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Best Practices for Node.JS development

Node.js is a server-side platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript Engine (V8 Engine) developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009.It is an open-source server environment.<br>

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Best Practices for Node.JS development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Best Practices for Node.js Development

  2. Introduction Node.js is a server-side platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript Engine (V8 Engine) developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009.It is an open-source server environment.

  3. Contd…. • In recent years, the platform has gained great popularity and is now used by major companies such as IBM, Microsoft, PayPal, and Netflix. • This makes Node.js very versatile and suitable for a wide range of applications. • Despite its many advantages, Node.js has some drawbacks.

  4. Some of the Best Practices: 1. Use a Node.js Framework Developers should choose a framework that is appropriate for the specific needs of their project. Express.js is a good choice for web applications that require a lot of flexibility. 2. Use a Node.js Package Manager Npm is the official package manager for Node.js. It is simple to use and contains a large variety of modules and libraries.

  5. 3. Use a Node.js Code Editor Developers should choose a code editor that supports Node.js well. The code editor should also be simple to use and provide all of the functionality that the developer requires. 4. Use a Node.js IDE Developers should select an IDE that is simple to use and has decent Node.js support. The IDE should also provide all of the capabilities that a developer requires.

  6. 5. Use a Node.js Template Engine Developers should select a template engine that is simple to use and has decent Node.js compatibility. The template engine should also provide all of the functionalities required by the developer. 6. Use a Node.js Build Tool Developers should choose a build tool that is easy to use and that has good support for Node.js. The build tool should also have all the features that the developer needs.

  7. Conclusion • The process of developing Node.js applications could be rewarding. • If you're looking to hire a Node.js developer or development team, you've come to the perfect place. • TFT is a leading Node.js development company. • Professional Node.js engineers on our staff can help you with any aspect of Node.js development. To read the full article visit here.

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