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SAINT PATRICK. AUTHOR : KAROLINA OLOBRY. HISTORY OF ST.PATRICK. Saint Patrick is the most generally recognised patron saint of Ireland. Patrick was born in Roman Britain at Banna Venta Taberniae , a location otherwise unknown .

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  2. HISTORY OF ST.PATRICK Saint Patrickisthe most generallyrecognised patron saint of Ireland. Patrick was bornin Roman BritainatBanna Venta Taberniae, a locationotherwiseunknown. Whenhe was aboutsixteen, he was captured and carriedoff as a slave to Ireland. Patrick worked as a herdsman, remaining a captive for sixyears. Aftersixyearsheheard a voicetellinghimthathewouldsoon go home, and thenthat his ship was ready. Fleeing his master, hetravelled to a port, twohundredmilesaway,hesayswherehefound a ship and, aftervariousadventures, returnedhome to his family.

  3. HISTORY OF ST.PATRICK He feltthat his vocationis to preachtheChristianityin Ireland, and thereforeacquiredthenecessarytrainingintwoschoolsmissionaryin northern France. Afterthedeath of St. Palladius,Patrick was ordainedbishopin 432 and sent to Ireland. He was preachthe gospel mainlyinthenorth and west of Ireland, whereithad not yetproclaimed. Soonconverted many tribalchiefs and theirfamilies and relatedpeople. Patrick diedin 17 March 461 year. Biography of St. Patrick isswatheinmany legends. One speaks of purgatory St. Patrick. Namely, in Lough Derghadcome down to a deeper, and theremeditate on punishments of hell, by thedamned.Forthisvillagetoday many pilgrimscome.

  4. ST.PATRICK’S DAY March 17 popularlyknown as St. Patrick's Day isbelieved to be his deathdate and isthedatecelebrated as his feastday. Thedayis a national holiday of Ireland. In Poland, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, the United States and New Zealand, itiswidelycelebrated but is not an official Holiday. St. Patrick's Day is a dayofffromwork. Irish peopleareorganizingin many cities, street festivals and parades, whichisdominated by greencolor - symbolizingtheclover, traditionallyattributed to St. Patrick. In many parts of the U.S., Britain, and Australia, in St. Patrick's Day, peopleusually drink alcoholicbeverages (Irish beer ,Irish whiskey, Irish CoffeeorBaileys Irish Cream)

  5. LEGENDS AND INTEREST • Ireland was savedfromthescourge of reptiles and amphibians - allthrownintotheabyss of snakes, lizards and othercrawlingcreatures. Thanks to theislandtodayisfreefromthem (expertsevenclaimthattheynever was there a hecatombtheseslipperycreaturesare a symbol of religiouspurification). • Afterthedeath of his holy jaw boneisconsidered a relicin a silverreliquary was broughtit to theemerging and epilepsy. TogetherwithStValentineisthe patron thereforeepileptic. Reportedlyalsoraisedthedead, and restored his sight.

  6. LEGENDS AND INTEREST • Saint Patrick and beer.He was a guestattheinn, whichharassedtheevilspirit. Thefuturesaint, however, got a beerfromtheinnkeeper so fatefulqualitythatrefused to help overtakethedemons. Onlywhenhegot a decent drink, performedexorcisms. • Pastoral minister reportedlyreminded his shoulder to themixing of maltusedintheformulation of golden wine. • Trifidshamrock was inpre-Christiantimes a holy plant of Irish druids. Patrick on the Irish example, heexplainedthemystery of theTrinity. Todaythewordlittle plant is a symbol of the Green Island.

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