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PERSONIFICATION & ALLITERATION. Learning target: varies sentence structure and word choice. What is PERSONIFICATION.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PERSONIFICATION &ALLITERATION Learning target: varies sentence structure and word choice

  2. What is PERSONIFICATION Personification gives animals, ideas, or objects that aren’t alive HUMAN FORM and characteristics. It adds color or interest to letters, essays, and other nonfiction writing. Fiction writers create entire stores about animals who think, speak, and act like humans.

  3. CAN YOU THINK OF ANY EXAMPLES? Redwall– Brian Jacques The entire story off Redwall is technically a personification, because Jacques takes mice which do not have human-like characteristics, and gives them human-like characteristics. Here is an example of this:Again Basil vanished only to reappear three yards out on the common. "Come on Matthias. Tack to the left and wheel to the right. Bob and weave, duck and wriggle. Look its easy." This passage shows personification because the author gave Basil Stag Hare the hare human characteristics. The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane – Kate DiCamillo He stared up at the ceiling and listened to the sound of her breath entering and leaving her body, knowing that soon she would be asleep. Because Edward’s eyes were painted on and he could not close them, he was always awake.

  4. Books with Personification

  5. Using Personification & Other Figurative Language As I walk along the sandy shore, the wind whispers softly into my ear. The sun peeked over the hill like a shy friend. The dragonfly zips around the garden like a tiny toy airplane. A butterfly’s body shimmers like gems in the sunlight.

  6. Using Personification & Other Figurative Language The cars dance across the slippery road. The windows winked at me. The famished canine yelped, “Feed me now!”

  7. ALLITERATION The repeated sounds in books, poetry, and songs, and TONGUE TWISTERS! Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Peppers! Big bears boldly biting berries… Frisky Fish Flailing… Ten tomatoes tap dance together in Tuscany. Multiplication magnifies the main number many times.

  8. ALLITERATION IN BOOKS “Picture Puzzle Piece”: picture/puzzle/piece, button/blue, big/bouncy/belly, witch/west “Standing is Stupid”: standing/stupid, crawling/curse, skipping/silly, sitting/senseless, running's/ridiculous “The Sword-Swallower”: sword-swallower/Salomar, sword/swallers, finds/fun/feel

  9. You try some! Tough teachers ________________ Funny ______________ farming. Cheerful children ______________. _____________ singers standing.

  10. You try some! SOAP _____________________________________ _____________________________________ TACOS _____________________________________ _____________________________________

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