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The Cold War: Causes & Effects

1945-1990. The Cold War: Causes & Effects. The term was first used in 1947 to explain US-Soviet relations. Both countries employed ideological, military, and political instruments against each other w/o actually waging a real war. Cold War: 1945-1990. Delay of Second Front. Causes:.

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The Cold War: Causes & Effects

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  1. 1945-1990 The Cold War: Causes & Effects

  2. The term was first used in 1947 to explain US-Soviet relations. Both countries employed ideological, military, and political instruments against each other w/o actually waging a real war. Cold War: 1945-1990

  3. Delay of Second Front Causes:

  4. End of Lend-Lease Aid Soviet fears about a United Nations dominated by capitalist/democratic countries Causes:

  5. US resentment of late Soviet entry into Pacific war Causes: August 6: Hiroshima August 8: Soviet entry in Pacific August 9: Nagasaki Yalta Conference Churchill, FDR, Stalin

  6. The sharing of Atomic technology 1946 Soviets reject Baruch Plan Causes: Atom bomb dome in Hiroshima’s Peace Memorial Park, maintained as a reminder of the power of atomic weapons

  7. Division of Germany Causes:

  8. Free elections not held in Poland Soviet armies remain Causes:

  9. Ideological competition Capitalism v. Communism Causes:

  10. Personalities of Stalin and American policy makers Causes: Dean Acheson Joseph Stalin Harry S Truman

  11. American global economic expansion Absence of a common enemy Causes:

  12. US must have access to Middle East oil and global markets Soviet Union needs security belt on its frontiers—a buffer zone in Eastern Europe Causes: Vital security interests

  13. Policy of containment—US gives aide to Greece, Turkey (Truman Doctrine) and Western Europe (Marshall Plan) Effects (United States): George C. Marshall

  14. McCarthyism (Second Red Scare) Effects (United States):

  15. Delay of Civil Rights Movement Effects (United States):

  16. The growth of the military-industrial complex Effects (united State): D. Eisenhower, 1961 “We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”

  17. Reagan’s “evil empire” and the US decision to deploy Pershing II nuclear missiles to Europe ( March 8,1983) Effects (United States): Ronald Reagan Mikhail Gorbachev

  18. “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.” Effects (International): Winston Churchill at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri March 5, 1946 President Harry Truman

  19. Berlin airlift ends Soviet blockade 1948 Effects (International):

  20. NATO 1949 Warsaw Pact 1955 Effects (International):

  21. American and Soviet arms race Effects (International): Nikita Khrushchev

  22. Korean War (1950-1953) Effects (International):

  23. Cuban Missile Crisis (October 1962) Effects (International):

  24. Vietnam War (1950-1975) Effects (International):

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