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A Guide To Menopause

Many of us think of menopause as something that happens to a woman during her 50s. While it is true that the menopausal symptoms often begin up to 10 years before a woman’s menstrual cycle stops.

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A Guide To Menopause

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is Menopause? Symptoms and Remedies to get relief from Menopause

  2. Exactly What is Menopause? • Mostly Every women hit the menopause. Many of Women wants to know about Each and every thing about menopause. • Menopause is a normal stage in a woman's life. The term menopause is commonly used to describe any of the changes a woman experiences either before or after she stops menstruating. As menopause nears, the ovaries produce less estrogen, causing changes in the menstrual cycle and other physical changes. • Technically, menopause is the end of the reproductive phase of a woman's life, when the ovaries no longer produce eggs and she has her last menstrual cycle.

  3. What are the Symptoms of Menopause? Irregular or skipped periods Insomnia Mood swings Fatigue Depression Irritability Racing heart Headaches Joint and muscle aches and pains Changes in libido (sex drive) Vaginal dryness Bladder control problems Hot flashes

  4. Stages of Menopause Perimenopause Physical clues that you are approaching menopause may start years before your final menstrual period. This time is called “perimenopause”. This term refers to women who are in the thick of menopause. Their cycles may be erratic, and they may begin to experience hot flashes and vaginal dryness. On average, women are about 47 when they hit the perimenopause stage.

  5. Natural Menopause This refers to your final menstrual period. You will not be able to pinpoint your final period until you've been completely free from periods for one year. Then, you count back to the last period you charted, and that date is the date of your menopause.

  6. Postmenopause Postmenopause is the time after menopause. Some menopause-related symptoms (such as vaginal dryness and hot flashes) may still occur because your body is only making a small amount of estrogen. In this time, your risk increases for diseases associated with low estrogen levels, including osteoporosis.

  7. There are various effective Remedies To Get Relief from Menopause Exercise There is nothing like regular exercise to let off some menopausal emotional steam and improve the physical body. Routine aerobic exercise increases blood flow which works out symptoms such as stiff joints and tense muscles. Walking, cycling and swimming are all effective exercise which helps to get relief from menopause. Exercise also improves emotional health by helping to ease stress.

  8. Proper Nutrition Plan Plan a diet that is rich in natural and unprocessed foods. Enhance your menu with whole grains, vegetables, fruit, seeds and nuts while drastically cutting down on unsaturated fats, sugar, fried foods and salt. Omega-3 fatty acids are a very important in addressing menopausal symptoms. Proper levels of omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to improve symptoms of depression and reduce the occurrence of hot flashes.

  9. Acupuncture A small study in 2006 on the benefits of acupuncture and menopausal symptoms found that it did help women with the severity of nighttime hot flashes. Acupuncture is also performed with some success on women who suffer from memory difficulties, incontinence, mood swings and fatigue.

  10. Hormone replacement therapy(HRT) HRT medications containing female hormones to replace the ones the body no longer makes after menopause. Pros: Cons: An increased risk of endometrial or uterine cancer (if a woman still has her uterus and is not taking progesterone along with estrogen) Increased risk of blood clots Increased risk of stroke Increased risk of gallbladder disease Increase in blood pressure in some women Increased risk of larger, more invasive breast cancers (combination HRT only) • Prevents bone loss that can lead to osteoporosis • Relieves symptoms of menopause • Lowers risk of colon cancer • Lowers risk of macular degeneration, vision loss that occurs when the macula, the part of the retina at the back of the eye that provides sharp, central vision, deteriorates with age

  11. Medications for Menopause Depending on individual needs, doctors may recommend medication for Menopause symptoms. Several medications are available that help to reduce and get relief from menopause symptoms. Menopause relief supplements are able to relieve many of the symptoms of perimenopause from hot flashes to depression. All natural menopause supplements use the best organic ingredients in order to stop such symptoms without any side effects or potential risks.

  12. Go for the proper treatment for menopause. Chose the Natural ways to Get Relief from menopause. Get some more information - http://www.thebeautyinsiders.com/menopausal-guide-for-women-when-it-begins-causes-treatments-and-more.html

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