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高考资源网. 你身边的高考专家. Unit 2 Healthy eating COME AND EAT HERE (I). 课文填空. sugary. roast. ought. bacon. barbecued. frustrated. stir-fried.

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  1. 高考资源网 你身边的高考专家

  2. Unit 2 Healthy eatingCOME AND EAT HERE (I) 课文填空

  3. sugary roast ought bacon barbecued frustrated stir-fried Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very _________. It had been a very strange morning. Usually he got up early and prepared his menu of _________ mutton kebabs, _________ pork, _________ vegetables and fried rice. Then by lunchtime they would all be sold. By now his restaurant _________ to be full of people. But not today! Why was that? What could have happened? He thought of his mutton, beef and _________ cooked in the hottest, finest oil. His cola was _________ and cold, and his ice cream was made of milk, cream and delicious fruit. “Nothing could be better,” he thought. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

  4. in On to out in of with down about at 8 Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside. It was full _____ people. The hostess, a very thin lady, came forward. “Welcome,” she said. “My name is Yong Hui. I’ll help you lose weight and be fit _____ two weeks if you eat here every day.” Then she gave a menu _____ Wang Peng. There were few choices of food and drink on it: just rice, raw vegetables served _____ vinegar, fruit and water. Wang Peng was amazed _____ this and especially at the prices. It cost more than a good meal in his restaurant! He could not believe his eyes. He threw _____ the menu and hurried outside. _____ his way home he thought _____ his own menu. Did it make people fat? Perhaps he should go to the library and find _____. He could not have Yong Hui getting away _____ telling people lies! He had better do some research! 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

  5. sugary roast ought bacon barbecued frustrated stir-fried Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very _________. It had been a very strange morning. Usually he got up early and prepared his menu of _________ mutton kebabs, _________ pork, _________ vegetables and fried rice. Then by lunchtime they would all be sold. By now his restaurant _________ to be full of people. But not today! Why was that? What could have happened? He thought of his mutton, beef and _________ cooked in the hottest, finest oil. His cola was _________ and cold, and his ice cream was made of milk, cream and delicious fruit. “Nothing could be better,” he thought. frustrated barbecued roast stir-fried ought bacon sugary

  6. in On to out in of with down about at Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside. It was full _____ people. The hostess, a very thin lady, came forward. “Welcome,” she said. “My name is Yong Hui. I’ll help you lose weight and be fit _____ two weeks if you eat here every day.” Then she gave a menu _____ Wang Peng. There were few choices of food and drink on it: just rice, raw vegetables served _____ vinegar, fruit and water. Wang Peng was amazed _____ this and especially at the prices. It cost more than a good meal in his restaurant! He could not believe his eyes. He threw _____ the menu and hurried outside. _____ his way home he thought _____ his own menu. Did it make people fat? Perhaps he should go to the library and find _____. He could not have Yong Hui getting away _____ telling people lies! He had better do some research! of in to in at down On about out with

  7. Food Pyramid water protein 蛋白质 fat sugar vitamins 维生素 minerals 矿物质 fibres dairy nuts meat fruit vegetable grains, rice

  8. 基础知识自测

  9. 一、单词拼写根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。一、单词拼写根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1.___________ [5daiEt] n.日常饮食; vi.节食 2.___________ [5enEdVi]n. 精力;活力;能量 3.___________ [5faibE] n. 纤维; 纤维制品 4.___________ [5kju:kQmbE] n. 黄瓜 5.___________ [5mQFrum] n. 蘑菇 6.___________ [5mQtn] n. 羊肉 7.___________ [7kjuEri5Csiti] n. 好奇心 8.___________ [slim] adj. 苗条的;vi. 变细,减肥 9.___________ [rC:] adj.生的, 未加工的 10.__________ [ri5sE:tF] n.& vi. 研究,调查 diet energy fibre cucumber mushroom mutton curiosity slim raw research

