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Points. Lines. Planes. Points. Points have a location Points have no size Represented by a small dot and a CAPITAL letter. G. E. O. M. E. T. R. Y. S P A C E. S e t o f a l l p o i n t s. L i n e s.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Points Lines Planes

  2. Points • Points have a location • Points have no size • Represented by a small dot and a CAPITAL letter. G E O M E T R Y

  3. S P A C E S etof a llpoints

  4. L ines A series of all points that extend in opposite directions without end.

  5. Colinear Points • Points that lie on the same line are colinear points. • Colinear Points are represented by one lower case letter. S W a

  6. PLANES Planes are flat surfaces that have no thickness. Planes contain many lines and extend without end in the direction of all its lines. Planes are represented by parallelograms and a single Capital letter. M

  7. Coplanar Points and lines in the same plane are coplanar Name a Plane with one Capital letter or 3 collinear points. C B A P

  8. Activity Exploring Points, Lines and Planes With PRETZELS and Marshmallows • Pretzels and Marshmallows = line segment. • Label points • Make shapes

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