. Druge vrste reci upotrebljene kao pridevi Imenica, grupa imenica, prilog, grupa reci mogu da se koriste kao pridev: A stone wall A summer hat Independence day celebration The nine-oclock news A middle-aged man The most talked-of book of the year

    15. Od gradivnih imenica koje se upotrebljavaju pridevski mogu se graditi pravi pridevi: Stone stony Gold golden Silver silvery Kad se upotrebljavaju u svom imenickom obliku, ove reci oznacavaju od cega je neto sacinjeno, a u pridevskom imaju preneseno znacenje: A gold mine a golden age

    16. Poredenje prideva (Comparison of Adjectives) Tri oblika: 1.pozitiv (osnovni) 2.komparativ 3. superlativ Dva nacina poredenja: A)dodavanjem pozitivu nastavka er za komparativ , a est za superlativ B)stavljanjem reci more ispred pozitiva za komparativ, a most za superlativ

    17. Poredenje prideva dodavanjem nastavaka Vecina jednoslonih prideva i veliki broj dvoslonih prideva porede se dodavanjem pozitivu nastavaka er, -est: Short shorter shortest Broad broader broadest Clever cleverer cleverest Happy happier happiest

    18. Ispred nastavaka er i est, pridevi: a)gube krajnje nemo e: Large larger largest b) menjaju Y u I ako mu prethodi suglasnik: Happy happier happiest Dry drier driest c) udvajaju krajnji suglasnik ako mu prethodi ssamoglasnik: Big bigger - biggest

    19. Dvosloni pridevi Dvosloni pridevi kao to su: clever, able, lazy, narrow, porede se dodavanjem nastavaka: Clever cleverer cleverest Kao i pridevi: Polite politer politest Intense intenser intensest Neki dvosloni pridevi, koji se zavravaju na ish, ive, ic, porede se pomocu reci more i most: Childish more childish most childish

    20. Viesloni pridevi Vecina troslonih i vieslonih prideva porede se pomocu more i most: Interesting Beautiful Intelligent Responsible Neki pridevi mogu da se porede na oba nacina: clever, cruel, friendly, handsome, frank

    21. Nepravilno poredenje Bad worse worst Far farther farthest Far further furthest (additional) Good better best Little less least Much/many more most Old older oldest Old elder eldest (family)

    22. Upotreba komparativa 1.Osobina u vecem stepenu od pozitiva (comparative of inferiority) Sledi than He is taller than his brother. 2.Osobina u manjem stepenu od pozitiva (comparative of inferiority). Less + pozitiv He is less amusing than his friend. 3. Poredenje po jednakosti (comparative of equality) as ... as She is as tall as her mother.

    23. Poredenje po nejednakosti (comparative of inequality): not so...as ili not as...as Some snakes are not so dangerous as others. She is not as weak as she seems.

    24. Upotreba superlativa 1.Osobina u najviem stepenu (superlative of superiority): odredeni clan That was the hottest day of the year. 2.Osobina u najmanjem stepenu (comparative of inferiority): the least This is the least interesting of all his novels.

    25. Brojevi (Numbers) Osnovni (Cardinal Numbers) Redni (Ordinal Numbers) Stoje uz imenice Redni brojevi se grade kad se na osnovne brojeve doda nastavak th, osim One first Two second Three third Koriste se za datume (May 1st), brojeve poglavlja, itd.

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