  10. 11____________ [5kQstEmE] n. 顾客;消费者 12____________ [streNW] n. 力量;长处 13____________ [5wi:knis] n. 虚弱; 弱点 14____________ [det] n. 债务; 欠款 15____________ [^lZE] vi.怒目而视;n.眩目的光 16____________ [5dVentli] adv. 轻轻地;轻柔地 17____________ [5limit] n. 界限 vt.限制 18____________ [5benifit] n. 利益 vt&vi 有益于 19____________ [kEm5bain] vt.& vi 使联合,使结合 20____________ [5pAkit] n. 小包裹;袋 customer strength weakness debt glare gently limit benefit combine packet

  11. 二、单词运用根据句子的结构和意义,或首字母的提示,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词。二、单词运用根据句子的结构和意义,或首字母的提示,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词。 1. We should ____________ theory with practice. 2. He has been working for a long time, but he is still full of e_____________. 3. The boy lifted the stone with all his s____________ 4. Students get benefits ____________their teachers. 5. “You did a bad job!” She ____________ (叹息). combine energy strength from sighed

  12. 6. She is not ____________ enough to wear these tight trousers. 7. Children are always full of c____________; they want to know everything. 8. What will happen if you do not eat a b____________ diet? 9. The thief got away ____________several thousand pounds worth of jewellery. 10. He has to cut ____________ on smoking because he coughs a lot. slim curiosity balanced with down

  13. 三、词语派生用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。三、词语派生用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. He sat in his company ___________ (feel) very frustrated. 2. I’m _________ ( curiosity ) to know what has happened there. 3. I haven’t the __________ ( strong) to lift this stone. 4. My ability is ____________ ( limit). 5. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man live ___________ ( health). feeling curious strength limited healthily

  14. 6. The food is easy to ______________ ( digestion). 7. Exercise is ____________ ( benefit ) to our health. 8. You shouldn’t eat too much __________ ( sugar) food. 9. With the help of the doctor, he recovered from her ____________ ( weak). 10. The dish tasted ___________ ( salt ) with too much salt. digest beneficial sugary weakness salty

  15. 四、词组互译将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。四、词组互译将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。 1 a healthy diet ______________________ 2 feel frustrated________________________ 3 a newly-opened restaurant_________________ 4 glare at _________________________ 5 cut down ________________________ 6 do some research __________________ 7 have sb. doing sth.___________________ 平衡膳食 感到心灰意冷 一家新开张的餐馆 怒视 削减,砍倒 做调查 让某人一直做某事

  16. 8. 把……与……结合起来_____________________ 9. 充满________________________________ 10.应当,应该__________________________ 11.扔掉 ___________________________________ 12.被放过,(做坏事)不受惩罚_______________ 13.说谎____________________________________ 14.厌倦________________________________ 15.以……谋生_______________________________ 16.欠债_________________________________ combine…with… be full of ought to throw away get away with tell lies be tired of earn one’s living by in debt

  17. 五、词组运用根据汉语意思,在第四题中选择适当的词组填空。五、词组运用根据汉语意思,在第四题中选择适当的词组填空。 1. 你的膳食平衡吗? Do you eat __________________ ? 2. Tom曾经靠送牛奶谋生。 Tom used to ___________________delivering milk. 3. 他们昨天把旧报纸扔掉了。 They _____________ the old newspapers yesterdays. 4. 她欠我50块钱。 She ________________ to me for 50 yuan RMB. 5. 你观顾新开张的餐馆了吗? Have you visited ____________________________ ? a balanced diet earn his living by threw away was in debt the newly-opened restaurant

  18. 6. 玛丽本应接受他提供给她的工作, 但是她拒绝了。 Mary ____________________ the job he offered to her, but she didn’t. 7. 如果你在考试中舞弊, 你几乎没可能逃脱处罚。 If you cheat in the exam, you could hardly ___________________ it. 8. 我们应该劳逸结合。 We should __________ business _______ pleasure . 9. 房间里充满了笑声。 The room ______________ laughter . 10. 对不起,让你久等了。 I am sorry to _____________________ so long. ought to have taken get away with combine with was full of have had you waiting

  19. Language points for Reading I LanguagepointsforReadingII Language Data Bank

  20. Language points for Reading I: 1.Wang Pengwei sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. feeling这里是用动词的-ing形式做伴随状语。 e.g. He spent a lot of money decorating( 装修)the house. The manager approached(走近) us smiling. Many of us, being so excited, could not go to sleep that night.

