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Protect Your Information from Popular FaceApp

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Protect Your Information from Popular FaceApp

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  1. Protect your Information from Popular FaceApp Protect Your Information from Popular FaceApp Protect your information with SpyFly. As always, we continue to comb the internet for news and information that helps to keep people safe. Our goal is to share critical knowledge with our customers and the general public. Sometimes apps and games that seem so cute and fun are nothing more than a means to spy on you and obtain your information. In this case, it is your face they want. Your face connects you to all of your data, so remember to read the fine print and be careful. SpyFly has tons of tips and tricks to keep you in the loop and protect your information. FaceApp MisHap If you have spent time on social media this past year, you have undoubtedly seen many photos of your friends and celebrities altered to look like senior citizens. These hilariously realistic photos are from the viral sensation FaceApp. Unfortunately, there are some scary side effects from using this app that if you don’t pay attention to details about, you could put your identity and personal information at risk.

  2. FaceApp uses artificial intelligence to digitally alter any face. Through the app, users can add facial hair or glasses. The more extreme options include adding years to a person’s age using realistic grey hairs, wrinkles and some sun damage. The image below is posted on the FaceApp website to illustrate the amazing features it has and the seemingly flawless changes the pictures get when filtered. You can see for yourself that this is a pretty sophisticated application. If you look deeper into the bigger picture it is easy to see that they get the fine, tiny, details of your face and keep records of who you are in the database. Kinda creepy, huh? Shortly after the app spiked in popularity, there were some privacy concerns about the app’s terms and conditions. Some free-thinking people started looking further into the specifics of the premises regarding privacy and began to see problems. SEARCH PROTECT YOUR INFORMATION > The Fine Print - FaceApp Shares Your Private Information Digitas strategist James Whatley shared the fine print on Twitter, referring to the terms of service as a “Doozy.” In part, the agreement states “You grant FaceApp a perpetual, irrevocable, nonexclusive royalty-free, worldwide, fully-paid, transferable sublicensable license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, publicly perform and display your User Content and any name, username or likeness provided in connection with your User Content in all media formats and channels now known or later developed, without compensation to you,” This clearly tells you that when you use the app you agree to them being able to share your information and make money off of it. They don’t even have to pay you for it. Your

  3. compensation is to be delighted and thrilled by the cool app that they developed. They use big words, that actually mean, “ we don’t care about your privacy, or you, all we want is to make a profit and exploit you to do so. If you don’t like it, don’t use our app…” While the terms of service include confusing jargon that grants the company a lot of privileges, this type of language is not unique to the app. You likely have other apps on your phone that have similar terms of service, but like most people, you haven’t read through those either. There have been some concerns about the app having full access to the user’s photo library. This claim has been denied by the company. In a statement sent to TechCrunch, FaceApp wrote that it only uploads the photo(s) selected by users for editing – not your entire camera roll – and that it deletes most images within 48 hours. One reason that FaceApp is drawing so much attention is that the company that owns FaceApp is based in Russia. And many Americans are skittish after it was confirmed by special counsel Robert Muller that Russia interfered with the 2016 U.S. presidential election. In the same statement to TechCrunch, FaceApp claimed that no user data was sent to Russia and that it doesn’t sell or share any user data with third parties. While FaceApp doesn’t access your full data library or claim ownership of your content, any text photo or video you create within the app is now fair game for FaceApp to use any way it desires – forever. This may sound scary to you, but if you read through Twitter or Facebook’s terms of service, they have similar agreements. Therefore, you should not be any more concerned about using FaceApp than using Facebook or Twitter. SEARCH PROTECT YOUR INFORMATION > It’s Up to You on How You Protect Your Information They do, however, give an ultimatum. Don’t use the app. The only way you are bound to the terms and conditions is if you use the app. The only real power they have over your information is what you allow them to have. The choice is yours, do you want to keep your face to yourself, or give it to a company that will use it to make a profit and share your personal information? If you are still wary of your privacy, it might be time to start reading through the terms of service before you click agree. Another way to ensure that your personal info is safe is to run an instant background search using SpyFly. Visit our site and sign up, it is easy and quick. You can always be sure about where your information is leaking on the web and how you can prevent it from getting worse. SpyFly was founded with the mission of making it safe and easy for people to find and learn the truth about each other online. By providing our members fast, easy and affordable access to public records, members can quickly make informed decisions about individuals they interact with. SpyFly provides searches for active warrants, driving records, arrest records, sexual predators and offenders, and several other public record information searches all in one place to keep you, your family, co-workers, and loved ones safe.

  4. Source URL:https://www.spyfly.com/helpful-articles/protecting-your-information/is-faceapp- safe-to-use/

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