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Food Grains Production scenario of Arunachal Pradesh during 2014-15

Food Grains Production scenario of Arunachal Pradesh during 2014-15. A presentation by Department of Agriculture Govt.of Arunachal Pradesh New Delhi : 15 December’2015.

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Food Grains Production scenario of Arunachal Pradesh during 2014-15

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  1. Food Grains Production scenario of Arunachal Pradesh during 2014-15 A presentationby Department of Agriculture Govt.of Arunachal Pradesh New Delhi : 15 December’2015

  2. FOOD SCENARIOAnticipated Rice & Total Food crops Requirement vsProduction during XII PLAN in Arunachal Pradesh(in lakh MT) Total Food crops includes Rice, Coarse cereals & Pulses

  3. Area (lakh ha), Production (lakh MT) & Yield (Kg/ha) of Food Crops in Arunachal Pradesh during XII Plan

  4. P- Production’000MT P A 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

  5. Rice scenario -2014 Coarse Cereal Scenario Total area under Rice : 127200 ha Production : 285000 MT Av. Productivity : 22.40 qtls/ha SHIFTING(Jhum) CULTIVATION Rice under Shifting cultivation : 50000 ha Production under Shifting cultivation : 55000 MT Productivity under Shifting cultivation : 11.00 qtls/ha SETTLED CULTIVATION Rice under Settled cultivation : 77200 ha Production under Settled cultivation : 230000 MT Productivity under Settled cultivation : 29.80 qtls/ha Area enhanced by 4.5% from 74440 ha(2012-13) to 77800 ha during 2014-15. Production increased by appx.10% from the level of 99600 MT(2012-13) to 109500 MT (2014-15) Productivity enhanced from 13.39 qtl/ ha (1012-13) to 14.07qtl/ha during 2014-15 • Pulses • 21% increase of Area from 9500ha during 2012-13 to 11500 ha(2014-15). • Production enhanced from 10580 MT(2012-13) to 14500 MTduring 2014-15 • (appx.37% increase) • Productivity enhanced from 11.14 qtl/ha to 12.60qtl/ha(13% increase over 2012-13)

  6. Proposed strategy for enhanced Pulse production • Appx.20000 ha Rice fallow to be brought under Rabi Pulses (Lentil, Pea,Green • Gram ) • Rice-Pulses cropping sequence for double cropping to be intensified in assured • irrigated areas. • Promote improved Pulse cultivars in Shifting cultivation areas(Jhum areas) • Oilseeds • Increase in area of Oilseeds from 32760 ha (2012-13) to 35000 ha (2014-15) • Additional area coverage through NMOOP (MM-I) • Production enhanced from 31640 MT(2012-13) to 35000 MT(2014-15) • Under NMOOP(MM-II), nursery development in progress by M/s Ruchi Soya • OilPalm Ltd, 3 F Oil Palm Industries & Sivasais oil Palm to cover 20000 ha area • over 5 years(2014-2019)

  7. Oil Palm Nursery in East Siang District Developer : M/s Ruchi Soya Oil Palm Industries ltd

  8. Significant benefits derived from NFSM in three years (2012-15) • Productivity of Rice enhanced from 2060 kg ha-1 in 2011-12 to 2240 kg ha-1 (2014-15) : Increase of 180 kg ha-1 (8.7%) • Production of Rice enhanced from 2.55 lakhs MT(2011-12) to 2.85 lakh MT(2013-14) : Increase of 30000 MT (11.8%) • Farm Power availability raised from 0.23 kW/ha (2007) to 0.40 kW/ha upto 2014-15 • CAU.R-1 and Ranjit variety of HYV Rice gaining popularity due to higher productivity Impact of CM’s Agri-Mechanization programme and NFSM on Farm power availability (kW/ha) In Arunachal Pradesh.National average 1.66 kW/ha (2010) Farm Power availability in Arunachal Pradesh kW/ha=(No. of Agricultural workers X 0.05 +No. of draft Animal X 0.38+ No.of Tractors X 26.1 +No.of Power Tillers X5.6 +No.of Electric motors X3.7 + No.of Diesel Engines X 5.6)/ Available cultivated land in ha

  9. Strategy & New initiatives for enhancement of food grains production during 2014-15 • Area expansion by land terracing under RKVY • Introduction of Ranjit and CAU.R-1,MTU-1010 & MTU-7029 variety of Rice • Additional area coverage under Rabi Maize • Optimum IPM & INM practices. • Enhanced power availability through Chief Minister’s Agri- Mechanization programme by adding Tractors, Power Tillers, Paddy Dehusking Machines(PDM) and water Pumping sets with State govt.financial assistance. • Cropping System based Demonstration & Training Local initiatives & application of Indigenous Technical Knowledge(ITK) • Growing of Finger Millets and local Pulses on the Rice field bunds • Renovation & maintenance of natural water bodies for irrigation with Pumping sets • Area expansion by land terracing with minor irrigation structures from natural sources for Rice cultivation • Irrigation water conveyance with bamboo and local materials and local water lifting devices • Contour bunding on slopes of rain fed Rice fields with local materials across slopes to reduce run off velocity and conservation of top fertile soil • Rodent control through application of ITK (Locally termed as Eda,Reipi, Guri,Buri smoke etc.) • Bird scaring through application of ITK ( Locally called Tapok, Gota, Etku/Guri)

