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Multiple site Strategy of this Presentation

Four Proposed Mars Science Laboratory Landing Sites L.S. Crumpler NM Museum of Natural History and Science Albuquerque, NM larry.crumpler@state.nm.us. 1. Multiple site Strategy of this Presentation. a. Explore several areas to • Provide internal assessment of merits

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Multiple site Strategy of this Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Four Proposed Mars Science Laboratory Landing SitesL.S. CrumplerNM Museum of Natural History and ScienceAlbuquerque, NMlarry.crumpler@state.nm.us 1

  2. Multiple site Strategy of this Presentation a. Explore several areas to • Provide internal assessment of merits • Increase number of sites considered initially • Assess two classes of site - observed aqueous-related sediments - inferred thermal chemistry potential b. Stress areas with diversity to provide • Maximum opportunities for diverse science • Potential long-term science discoveries • Broad time-stratigraphic, diverse chem/min/lithologies c. Stress areas with past habitibility and biotic/pre-biotic chemistries d. Explore one very low elevation site • Resistant to EDL -∆H revisions • Provide low elevation radiation data point • Begin assessing areas for future manned exploration 2

  3. Tabulation of the Four Proposed Sites 3

  4. Proposed Sites in Global Geologic Context 4

  5. Proposed Sites / TES TI 5

  6. Proposed Sites / IRTM Rock Abundances 6

  7. Proposed Sites / GRS “H2O” From GRS website public data 7

  8. Proposed Sites / GRS Fe From GRS website public data 8

  9. Elysium / Avernus Colles / MOLA 9

  10. Elysium / Avernus Colles / MOLA (contours) Basin elevation low 10

  11. Elysium / Avernus Colles / MOLA + Global Geology 11

  12. Elysium-Avernus Colles 12

  13. Elysium / Avernus Colles / Prelim Mapping 13

  14. Elysium / Avernus Colles / GRS Fe 5x5 From Crumpler, Newsom, Reedy, work in progress 14

  15. Elysium / Avernus Colles / MOLA Shaded Sites at boundary and within low, flat, very young iron-rich material C B A 15

  16. Elysium / Avernus Colles / MOLA Shaded V05911012 C B A I09718017_sub 16

  17. Elysium / Avernus Colles / MOLA Shaded • potential enormous thermal source • hi-T mobile elements • methane? Or pre-biotic compounds • very low crater abundance, long history • complex, poorly understood surface • low Ti, but oddly, high freq textures • some within landing ellipse • additional “go to” sites V05911012 C B A I09718017_sub 17

  18. Hellas / Dao Vallis Terminus C B A 18

  19. Hellas / Dao Vallis Terminus C B A V03468003 19

  20. Hellas / Dao Vallis Terminus C B A 20

  21. Hellas / Dao Vallis Terminus • fluvial sediments? • potential thermal source region • within landing ellipse • additional “go to” sites • low elevation-lower radiation • beginning of spring C B A 21

  22. Xanthe / Hypanis Vallis / Delta C B A Nanedi/upper Hypanis/MOC 22

  23. Xanthe / Hypanis Vallis / Delta A C A Segment / geologic map / 1:500K L.Crumpler 23

  24. Xanthe / Hypanis Vallis / Delta C B A I01437005 24

  25. Xanthe / Hypanis Vallis / Delta C B A V11585009 V11585009 25

  26. Xanthe / Hypanis Vallis / Delta C B A V11585009 26

  27. Xanthe / Hypanis Vallis / Delta • likely fluvial sediments • low crater abundance • good outcrop; fine grained • long history of water • within landing ellipse • additional “go to” sites C B A V11585009 27

  28. Isidis / Western Isidis / Escarpment 28

  29. Isidis / Western Isidis / Escarpment V01932009 29

  30. Isidis / Western Isidis / Escarpment V10158010 30

  31. Assessment 31

  32. Assessment 32

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