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Urbanization and The American City

Urbanization and The American City. Reasons for the American City The Immigrants The American Family Changed by Urbanization. The Growth of Cities. Three factors responsible for growth of cities. Improved transportation moved goods and people quickly and easily

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Urbanization and The American City

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Urbanization and The American City Reasons for the American City The Immigrants The American Family Changed by Urbanization

  2. The Growth of Cities • Three factors responsible for growth of cities. • Improved transportation moved goods and people quickly and easily • Industrialization- produced more goods cheaply by machine • Commercialization- production of goods for a mass market. People demand goods.

  3. Nation’s Three Largest Cities by 1850 • New York, pop. 1,000,000 due to being a seaport and commercial center • Philadelphia, pop. 565,529 due to industry • Baltimore, pop. 250,000 due to trade with central U.S. and foreign markets. • New cities emerge as a result of transportation routes.

  4. Transportation in the United States

  5. The Immigrants • The Irish are escaping the Great Potato Famine in the 1840’s • Germans are escaping revolution and unrest • Scandinavians are drawn by the opportunity to own land

  6. The Immigrants

  7. The Immigrants • U.S. population from 1790-1820 doubles through natural increase • 1815, immigration from Germany, Ireland, Britain and Scandinavia increases • Immigrants come seeking land, good pay, economic opportunity, political and religious freedom

  8. The Rise of Nativism • Nativists fear immigrants because they are culturally different, will bring diseases and • Native-born workers resented immigrants for their willingness to work for low wages

  9. The Rise of Nativism • Nativists fought to prevent immigration and immigrants from finding work • Used discrimination practices and used the legal system against immigrants • Irish not really discriminated against, majority of them do find employment on canal construction, as soldiers, house servants and factory workers

  10. Class differences in cities • Unskilled and uneducated poor and immigrants live in depleted slums • Skilled workers live above their stores • Educated middle-class live in comfortable homes • Wealthy live in mansions in secluded areas

  11. Slums by railroad tracks.

  12. City sanitation and living problems • Garbage collection was not a city service • If you wanted services you paid for the actual cost of a sewer or street • Wealthy and poor begin to live in specific areas of the city • 1845 professional police forces appear to control the poor who riot because of living conditions

  13. Ethnic Neighborhoods • Irish immigrants cluster in ethnic neighborhoods for support and help • They build Catholic churches and form social and religious clubs • Run their own fire and militia companies, also serve as policemen

  14. The Five Points, New York City, 1850’s

  15. Pictures of Slums, circa 1890’s

  16. Wealthy live in mansions with access to private parks

  17. The American Family Changes • The Industrial Revolution changes the dynamics of the family • Fathers spend more time away from home and mothers now assume more control of household affairs • Working class mothers seek employment as well to supplement the families income

  18. The American Family Changes • Working class women seek work whereas middle class wives do not • The middle class view is negative towards a wife who seeks work outside the home • Middle class place women on a pedestal for their devotion to home and family • Working class women contributor to family income and take care of family!

  19. The American Family Changes • Working class women tend to now marry later and have fewer children • The birth of smaller families led parents to value their children more and provide them with more attention and affection

  20. The American Family Changes • Separate Spheres: Belief that God ordained specific roles for men and women • Wife duty to family and to obey husband, husbands duty was to be provider for family • Men were smart, competitive, aggressive and independent • Women were motherly, emotional and dependent

  21. Gangs in 19th Century America? • Not really gangs in the beginning • Actually they are young immigrants rebelling and looking for their own identity in America • Flamboyant dress and behavior are a way to set themselves apart from middle class

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