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Unit 1 Test

Unit 1 Test . 10/10/12. Early Civ. Explorers . Colonies. Colonies. Random. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. Final Question. Early Civ.– 10 Points.

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Unit 1 Test

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unit 1 Test 10/10/12

  2. Early Civ. Explorers Colonies Colonies Random 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 Final Question

  3. Early Civ.– 10 Points • Question: What Native American tribe built capital on an island in Lake Texcoco? • Answer: Aztec’s Home

  4. Early Civ- 20 Points • Question: What did North American Indians call their shelters? • Answer: Wigwams Home

  5. Early Civ- 30 Points • Question: American Indian Confederation they also controlled the fur trade • Answer: Iroquois League Home

  6. Early Civ.- 40 Points • Question: What is the “Three Sisters” • Answer: Beans, Corn, and Squash Home

  7. Early Civ.- 50 Points • Question: Who did Pocahontas marry? • Answer: John Rolfe Home

  8. Explorers- 10 Points • Question: What country was Christopher Columbus from? • Answer: Italy Home

  9. Topic 2- 20 Points • Question: What did the Spanish call their ships • Answer: Carnival Home

  10. Topic 2- 30 Points • Question: Sir Frances Drake was from What Country? • Answer: England Home

  11. Topic 2- 40 Points • Question: Term used for English Explorer who plundered and burned Spanish ships and colonies • Answer: Sea Dog Home

  12. Topic 2- 50 Points • Question: First Explorer to make it to India sailed around the coast of China and set up Navigation School • Answer Prince Henry of Portugal Home

  13. Early Colonies- 10 Points • Question: What was Jamestown main Export • Answer: Tobacco Home

  14. Topic 3- 20 Points • Question: What was the first colony in what is now the United States • Answer: St. Augustine, FL Home

  15. Topic 3- 30 Points • Question: Europeans were looking for what when they found the America’s • Answer: a shorter route to the India/China/Asia Home

  16. Topic 3- 40 Points • Question: What was the social system created by the Spanish Called • Answer: Casta System Home

  17. Topic 3- 50 Points • Question: England Created the Proclamation of 1763 because? • Answer: Pontiac’s Rebellion Home

  18. Topic 4- 10 Points • Question: What was a Loyalist • Answer: A supporter of the British Crown- did not want to declare independence Home

  19. Topic 4- 20 Points • Question: The Stamp Act Placed taxes on what • Answer: All printed material Home

  20. Topic 4- 30 Points • Question: Radical Group that Protested British Rule (Boston Tea Party) • Answer: Sons of Liberty Home

  21. Topic 4- 40 Points • Question: Leader of the Sons of Liberty • Answer: Samuel Adams Home

  22. Topic 4- 50 Points • Question: The Second Continental Congress choose him to command the Continental Army • Answer: George Washington Home

  23. Topic 5- 10 Points • Question: What Religion were the pilgrims • Answer: Puritans Home

  24. Topic 5- 20 Points • Question: Who was France Fighting in the French and Indian War • Answer: England Home

  25. Topic 5- 30 Points • Question: Era that followed Oliver Cromwell’s Death • Answer: Great Restoration Home

  26. Topic 5- 40 Points • Question: Agreement not to buy or import British Goods • Answer: Nonimportation Agreement Home

  27. Topic 5- 50 Points • Question: What colony Disappeared? • Answer: Roanoke Island Home

  28. Final Question • Question: Where where most of the colonist from in the Carolinas- hint not European • Answer: Barbados Home

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