  21. 2.“Nothing could have been better.” he thought. =All his foods could have been best. 此句是用比较级的形式表示最高级含义。 e.g. -----How are you getting on? (你怎么样?) ------Nothing could be better. (再好不过了)

  22. 3. Pengwei followed Li Maochang into a newly-opened small restaurant at the end of the street. newly-opened是副词加动词过去分词的合成形容词。合成形容词常见的构词方法有: 1).adj+n.+ed noble-minded (高尚的) good-tempered(脾气好的)

  23. 2.adj+v-ing good-looking (好看的) easy –going(平易近人的) 3.n+v-ing peace-loving(爱好和平的) body-building(塑身的) 4.adv+p.p(past participle) well-known(著名的) wide-spread(广泛流传的) well-dressed(穿戴好的)

  24. 4.Wang Pengwei was amazed at this and especially at the prices. amaze v. (1)To fill with great surprise,cause wonder in 吃惊,使吃惊 e.g. It amazed me to hear that you were leaving. (2)be amazed at…. 对…感到惊讶,惊愕 e.g. You would be amazed at how difficult it was.

  25. 5.He couldn’t have YongHui getting away with telling people lies! have sb doing sth (1)表示让某人做某事,让某种情况发生。 e.g. I won’t have you waiting long. 我不会让你久等的。 I won’t have you smoking at your age.

  26. have+宾语+过去分词/动词原形/副词/形容词 e.g. I had my hair cut yesterday. If you will have me stay, I will stay. 如果你让我留下,我就留下。 We had the enemy surrounded. I can’t have you saying so to your parents.

  27. get away with not be punished for sth; steal sth and escape with it; receive a relatively light punishment. 1.They got away with damaging the car. 2.Thieves robbed the bank and got away with a lot of money. 3.He was so lucky to get away with a fine(罚金) for such a serious mistake.

  28. 6.Want to feel fit? feel 在这里用做系动词,fit为表语,构成系表结构。 1)feel + adj 2)feel + 宾语+不定式(省to)/现在分词 e.g. He feels his health improve/improving. 3)feel+形式宾语(it)+宾补+不定式(真正宾语) e.g. she feels it necessary to tell them the news.

  29. 7.He provided a balanced diet in his menu. provide to supply sth needed or useful(供给,提供,供应);establish the legal basis or authority for sth (约定,规定) • That hotel provides good meals. • The law provides that valuable ancient buildings must be preserved by the government.

  30. 8.Wang Pengwei admired YongHui’s restaurant when he saw the menu. admire to regard or look at with pleasure and respect; have a good opinion of 1.We admire him for his success in business. 2.We all admired her for the way she saved the children from the fire.

  31. Language points for Reading II: 1.earn one’s living 1)earn means to get (money) by working 赚,挣(钱);to get sth because of one’s qualities or actions 博得,赢得 eg:I earn 2000 yuan a month by selling newspapers. She earned her place in the team by training hard.

  32. 2) earn one’s living 谋生 earn one’s / a living = make one’s/a living 谋生 eg:A teacher earns his living by teaching.

  33. 2.be in debt the state of owing 欠债,负债 eg:现在我欠债很多,但希望发工资后能付清。 I’m heavily in debt at the moment, but hope to be out of debt when I get paid. get/run into debt 负债 in debt to sb = in one’s debt 欠某人的债,受某人的恩惠 out of debt

  34. 3.glare vt to look in an angry way; to shine with a strong light. glare at 表示“怒目而视” glance at 表示“粗略地看一下” look at “看看……”为一般用语 stare at 表示“盯着 …… 看,凝视”

  35. 4、有关建议或劝告的句型归纳: 1)用let´s或shall I/we来表示对第一人称的建议 let´s +动词原形: 我们自己来刷漆。 Let´s paint it ourselves. 有时可加上shall we? 我们今天把油漆弄来,好吗? Let´s get the paint today,shall we? shall I/we+动词原形: 我们邀请比尔好吗? Shall we invite Bill?

