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Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2011-12

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2011-12. Eden Locality Stakeholder Panel Friday 11 th November. Content. Introduction to the JSNA Background & context Demand on health and social care system Long-term conditions Mental health & well-being Living conditions & health inequalities

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Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2011-12

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2011-12 Eden Locality Stakeholder Panel Friday 11th November

  2. Content Introduction to the JSNA Background & context Demand on health and social care system Long-term conditions Mental health & well-being Living conditions & health inequalities Lifestyle & behaviours Summary

  3. Welcome • Welcome to the JSNA locality stakeholder panel • Purpose – to begin the process of developing an enhanced JSNA for Cumbria • This is the responsibility of the Health and Wellbeing Board • Plan to have this in place by April 2012 • Feeds in to the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (June 2012)

  4. What is a JSNA? • Describes health and wellbeing in Cumbria • Describes strategic direction of services • Based on wide range of current information and evidence • JSNA products, county and locality narratives, online information

  5. Who is involved? • Cumbria County Council • NHS Cumbria • Cumbria Intelligence Observatory • District Councils • Third Sector • LINKs • Probation, police and other partners

  6. Why do we need a JSNA? • Current JSNA needs to be updated • Important role in the Health and Social Care Bill • HWWB role in Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and JSNA • JSNA supports the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWBS) • Commissioning Plans 2013 need to take account of JHWBS

  7. What are the challenges? • Ageing Population • Mental health and alcohol issues • Health of children and young people • Health inequalities

  8. What do we want from you? • Your ideas and feedback on the information presented • Views on local needs and priorities • Information on local strengths and assets • Help to develop a local narrative for JSNA • What factors “explain” the data? Why are the reds red and the greens green?

  9. Overall Deprivation Score Source: Indices of Deprivation 2010

  10. Health Deprivation Score Source: Indices of Deprivation 2010

  11. Life Expectancy Life Expectancy Healthy Life Expectancy Source: Office for National Statistics

  12. Rurality England Cumbria Eden Source: Office for National Statistics, 2010

  13. Rurality Aged 65+ England Cumbria Eden Source: Office for National Statistics, 2010

  14. Barriers to Services & Housing Source: Indices of Deprivation, 2010

  15. Eden Population “Known” Forecasted Source: Office for National Statistics

  16. Median Household Income (£) Source: CACI Paycheck, 2011

  17. People and Communities

  18. Business and Enterprise

  19. Infrastructure & Environment

  20. Community Safety • Eden has the lowest levels of crime in Cumbria and is the third least deprived district in terms of crime in England • Levels of crime fell by 6.8% last year the most significant fall in the county • Yet both levels of drug crime and domestic violence are on the rise • The typical offender in Eden is most likely to be aged 18-30 years and male • Crime and disorder is most prevalent in Penrith

  21. Housing • The mean average house price in Eden is £220,400, £50,000 above the county average of £167,455 • The mean housing affordability ratio for the district is 6.7, above the county average of 5.2 • 34.8% of households in Eden are fuel poor the most significant proportion of any district in Cumbria

  22. Demand on the Health and Social Care System

  23. Demand on the health and Social Care System Adults • 1549 adult social care service users accessing 5224 services • 896 new referrals to adult social care services, with 424 resulting in a full assessment Children • 20 looked after children • 50 core assessments completed

  24. Demand on the Health and Social Care SystemAdult Social Care • 78% (1215) of the adult service users are aged 65 and over • Over 1,100 safeguarding alerts come into adult social care every year

  25. Demand on the Health and Social Care SystemHousing need (Adults) Source: Planning 4 Care

  26. Demand on the Health and Social Care System – Learning Disabilities 2010-30 People aged 18 and over predicted to have a learning disability (Source: PANSI and POPPI based on Emerson and Hatton)

  27. Demand on the Health and Social Care System – Dementia Figure 14: 2010-2030 The number of people aged over 65 years predicted to have dementia (Source: POPPI)

  28. Long-term Conditions, Chronic Illness and Disabilities Years of life lost from Cancer Source: National Centre for Health Outcomes Development, 2007-2009

  29. Years of life lost from Circulatory Disease Long-term Conditions, Chronic Illness and Disabilities Source: National Centre for Health Outcomes Development, 2007-2009

  30. % of working age population with a disability Long-term Conditions, Chronic Illness and Disabilities Source: Annual Population Survey, 2011

  31. % of children (0-16years) entitled to Disability Living Allowance Long-term Conditions, Chronic Illness and Disabilities Source: Annual Population Survey, 2011

  32. % happy or very happy with life Mental Health and Well Being Source: Quality of Life Survey, 2006

  33. % satisfied with local area Mental Health and Well Being Source: Place Survey Tracker 2009

  34. Estimated neurotic disorder per 1000 Mental Health and Well Being Source: North East Public Health Observatory, 2008

  35. Admissions for deliberate self harm per 100,000 Mental Health and Well Being Source: North West Public Health Observatory, 2009-10

  36. Years of life lost from suicide Mental Health and Well Being Source: National Centre for Health Outcomes Development, 2009-10

  37. Infant mortality per 1000 births Living Conditions and Health Inequalities Source: National Centre for Health Outcomes Development, 2009

  38. % born with low birth weight (<2.5kg) Living Conditions and Health Inequalities Source: National Centre for Health Outcomes Development, 2009

  39. Teenage pregnancy rate Living Conditions and Health Inequalities Source: Office for National Statistics, 2007-2009

  40. % children living in poverty Living Conditions and Health Inequalities Source: HMRC, 2009

  41. Claimant to vacancy ratio Living Conditions and Health Inequalities Source: Office for National Statistics, 2011

  42. % working age adults with level 4 or greater education Living Conditions and Health Inequalities Source: Annual Population Survey, 2010

  43. % working age adults with disabilities in employment Living conditions and Health Inequalities Source: Annual Population Survey, 2010

  44. Excess winter deaths Living conditions and Health Inequalities Source: North West Public Health Observatory, 2006-2009

  45. % of people who agree they can influence decisions in their area Living Conditions and Health Inequalities Source: Place Survey Tracker, 2009

  46. Estimated smoking prevalence Lifestyle and Behaviours Source: North West Public Health Observatory, 2009-2010

  47. Smoking during pregnancy per 100 maternities Lifestyle and Behaviours Source: North West Public Health Observatory, 2009-2010

  48. Hospital admissions due to alcohol Lifestyle and Behaviours Source: Local Alcohol Profiles for England, 2009-2010

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