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RLC Circuit

RLC Circuit. AP Physics C Mrs. Coyle. RL C circuit. In real circuits, there is some resistance, and some energy is lost to internal energy for the resistor (heat). (Some energy is also lost to radiation but this is ignored).

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RLC Circuit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RLC Circuit AP Physics C Mrs. Coyle

  2. RLC circuit • In real circuits, there is some resistance, and some energy is lost to internal energy for the resistor (heat). • (Some energy is also lost to radiation but this is ignored). • Therefore the total energy of the circuit decreases over time similar to damping in a mass-spring system.

  3. Remember:LCCircuits • Assume the capacitor is initially charged and then the switch is closed • Assume no resistance (no internal energy loss) and no energy losses to radiation • The total energy of this system is constant

  4. Simulation http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/circuit-construction-kit-ac

  5. RLC Circuit • The capacitor is charged with the switch at position a. • At time t = 0, the switch is moved to position b to form the RLC circuit. • Kirchhoff’s loop rule:

  6. RLC Circuit

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