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UN-Spain MDG-F Joint Programme on Protecting and Promoting the Rights of China’s Young Migrants

UN-Spain MDG-F Joint Programme on Protecting and Promoting the Rights of China’s Young Migrants 联合国-西班牙千年发展目标基金 保护和促进中国青年流动人口的权利 联合项目 Output 3.2 产出 3.2 项目活动介绍. Output 3.2 产出 3.2.

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UN-Spain MDG-F Joint Programme on Protecting and Promoting the Rights of China’s Young Migrants

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  1. UN-Spain MDG-F Joint Programme on Protecting and Promoting the Rights of China’s Young Migrants 联合国-西班牙千年发展目标基金 保护和促进中国青年流动人口的权利 联合项目 Output 3.2产出3.2项目活动介绍

  2. Output 3.2 产出3.2 Community centers enhanced in providing comprehensive gender responsive learning opportunities, information and referral services. 提高社区中心提供全面的、有性别针对性的学习机会、信息和咨询业务的能力

  3. Objective 目标 Explore and pilot a new model – community center – as one-stop shop to consolidate multi-sector efforts and provide comprehensive services to young migrants. 整合各部门力量,探索并试点以社区为单位为青年农民工提供综合的一站式服务的新模式。

  4. Inter-Sectoral Collaboration 跨部门合作 Children Registration 流动儿童登记 Employment Service 就业服务 Community Center 社区中心 NFE 非正规教育 Social Inclusion 社会融入策略 Health Service 健康服务 Labor Law 贯彻劳动法 Life Skills Training 生活技能培训 Vocational training职业培训

  5. Project Sites 项目地区

  6. Participating Agencies and Counterparts 参与机构和单位 1/3 National Level 国家层面

  7. Participating Agencies and Counterparts参与机构和单位 2/3 In Tianjin 在天津

  8. Participating Agencies and Counterparts 参与机构和单位 3/3 In Cangzhou 在沧州

  9. Activities Planned 计划开展的活动 1/2 1. Situational analysis 现状调查和分析 2. Community center operational manual 开发社区中心操作手册 3. Linkage and network building 构建社区中心与其他部门的联系和网络 4. Training of center facilitators and preparation of materials 培训社区中心工作人员,准备相关材料

  10. Activities Planned 计划开展的活动 2/2 5. Provision of community-based gender and age responsive comprehensive services, including education, employment service, vocational training, health service, referral service etc. 开展适合不同年龄组和性别组、基于社区的综合服务,包括教育服务、就业服务、职业培训服务、健康服务、信息介绍服务等 6. Dissemination of experience and lessons learnt 总结分享试点社区的经验和教训

  11. Progress 进展 1/3 Activity 1 活动1 Selected community organizations at project areas are being examined to collect experience, best practices and challenges. Researchers plan to visit Tianjin and Cangzhou to kick off the study in August. A review report will be prepared with the findings. 正在项目地区开展对社区组织的研究,总结以往为农民工提供服务的经验、教训和面临的问题。研究人员计划于8月赴天津和沧州开展这一活动。课题组将根据研究的结果撰写调研报告.

  12. Progress 进展 2/3 Activity 2 活动2 Materials related to community centers are being collected and reviewed. With the findings of the review and the situational analysis, researchers will develop and test an operational manual by December to guide the operation of community centers and their facilitators. 正在收集和研究与社区中心有关的材料。研究者在此基础上结合现状调研的结果,将于12月前开发并测试社区中心操作手册。手册将指导社区中心活动的开展和社区工作人员的工作。

  13. Progress 进展 3/3 Activity 3 活动3 This activity requires continuous efforts. Participating agencies are building linkages between national and local levels currently. In December, ILO will organize two events, one in Tianjin or Cangzhou, to strengthen linkages between community centers and local labor bureaus. 这项活动需要持续不断的努力。目前阶段正在建立国家和地方参与单位之间的联系。劳工组织将于12月在包括天津或沧州在内的两个项目点组织活动加强当地社区中心和劳动部门间的沟通与合作。

  14. 2010 Next Step 2010年工作 Training of community center facilitators and volunteers 培训社区中心工作人员和志愿者 Preparation of necessary material 准备必要的社区活动材料 Community center services 开展社区服务

  15. Local Coordination and Collaboration 地方协调和合作 The three participating agencies and their counterparts cannot complete the tasks alone 仅靠本产出参与机构和单位的力量不能有效完成社区中心的目标 Local coordination mechanism is required 地方协调机制是保障 Inter-sectoral collaboration is essential 跨部门合作是关键

  16. Thank you 谢 谢

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