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DOE O 430.2B Metering Requirements and Status

DOE O 430.2B Metering Requirements and Status. March 17, 2009. Requirements. DOE O 430.2B

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DOE O 430.2B Metering Requirements and Status

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  1. DOE O 430.2B Metering Requirements and Status March 17, 2009

  2. Requirements • DOE O 430.2B • The installation of advanced electric metering systems at all Department sites in accordance with the DOE metering plan for site monitoring of electric energy. Standard metering systems for steam, natural gas and water must also be installed and centrally monitored at all Department sites for steam, natural gas and water consumption. • To the maximum extent practicable, all Sites must install metering devices that measure consumption of potable water, electricity, steam, and natural gas in each building and other facilities and grounds • A departmental centralized tracking system for collecting advanced metering data for electrical energy will be developed… Data from all Departmental advanced metering devices must be collected for incorporation into this centralized tracking system

  3. Definitions • Advanced meters • Advanced meters are defined as having the capability to measure and record interval data (at least hourly for electricity) and communicate the data to a remote location in a format that can be easily integrated into an advanced metering system

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