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Developing Projects into Mines

Developing Projects into Mines. AUGUST 2005. Executive Team. Directors / Management Bongani Mbindwane (Chairman & CEO) , BA (Law), Dip. Environment Management Joshua Hattingh (Executive Director - Tech), BSc (Hons) Pr Sci Nat Sheldon Erasmus (Non-Exec), B.Ed, H.Dip.Ed, BSc

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Developing Projects into Mines

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Developing Projects into Mines AUGUST 2005

  2. Executive Team Directors / Management • Bongani Mbindwane (Chairman & CEO), BA (Law), Dip. Environment Management • Joshua Hattingh (Executive Director - Tech), BSc (Hons) Pr Sci Nat • Sheldon Erasmus(Non-Exec), B.Ed, H.Dip.Ed, BSc • Dr. James Motlatsi (Non-Exec), Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy (Social Sciences) • Neville Cornish (Non-Exec), BSc (Eng), BSc (Mining Engineering) Consulting Geologist • Mr.S Gain, Pr Sci Nat MSc

  3. LOCATION – Platinum Rich Limbs

  4. Berg Project Rationale • Located in SE Bushveld along strike from Der Brochen (AngloPlats) and Everest South (Aquarius Platinum) • Potential strike length of 9 km • 5,415 ha of mineral rights under option on three farms • Resources: potential for significant tonnages at economic grades • Potential for wide seam mechanized mining • Metallurgy: no problems anticipated • Infrastructure: good, including road access, power • Terrain: flat lying • Environment: less sensitive

  5. Geological Summary • UG2 outcrop traced south onto Kliprivier and latterly Klipbankspruit • Critical Zone now traced southwards across Klipbankspruit onto Houtenbek • Both UG2 and Merensky Reef intersected on Kliprivier at 150-1,000 m • Merensky ‘type’ reef intersected (4E) on Houtenbek at 159 m • Merensky reef intersected (4E) on Houtenbek at 560 m • UG2 intersected in two holes down dip of Berg Project at 1,450 m • UG2 intersected on Houtenbek at 683 m • Merensky type reef intersected with a 1.46m melanorite/feldspathic pyroxenite overlaying a mottled anorthosite. • Geophysical Report finalized and confirms Platfields original geological model in total • Floor-rock control on mineralization

  6. Project Plan ● Critical zone outcrops on Kliprivier, Klipbankspruit and Houtenbek. ● Merensky style stratigraphy and mineralisation intersected in BD5 at 159m. Maximum 4E grade of 5.20 g/ton intersected in BD5. ● Previously drilled holes to the west of the project intersected UG2. ● Geophysical Report confirms Platfields original geological model. ● 2004’s programme demonstrates that additional exploration is highly justified. A multi- disciplinary phased exploration programme (drilling campaign) is planned for 2005. ● BD6, BD7 intersected confirmed P.G.M’s ● Future drilling of BD9 – BD16 (July – Jan) – Berg Project ● Future exploration - Mapoch

  7. Leeuwkop Project • Located at the northern end of the eastern Bushveld Complex, directly west of Anglo Platinum’s Lebowa Platinum Mine. • Potential strike length of 3km, potential for opencast project • Prospecting right approved by Minister to a consortium consisting of 2 companies, namely MultiDirect (of which Platfields holds approximately 16%) and Thoba Mining. • The New Joint Venture (MultiDirect and Thoba) has made necessary formalities with DME

  8. Mapoch Project • Platfields holds exclusive prospecting agreement and sole option on the Mapoch Project • Mapoch Project is strategical to the future of The Berg Project • Mapoch has 2 UG2 intersections

  9. Platfields Au (gold) • Acquisitions 1) Marula Minerals (Grootfonteinberg 561KT) _ Located metres away from an operational Betha Mine − Some 599 484ha of ground for development − Borehole PR-01 drilled some 150 metres south of the most southerly underground workings of Beta Mines, intersected the Beta Reef − Prospecting Right pending. Application Accepted by DME 2) Golden Jubilee Mining − Located within the “Pilgrims Rest Central Mines” − A former successful mining operation, closed for gold production in late 80’s − Prospecting on adjacent land feasible − Prospecting Right pending. Application Accepted by DME More work is pending on the projects above, Platfields will soon commerce with the necessary desktop assessment.

  10. Accomplishments for 2004 / 2005 • Aeromag by Fugro • GAP Geophysics interpretation • Aerial photos and DTM by AOC • First borehole on project – BD1 completed in January • Comprehensive field mapping by T.Bloomer • Drilling of further boreholes on the project • Compilation of new geological plan based on all available data • Drilling of borehole BD1 – BD8 (June) • Drilling of deflections on BD5 and BD7 • Acquisition of a strategic PGM property, Mapoch • HOA for the exercising of the options under the Platmile Option Agreement amounting to approximately R90 million to balance sheet • Acquisition of potentially gold rich properties, Marula Minerals and Golden Jubilee • Granting of Prospecting Right for Leeuwkop by Minister • An Agreement with IBK Corp of Toronto to inject $10 million for working capital and other strategic activities

  11. A Goal Plan

  12. Capital Requirements Budget (Pre feasibility) Cost centre 2005 2006 2007 Total Overheads 1.60 1.61 2.60 5.81 Mineral-rights servicing 0.00 2.60 1.65 4.25 Berg project Exploration 4.00 9.00 6.67 19.67 • Merensky Resource Inference Drilling • UG2 Resource Inference Drilling Leeuwkop Exploration 0.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 Acquisition of Mapoch Plats (Pty) Ltd 0.00 5.50 0.50 6.00 New Projects Exploration (Mapoch, JV Projects, Gold Projects) 7.00 3.00 11.00 25.00 Total 12.60 23.71 23.42 59.73

  13. Platinum Prices Source: Johnson Matthey

  14. Conclusion ● Carefully managed exploration programme ● Understandable goal plan ● Budgetary streamlining and cost cutting ● A signed contract to raise $10 million for Platfields working capital ● A signed contract to achieve a clear exit strategy for shareholders and value unlocking ● Acquisitions of new strategic assets ● Shareholder input in operations

  15. Contact Information Main Administrative Offices : 47 On Strand, 3rd Floor Suite 303 Strand Street Cape Town, RSA 8000 Postal Address : P.O. Box 51949 Waterfront, Cape Town, RSA 8002 Tel Number : +27 21 423 4536 Fax Number : +27 21 423 4527 Website : www.platfields.co.za Email : info@platfields.co.za Contact Person : Mr. Bongani Mbindwane Chief Executive Officer IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This presentation is prepared by Mr Bongani Mbindwane, CEO. Its prepared in an executive summary form to assist stakeholders in making their own assessment on the Company, it’s progress and its mineral properties. It is not a prospectus or purporting to be one. It may not contain all the information a new investor may require or desire. New investors should seek advice from their respective professional advisors . All statements herein including figures are based on the Chief Executive current knowledge.

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