  36. 对Let´s或shall we表示的建议的肯定答语中可以用yes或Let´s。 Let´s not可用做带玩笑口气的否定回答: —我们把帐篷带上吧。—可别! —Let´s take the tent.—Let´s not! 或引导一个否定的建议: 我们别出发得太早。 Let´s not start too early. 这里也可以用don´tlet´s:Don´t let´s start too early.(译文同上。)

  37. 2) what/how about +动名词/名词: 我们睡在哪儿? Where shall we sleep? 租一辆旅行拖车怎么样? What about renting a caravan? 那么住在“供应住宿和早餐”服务的小客店怎么样? What about a bed and breakfast place?

  38. 3) must,ought to和should可用来表示劝告: 你该读一读这本书。这本书非常好。 You must read this book.It´s very good. 你应该自己种菜吃。 You should grow your own vegetables. 你应当种几棵树。 You ought to plant some trees.

  39. 4) you had better +不带to的不定式: 你最好把湿鞋子脱掉。 You´d better take off your wet shoes. 你最好不要再等了。 You´d better not wait any longer. had better可用于第三人称: 他最好别再服用那些药片。 He´d better stop taking those pills.

  40. 5) if I were you I should/would: 如果我是你,我就买一辆汽车了。 If I were you I´d buy a car. 这种形式常常被缩略为I should/would,I稍加重音:´I´d buy a car.(译文同上。) 在间接引语中 If I were you I should/would…由advise+宾语结构来转述: 他劝我买辆汽车。 He advised me to buy a car.

  41. 6) I advise/would advise you+不定式: (你要是问我的意见的话)我劝你马上去申请。 I(would) advise you to apply at once. I advise/would advise+动名词: I(´d) advise applying at once. (译文同上。)

  42. 7) why don´t you… / Why not do …? 可表示劝告或建议: 你为什么不学弹吉它? Why don´t you / Why not learn to play your guitar? 你为什么不休假? Why don´t you / Why not take a holiday?

  43. 8) it is time you + 过去时态: 你该买一件新外衣了。 It is time you bought a new coat.

  44. 5、有关看病的句型归纳: 病人:There’s something wrong with … ……有些不对劲。 I’ve got a cough 我咳嗽。 I feel terrible(bad). 我感觉很糟糕。 I don’t feel well. 我感觉不舒服。 I’ve got a pain here. 我这儿痛。 This place hurts. 这个地方伤了。

  45. 医生:What’s wrong with you? / What’s the matter with you? 你怎么了? It’s nothing serious. 没什么大问题。 You’ll be all right/well soon. 你很快就会好的。 Take this medicine three times a day. 每天吃三次药。 Drink plenty of water and have a good rest. 喝多点水,并好好休息。

  46. Grammar modal verb 情态动词(二)

  47. ought to ought to 用于表示"想必会"(语气较must 弱): 他们想必已到那儿了。 They ought to be there by now. 2. 他最好不要抽烟了。 He ought to stop smoking. 多数情况下,ought to可与should互换使用。 Ought to的反意疑问句用shouldn’t替代。

  48. 13. You ought to have helped him with his English, ________ you ? • A. won’t you • B. ought not you • C. shouldn’t you • D. wouldn’t you

  49. 比较had better, should & ought to 三者均表示建议,意为“应该”,“应当”或“最好做…”. 三者的语气程度为渐强。 Had better指一般性的建议,最弱。 Should&ought to含义相近,常可互换。区别在于,ought to常指特殊情况下的“应当”。Should则指一般情况。见下页例句。

  50. You ought to help him because he is in trouble now.(语气强,有命令意味。) You should have a rest after finishing your sports.(一般性建议) You ought to call the police when you find something wrong in your house. He should take care of the babies tonight.

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