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Full stack JavaScript development

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Full stack JavaScript development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. JavaScript full-stack development Evens and Odds… Full stack developers

  2. Full stack developer WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY FULL STACK JAVASCRIPT DEVELOPMENT? Everyone knows about JAVASCRIPT , as the base of all web application programs… Social media sites, websites, or trendy new applications all are the gift of the javascript framework. Full stack javascript is a new comer yet leading the market,that is why global market is blindly adapting Javascript framework for their web and app developments. Without ending up directly to full stack Javascript framework let us see a step by step explanation of each term.


  4. Full stack developers

  5. Full stack developer The word stack means arranging in a sequence one by one. Stack is the arrangement of the front end (presentation layer or the client-side), then the backend (business layer means the server-side ) and the database.

  6. Full stack developer Let’s deep dive into the three layer structure. • Front end layer. • Backend layer. • Database.

  7. Full stack developer

  8. Let's take an example of online shopping application: Frontend layer\client side. Which is the presentation layer including the design,fonts,content,animation,graphics which is seen by the user. Backend layer\server side includes business logic retrieving the data such as list of items stored in shopping bag,billing etc comes under this layer. Database layer And the backup data needed to be stored goes to the database layer. All these three layers require coding,creativity and logical skills. To form a full fledged full stack web application. Full stack developer

  9. What is mean stack? Full stack developer

  10. Full stack developer Full stack javascript web development is also known as MEAN stack. Which includes : • MONGODb • EXPRESS • ANGULAR.JS • NODE.JS.

  11. Angular JAVASCRIPT allows work on the frontend. • Express & NODE.JS works on the backend programming. • MongoDB is used for databases instead of SQL. Which makes it quick and easily operable.

  12. Evens and odds of full stack development.

  13. Pros and cons of full stack JavaScript development. • Reuse of codes • Entire team can work together • Easy upgradation • Solves employee issue • Confirmed speed & technology Cons • Bad at massive computations • Fresh to market

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