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As the frightened children stared in horror the dinosaur started to dissolve. Little by little the dinosaur started to fade away as the rain poured down on top of the chalk lizard.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. As the frightened children stared in horror the dinosaur started to dissolve. Little by little the dinosaur started to fade away as the rain poured down on top of the chalk lizard.

  2. As soon as the dinosaur faded away and left a green river of chalk on the asphalt. “Let’s get out of here,,” said Mason. “ Wait “, said Josefina. “What about the chalk?” Mason replied, “Let’s take the chalk with us.” The girls shouted, “ARE YOU SERIOUS?” as Mason took the bag and placed it back on the dinosaur’s mouth.

  3. As the three friends staggered away with trembling legs, Mason mischievously looked back wondering if he should return to the park for the bag of chalk?

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