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IT and Communication Summit

IT and Communication Summit. Creativity and Innovation in the Digital Creative Economy. Who are in charge?. Most media are being controlled by a few and consumed by the masses. The internet is different most Innovation , Content and Creativity originates from the grass roots

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IT and Communication Summit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IT and Communication Summit Creativity and Innovation in the Digital Creative Economy

  2. Who are in charge? • Most media are being controlled by a few and consumed by the masses. • The internet is different most Innovation, Content and Creativity originates from the grass roots • As large corporations we need to have an ear close to the ground to identify the trends and see how we can take advantage

  3. The trends are shifting fast • Two of the 5 largest websites were little known 3 years ago:

  4. The trends are shifting fast • The Internet has the ability to change the way business is done:

  5. The trends are shifting fast • The consumers are increasingly using applications that requires high bandwidth:

  6. What are the implications for Tanzania? • Mobile handsets will be the predominant way to access Email and Internet • One of the main drivers will be social networks • Conventional telephony will be under pressure from VoIP • Demand for bandwidth will increase 10 fold over the next 5 years.

  7. The changing landscape creates new opportunities • Integration between mobiles/VoIP • Viral Marketing • A cheap and very effective way to create awareness • Social Networks as a communication channel • Are you company on Facebook?

  8. Thank you! Eric Mwenda Email: emwenda@wia.co.tz Mobile: +255 22 212 9147

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