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The Age of Discovery or The Age of Exploration

The Age of Discovery or The Age of Exploration. Early 15 th century until the 17 th century. Europeans looking for trade partners Europeans looking for new goods Europeans looking for new trade routes Europeans trying to learn more about the world. The world in 1400.

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The Age of Discovery or The Age of Exploration

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Age of DiscoveryorThe Age of Exploration

  2. Early 15th century until the 17th century

  3. Europeans looking for trade partners Europeans looking for new goods Europeans looking for new trade routes Europeans trying to learn more about the world

  4. The world in 1400

  5. Specifically the nations were looking for gold and silver and New Trade routes for the spice and silk trade

  6. The Ottoman Empire blocked trade with Constantinople in 1453 They also blocked access to North Africa and the Red Sea (blocking trade to the “Far East”

  7. The official beginning to the Age of Discovery started with Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal Prince Henry created the first true nautical maps. As a result, sailors could now sail into the ocean without having to keep land in sight Trips could cover more area as a result The first discovery using nautical maps was the Madeira Islands in 1419 and the Azores in 1427.

  8. The main goal for the Portuguese was to find a trade route to West Africa without going through the Sahara Desert. By the mid 1400’s the Portuguese established a trade port at Elmina in West Africa

  9. 1441 1441: Start of European slave trading in Africa. The Portuguese captains AntãoGonçalves and NunoTristão capture 12 Africans in CaboBranco (modern Mauritania) and take them to Portugal as slaves. 1444 1444:Lançarote de Freitas, a tax-collector from the Portuguese town of Lagos, forms a company to trade with Africa. 8 August 1444: de Freitas lands 235 kidnapped and enslaved Africans in Lagos, the first large group of African slaves brought to Europe. All of this as a result of exploration. Consequences???????

  10. Christopher Columbus Columbus attempted to find a trade route to Asia by sailing west from Spain. In 1492 he discovered America

  11. Pedro Alvares Cabral explored Brazil while sailing for Portugal. His explorations began a territory conflict with Spain.

  12. The conflict between Spain and Portugal led to the Treaty of Tordesillasin 1494 The Treaty of Tordesillas created an imaginary line that ran 370 leagues west of Cape Verde islands. Lands east of the line belonged to Portugal and everything west of the line belonged to Spain. This line is also known as the Papal Line

  13. Line of Demarcation

  14. Ferdinand Magellan Is given credit for being the first to circumnavigate the world while searching for a trade route to Asia through the Northwest Passage In reality Magellan didn’t survive the voyage. He was killed in a battle in the Philippine Islands

  15. The Age of Exploration/Discovery ended early in the 17th century due to advances in technology and increase in knowledge of the world It became easy to travel across the sea New settlements created a network of communication and trade

  16. Mariner’s Astrolabe – An early navigation tool. A sailor held the astrolabe vertically, located a star through its sights, and measured the star’s elevation above the horizon. In this way a ship’s approximate location could be identified

  17. Sextant - an astronomical instrument used to determine latitude and longitude at sea by measuring angular distances, especially the altitudes of sun, moon, and stars. Created in 1590

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