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Learn Hadoop Online

Learn Hadoop Online by Vibloo Hadoop Admin & Developer Online and Classroom training. Hadoop Online training course is designed to enhance your knowledge and skills to become a successful Hadoop developer and In-depth knowledge of core concepts will be covered in the course along with implementation on varied industry use-cases

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Learn Hadoop Online

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  1. Learn

  2. Hadoop Online training course is designed to enhance your knowledge and skills to become a successful Hadoop developer and In-depth knowledge of core concepts will be covered in the course along with implementation on varied industry use-cases. take a look on HADOOP ADMIN AND DEVELOPER COURSE content Skype Id: info.vibloo Email: info@Vibloo.com USA: +1-248-809-1418 IND: +91-40-3296-5222

  3. Introduction to Hadoop  What is Hadoop?  Job Tracker  The Hadoop Distributed File System  Secondary name node  Hadoop Map Reduce Works  Slave Daemons  Anatomy of a Hadoop Cluster  Job tracker  Master Daemons  Task tracker  Name node www.vibloo.com/Hadoop-Online-Training Skype Id: info.vibloo Email: info@Vibloo.com USA: +1-248-809-1418 IND: +91-40-3296-5222

  4. HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)  Blocks and Splits  Programming Practices  Input and HDFS Splits  Developing MapReduce Programs in  Data Replication  Running without HDFS and MapReduce  Hadoop Rack Aware  Running all daemons in a single node  Data high availability  Running daemons on dedicated nodes  Data Integrity  Local Mode  Cluster architecture and block placement  Pseudo-distributed Mode  Accessing HDFS  Fully distributed mode  JAVA & CLI Approach www.vibloo.com/Hadoop-Online-Training Skype Id: info.vibloo Email: info@Vibloo.com USA: +1-248-809-1418 IND: +91-40-3296-5222

  5. Setup Hadoop cluster of Apache, Cloudera and Horton Works  Make a fully distributed Hadoop cluster on a single laptop/desktop  Name Node in Safe mode  Meta Data Backup  Integrating Kerberos security in hadoop www.vibloo.com/Hadoop-Online-Training Skype Id: info.vibloo Email: info@Vibloo.com USA: +1-248-809-1418 IND: +91-40-3296-5222

  6. Writing a MapReduce Program  Examining a Sample MapReduce Program, with several examples  Basic API Concepts  The Driver Code  The Mapper  The Reducer  Hadoop's Streaming API www.vibloo.com/Hadoop-Online-Training Skype Id: info.vibloo Email: info@Vibloo.com USA: +1-248-809-1418 IND: +91-40-3296-5222

  7. Performing several hadoop jobs  The configure and close Methods  Processing XML files  Sequence Files  Counters  Record Reader  Directly Accessing HDFS  Record Writer  Tool Runner  Role of Reporter  Using The Distributed Cache  Output Collector www.vibloo.com/Hadoop-Online-Training Skype Id: info.vibloo Email: info@Vibloo.com USA: +1-248-809-1418 IND: +91-40-3296-5222

  8. Common MapReduce Algorithms  Sorting and Searching  Creating an Inverted Index  Indexing  Identity Mapper  Classification/Machine Learning  Identity Reducer  Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency  MapReduce applications  Word Co-Occurrence www.vibloo.com/Hadoop-Online-Training Skype Id: info.vibloo Email: info@Vibloo.com USA: +1-248-809-1418 IND: +91-40-3296-5222

  9. Debugging MapReduce Programs  Testing with MRUnit  Logging  Other Debugging Strategies www.vibloo.com/Hadoop-Online-Training Skype Id: info.vibloo Email: info@Vibloo.com USA: +1-248-809-1418 IND: +91-40-3296-5222

  10. Advanced MapReduce Programming  A Recap of the MapReduce Flow  The Secondary Sort  Customized Input Formats and Output Formats www.vibloo.com/Hadoop-Online-Training Skype Id: info.vibloo Email: info@Vibloo.com USA: +1-248-809-1418 IND: +91-40-3296-5222

  11. Monitoring and debugging on a Production Cluster  Counters  Skipping Bad Records  Rerunning failed tasks with Isolation Runner Skype Id: info.vibloo Email: info@Vibloo.com USA: +1-248-809-1418 IND: +91-40-3296-5222

  12. Tuning for Performance in MapReduce  Reducing network traffic with combiner  Partitioners  Using Compression  Reusing the JVM  Running with speculative execution  Refactoring code and rewriting algorithms Parameters affecting Performance  Other PerformanceAspects www.vibloo.com/Hadoop-Online-Training Skype Id: info.vibloo Email: info@Vibloo.com USA: +1-248-809-1418 IND: +91-40-3296-5222

  13. HBase  HBase concepts  Create database  HBase architecture  Develop and run sample applications  Region server architecture  Access data stored in HBase using clients  File storage architecture like Java, Python and Pearl  HBase basics  HBase and Hive Integration  Column access  HBase admin tasks  Scans  Defining Schema and basic operation  HBase use cases  Install and configure HBase on a multi node cluster www.vibloo.com/Hadoop-Online-Training Skype Id: info.vibloo Email: info@Vibloo.com USA: +1-248-809-1418 IND: +91-40-3296-5222

  14. PIG  Pig basics  Running in Grunt shell  Install and configure PIG on a cluster  Programming in Eclipse  PIG Vs MapReduce and SQL  Running as Java program  Pig Vs Hive  PIG UDFs  Write sample Pig Latin scripts  Pig Macros  Modes of running PIG www.vibloo.com/Hadoop-Online-Training Skype Id: info.vibloo Email: info@Vibloo.com USA: +1-248-809-1418 IND: +91-40-3296-5222

  15. Flume, Chukwa, Avro, Scribe, Thrift  Flume and Chukwa concepts  Use cases of Thrift  Avro and scribe  Install and configure flume on cluster  Create a sample application to capture logs from Apache using flume www.vibloo.com/Hadoop-Online-Training Skype Id: info.vibloo Email: info@Vibloo.com USA: +1-248-809-1418 IND: +91-40-3296-5222

  16. CDH4 Enhancements  Name Node High – Availability  Name Node federation  Fencing  YARN www.vibloo.com/Hadoop-Online-Training Skype Id: info.vibloo Email: info@Vibloo.com USA: +1-248-809-1418 IND: +91-40-3296-5222

  17. Hadoop Challenges  Hadoop disaster recovery  Hadoop suitable cases www.vibloo.com/Hadoop-Online-Training Skype Id: info.vibloo Email: info@Vibloo.com USA: +1-248-809-1418 IND: +91-40-3296-5222

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