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发展低碳经济的财政政策: 经验分享 Fiscal Policy to Develop Low-carbon Economy: Experience Sharing

发展低碳经济的财政政策: 经验分享 Fiscal Policy to Develop Low-carbon Economy: Experience Sharing. 财政部经济建设司能源政策处 吴海军 Wu Haijun Energy Policy Division, Economic Construction Department , Ministry of Finance, China. 什么是低碳经济 What is Low-carbon Economy ?.

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发展低碳经济的财政政策: 经验分享 Fiscal Policy to Develop Low-carbon Economy: Experience Sharing

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  1. 发展低碳经济的财政政策:经验分享Fiscal Policy to Develop Low-carbon Economy: Experience Sharing 财政部经济建设司能源政策处吴海军 Wu Haijun Energy Policy Division, Economic Construction Department,Ministry of Finance, China

  2. 什么是低碳经济 What is Low-carbon Economy? • 低碳经济就是在可持续发展理念指导下低能耗、低污染的经济形态。Low-carbon Economy refers to sustainable economic development with low energy consumption and environmental pollution. • 发展低碳经济是转变经济发展方式、促进经济社会可持续发展的重要内容,是应对气候变化、保护地球家园的有效措施,也是公共财政重点支持的方向。 To encourage low-carbon economy is an important part of the transformation of economic development mode and sustainable economic and social development. It is not only an effective means to deal with the impacts of climate change for environmental protection, but also an key area that public finance should support.

  3. 一、支持低碳环保产品推广 Encourage Low-carbon and Pollution-free Products • 基本思路:运用财政补贴手段启动消费市场,实现规模经济,使低碳环保产品价格大幅度降低,市场销售份额不断上升,逐渐成为市场消费的主流产品。Basic idea: to encourage consumption market by means of fiscal subsidies and realize economies of scale, so as to minimize the price of low-carbon products, increase its market share and become the dominant products on the market. • 实施节能产品惠民工程,初步建立了以高效照明产品、节能空调、节能汽车和高效电机等四大类节能产品推广体系。To promote energy efficient products among consumers. Systemic measures have been adopted to promote four categories of energy efficient products , including energy efficient lighting products, energy efficient air-conditioner, energy efficient vehicles and energy efficient electric generator.

  4. 四大节能产品推广体系 Measures Promoting Four Categories of Energy Efficient Products • 高效照明产品推广。“十一五”期间将共推广3.32亿只,实现节能能力125亿千瓦时,产品寿命期内可节电627亿千瓦时,节约电费129亿元,减排二氧化碳6270万吨,可拉动内需41亿元。 Energy efficient lighting products promotion. During 2006-2010, 332 million energy efficient light bulbs will be adopted, energy consumption will be cut by 12.5 billion kilo watts, electricity fee will be cut by about $2 billion, carbon dioxide emission will be cut by 62.7 million tons and will encourage domestic need of about $620 million. • 截至目前共推广一、二级高效节能空调约2000万台,使其市场占有率从推广前的5%上升到80%以上,直接拉动社会消费500多亿元,每年可节电40亿千瓦时,减排二氧化碳500万吨 。Up to now, about 20 million class Ⅰ and class Ⅱ energy efficient air-conditioners have been put to the market and its market share has increased from 5% to over 80%, which encouraged domestic consumption of about $7.6 billion. In this regard, 4 billion kilo watts will be saved and 5 million tons of carbon dioxide emission will be cut annually.

  5. 四大节能产品推广体系(续) Measures Promoting Four Categories of Energy Efficient Products (cont') • 全面推广1.6升及以下节能汽车。中央财政已下达资金11.8亿元,支持推广近40万辆节能汽车。节能汽车市场占有率大幅提高,今年9月份节能汽车销量占1.6升及以下乘用车销量的21%,比推广前提高了14个百分点。 Measures promoting vehicles with 1.6 liter engine capacity and smaller. $178 million has been appropriated from central finance to promote nearly 400000 energy efficient vehicles. The sales of energy efficient vehicles in September this year accounted for 21% of all passenger vehicles of 1.6 liter engine capacity and smaller, 14% higher than promotion measures were adopted. • 已印发《节能产品惠民工程高效电机推广实施细则》,根据产品类型和额定功率对高效电机给予补贴。Detailed Rules to Promote Energy Efficient Electric Generator has bee issued. Consumers will be subsidized in accordance with the generator’s types and rated power.