  10. Growing of Finger Millets and local Pulses on the Rice field bunds Varieties of coarse cereals & Pulses Maize : Deccan Hyb,Amber,Vijay,All Rounder(Hyb) Green Gram : Pant Mung-4, PS-16,PS-7 Black Gram : Pant U-9,AKU-4,WBU-108 Rajma : PDR-14,Varun.HUR-137

  11. Special Initiative from 2015-16 • Visited International Rice Research Institute(IRRI) at Los Banos, Laguna(Phillipines) and interacted with senior Rice Scientists of international fame to explore potentialities of technological intervention in the state’s Rice production programme. Interacted with scientists in details and following detailed discussions, enhanced collaboration of the state with IRRI in the issues viz. • Development of Rice strategy for the state • Provide high Yielding stress tolerant Rice varieties,(Flood & drought tolerant) • Efficient Seed system, Conservation & improvement of traditional Rice varieties, • Evolve appropriate management practices for both rainfed and irrigated conditions, • Assistance in Agricultural Planning related to Rice based cropping system and provision of need based technical assistance were identified. • A protocol of discussion was signed by the state Agriculture & Horticulture Commissioner and Dr.V.Bruce J.Tolentino, Deputy Director General (Communication & Partnership),IRRI

  12. Protocol Signing with IRRI

  13. COMPONENT WISE ACHIEVEMENT UNDER NFSM 2014-15 and Approved target for 2015-16 I.RICE (Rupees in lakhs) 2014-152015-16 1.Direct seeded/line transplanting 4890 ha = 366.75 2014 ha = 150.00 2.Seed distribution (HYV) in qtl 46134 qtls = 364.84 14740qtl =147.40 3.Cropping System based Demonstrati o1200ha = 150.00 1150ha = 143.00 4. Cropping System based Training -- -- 52 nos = 7.28 5.Plant and Soil protection managemen 17573ha = 87.87 16360ha = 110.00 6.Local initiative(Ring well/w/storage& renovation) =47.35 784 nos = 51.59 7. Resource Conservation( Eqpmts) 4217 nos = 126.50 2750nos =40.548 8.Misceleneous Expenditure (13 Districts and state ) = 58.78 9. Incentive for Water Pump set : 750 @10000/ = 75.00 700 nos = 70.00 10. Support to FTC/MCP,Basar = 14.52 Total Rice(I) =1277.09 735.638

  14. COMPONENT WISE ACHIEVEMENT UNDER NFSM 2014-15 and Approved target for 2015-16 (Rupees in lakhs) II. PULSES 2014-15 2015-16 1.Cropping System based Demonstration 252 ha = 31.60 500ha = 62.50 2. Dem.on Improved techniques -- 900ha =67.50 3.Dist.of HYV Pulses Seeds 1313ha =32.83 2600qtl =65.00 4. INM/IPM -- 8300ha = 50.75 5.Resource Conservation Technology/tools -- 2458nos =38.748 6.Sprikler sets -- 100 nos = 10.00 7. Cropping System based Training -- 28 nos =3.92 8. Project Management Team(PMT)/Misc =6.85 =17.00 9.Support to NGOs/Institution -- =6.60 10. Mini Dal Mills by Farmers’ group -- =10.00 11. Support for branding/marketing -- = 7.00 12.Mobilization/capacity building/value chain -- = 5.00 Total Pulses 71.18 344.018

  15. COMPONENT WISE ACHIEVEMENT UNDER NFSM 2014-15 and Approved target for 2015-16 III. COARSE CEREAL 2014-152015-16 • Maize Package Demonstration : 1060 ha = 53.00 18284ha = 914.20 • HYV Seeds Distribution Maize & Millet : 3333 q = 49.995 21920 qtl = 391.80 Total Coarse cereal(III) = 102.995 =1306.00 Grand Total (I)Rice + (II) Pulses + (III) Coarse Cereals = 2014-15 (Utilization) 1277.09 + 71.18 + 102.995 = 1451.25 lakhs 2015-16 (Approved Outlay ) I)Rice + (II) Pulses + (III) Coarse Cereals =735.638 +344.018+1306.00 lakhs = 2385.656 lakhs

  16. Financial Release & Utilzation of NFSM fundsRs.inlakhs NMOOP MM-I MM-II MM-III 2014-15 : Release : 121.698 121.652 28.72 Utilization : 121.698 121.652 28.72

  17. Thank you

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