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WP9– Evaluation, roadmap & development plan

WP9– Evaluation, roadmap & development plan. WP Objectives. To provide a well-informed exit strategy from the project in terms of understanding what has been achieved and what remains to be done. Specific goals: Understand the cost-comparison between existing and cloud-based systems.

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WP9– Evaluation, roadmap & development plan

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  1. WP9– Evaluation, roadmap & development plan This document produced by Members of the Helix Nebula consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://helix-nebula.eu/. The Helix Nebula project is co-funded by the European Community Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement no 312301

  2. WP Objectives • To provide a well-informed exit strategy from the project in terms of understanding what has been achieved and what remains to be done. • Specific goals: • Understand the cost-comparison between existing and cloud-based systems. • Understand constraints introduced by the cloud approach (e.g. security). • Publish a roadmap of future development issues. • Update existing Research Cloud Infrastructure strategy document to act as a development plan agreed between all stakeholder groups.

  3. Effort Contribution • Lead Beneficiary: EMBL WP9

  4. Deliverables and Milestones – Period 1

  5. Scientific/technical achievements and their impact • WP9 assessed the results achieved by the project and identified key actions to be implemented to overcome present constraints in future developments • A cost-comparison was included in D9.1 • WP9 fully achieved its objectives by delivering a future roadmap and a strategy agreed by all Helix Nebula partners Actions Strategy Roadmap

  6. Exploitation and use of foreground • The Roadmapwill guide the actions and future development of the partnerswithin the HelixNebula initiative to continue in a path of growth and scale-up a robust and reliable cloud infrastructure • The top-levelmid-termobjectives in the Strategic plan will help position Helix Nebula in the cloud sector and its role in serving the European Research Area

  7. Roadmap of future developments • Ensuring level playing field for Helix Nebula by seizing opportunities from pay-for-use schemes for scientific communities, pre-commercial procurement (PCP) and Public Procurement for Innovation (PPI). • Continuing engagement of Helix Nebula initiative with organizations and initiatives in security, certification, standardization with focus on interoperable solutions. • Pursuing cooperation with other geo-hazard related EC projects (DORIS, LAMPRE) and Iceland Supersite for downstream Copernicus services. • Further developing user friendly common interface allowing automated discovery of services in a transparent way and allowing comparison of contractual terms and conditions, SLAs, pricing, KPIs, QoS

  8. Roadmap of future developments • Establishing agreed and interoperable service management policies, process and procedures for cloud offering in a hybrid federated environment (FitSM standard, ITIL and others). • Continuing collaboration with e-Infrastructures (GÉANT, EGI, EUDAT and PRACE) toward an e-Infrastructure Commons Marketplace • Continuing engagement with European Cloud Partnership, Cloud for Europe and other initiatives, including CEF digital. • Planning a long term development vision for the Helix Nebula initiative also considering opportunities offered by Horizon 2020.

  9. Strategy • Seizing opportunities from Big Data, both for scientific and wider public use (eg. Copernicus, ITER, ESFRI and more general Public Sector Information). • Collaboration with Cloud for Europe project and direct action on investigating public procurement practices. • Setting up a long term specific strategy to scale up: • attracting more big players from European cloud players (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) • providing a collection of public services building blocks which can be offered in an open and interoperable way, and reused & combined by public administrations and third parties (“cloud of public services” concept). • Achieving critical mass would also allow to advocate for a new Contractual Public Private Partnership (cPPP) for Cloud.

  10. Interaction with other FP7 projects, and stakeholders outside the consortium • A continuous and useful dialogue with other e-Infrastructures and Cloud projects funded under FP7 provided useful elements included in the Roadmap and Strategy • WP9 also benefited from positive interactions with the European Cloud Partnership and the QMUL Cloud Legal Project

  11. Thank You!

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