  6. 二、支持低碳技术研发、推广和应用 Support to Low-carbon Technology Research, Promotion and Use. • 鼓励企业实施节能技术改造 Encouraging energy saving technology improvement in enterprises • 2007年~2010年,共支持3000多个节能量在1万吨以上的节能技术改造项目,拉动企业和社会投资1500多亿元,预计可实现节能量9000多万吨标准煤。During 2007-2010, more than 3000 energy saving technology programs were supported by central finance. Each program could reduce carbon dioxide emission of over 10,000 tons. The programs stimulated investment of $22.7 billion. It is expected that 90million tons of standard coal could be saved.

  7. 二、支持低碳技术研发、推广和应用 (续) Support to Low-carbon Technology Research, Promotion and Use. (cont’) • 推行合同能源管理 Encouraging energy performance contracting • 支持节能服务公司采用合同能源管理方式实施的工业、建筑、交通等领域以及公共机构节能改造项目。To encourage energy performance contracting among energy services company to conduct energy saving programs. • 支持淘汰落后产能 Eliminating outdated industrial capacity • 十一五期间淘汰小火电7000多万千瓦、焦炭1.1亿吨、水泥3.5亿吨,促进了“十一五”淘汰落后产能任务提早超额完成。During 2006-2010, many small and outdated thermal power plants, coke plants and cement plants were eliminated. 70 million kilo watts energy, 110 million tons of coke and 250 million tons of cement were saved.

  8. 三、新能源汽车推广应用Popularizing New Energy Vehicles • 基本思路:建立“财政-科技联动新机制”,采取补贴消费者方式,支持试点城市推广使用新能源汽车,有效引导企业生产、研发并加强各类资源整合,推动我国新能源汽车释放需求潜能、加速产品更新、加快产业发展。 Basic idea: Establish "New interaction mechanism between finance and technology ", subsidize consumers and promote new energy vehicles tentatively in some cities. Encourage production and research of new energy vehicles, enlarge its market share.

  9. 三、新能源汽车推广应用(续)Popularizing New Energy Vehicles (cont’) • 支持北京等25个城市,在公共服务领域率先推广使用新能源汽车,已示范推广1.5万多辆,可实现年节省燃油900万升,减少二氧化碳排放3万多吨。 Support 25 cities including Beijing to popularize the use of new energy vehicles for public service. More than 15 thousand new energy vehicles have been adopted. In this regard, 9 million liters fuel will be saved and 30 thousand tons of carbon emission will be reduced annually. • 在北京等6个城市启动私人购买新能源汽车补贴试点,计划年底之前推广上千辆新能源汽车。 A pilot program, subsidizing personal consumers of new energy vehicles, will be kicked off in six cities including Beijing and over a thousand new energy vehicles will be put on the market before the end of this year.

  10. 四、支持可再生能源产业发展 Support to Renewable Energy Industry Development • 电价附加Additional electricity price • 设立可再生能源电价附加,征收标准为每千瓦时4厘钱,所征收资金用来分摊可再生能源电价超过常规能源发电平均上网电价的差额部分。Establish the additional electricity price on renewable energy. The collection fee standard is 0.04 Chinese yuan per KWH. The collected fee will offset the balance between renewable energy price and the average price of electricity generated by conventional energy resources. • 设立可再生能源发展专项资金 Special funds for renewable energy development • 设立可再生能源发展专项资金,支持风能、太阳能、生物质能等新能源开发利用。 • Establish special funds for renewable energy development to support the development and utilization of new energy resources such as wind, solar and biological energy.

  11. 谢 谢 Thank you.

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