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Top 5 Most Effective Exercises for Hand and Wrist Pain

Smoke Therapy Joint Pain Relieving Oil is quite a unique oil in that it produces smoke when it is massaged onto the area. It causes a soothing warm sensation that will relax the tissues you are massaging. This ayurvedic pain relief oil is the best treatment for all kinds of joint and muscle pain and it is very easy to self massage with it. https://smoketherapyoil.blogspot.com/2021/11/top-5-most-effective-exercises-for-hand.html

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Top 5 Most Effective Exercises for Hand and Wrist Pain

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Top 5 Most Effective Exercises for Hand and Wrist Pain Smoke Therapy

  2. TOPICS COVERED Wrist extension and flexion Table of Contents Wrist rotations Thumb and finger lift O Finger lifts Isometric wrist extension Doctors recommend hand exercises to improve the mobility and strength of the hand. This will, in turn, improve functional ability. Hand and wrist pain is often a symptom of arthritis. Hand exercises can include: Clenched fists It is also recommended to follow an exercise routine with a massage using a massage oil for pain.

  3. Wrist extension and flexion To do this exercise, start by placing your forearm on a table on a small pillow for padding. Keep your hand hanging off the edge of the table, palm down. Move your hand upward until you start to feel a gentle stretch. Now, go back to the starting position. Repeat the same motions with your elbow bent at your side and palm facing up.

  4. Wrist rotations For this, stretch your arm out in front of you. Now slowly, point the fingers down until you feel the muscles in your hand stretching. Using your other hand, gently pull the raised hand toward your body. Stay in this position for around 5 seconds. Point your fingers toward the ceiling until you feel another stretch. Using your other hand, gently pull the raised hand towards your body. Stay in this position for around 5 seconds. Repeat thrice.

  5. Thumb and finger lift For this, start by placing your hands on a table, palm down and shoulder-width apart. Start off by lifting your thumbs off the table as far as is comfortable for you. Now, hold for 5 seconds, then rest. Repeat the same with your index finger, then the following fingers in turn. While one finger is raised, make sure that others stay flat. Finish 10 sets two times per day.

  6. O For this, you need to curve and bring all of your fingertips inward until they touch each other. Your goal is to make your fingers and thumb create the shape of the letter O. Stay like this for a few seconds before straightening your fingers back. Repeat this exercise a few times on each hand.

  7. Finger lifts Keep your palm flat on a table and spread your fingers slightly. Lift each one slowly off the table, then bring it back down before you raise the next.

  8. Isometric wrist extension Place one hand palm down on a table and place your other hand on top of it. Now raise your lower hand without allowing it to move. Switch hands and repeat.

  9. While you’re seated, put your open hands on your thighs with your palms up. Make a fist with your hands. Do not clench it too tightly. Keeping your forearms touching your legs, raise your fists off of your legs and back towards your body, bending at the wrist. Stay like this for 10 seconds. Lower your fists and open your fingers slowly. Repeat 10 times. Clenched fists

  10. We recommend Smoke Therapy Joint Pain Relieving Oil. This joint pain relief oil is quite a unique oil in that it produces smoke when it is massaged onto the area. It causes a soothing warm sensation that will relax the tissues you are massaging. This ayurvedic pain relief oil is the best treatment for all kinds of joint and muscle pain and it is very easy to self massage with it. Repeat the massage on both elbows. Do not massage without using a massage oil as it may cause too much friction and lead to even more pain. For more information, please visit https://www.smoketherapy.in/

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