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All About a Web Developer In Louisville KY

We are Web Developer Louisville KY agency that includes services like custom website designs, custom website coding and development, optimization for SEO, Website compatibility across all browsers and devices, and many more. https://bit.ly/2P1FbrB

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All About a Web Developer In Louisville KY

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  1. All About a Web Developer In Louisville KY

  2. About • Web developers need a combination of graphic design skills and technical computer skills that will allow them to create particular designs on web pages. In addition to looking nice, websites need to be functional and secure. It is the responsibility of web developers to create such sites that meet the requirements of employers or clients. • Web Developer Louisville KY often implement ideas from less tech-savvy colleagues who lack the know-how to turn their vision into an actual, functional website. • Web developers work for a variety of employers in the government, nonprofit, and corporate sectors. However, many also work independently on a contract basis or for web development firms.

  3. Web Developer Duties & Responsibilities • Know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and other relevant web design coding languages • Create and test applications for websites • Present design specs • Work with graphics and other designers • Troubleshoot website problems • Maintain and update websites • Monitor website traffic • Stay up-to-date on technology

  4. Education, Training, & Certification • In some settings, web developers can get started with no more than a high school diploma, but an associate’s degree or a bachelor’s degree typically is needed to advance in the field. • Education: Many high school classes cover the basics of web design and graphic design necessary to the field, and some web developers are self-taught. Many employers still will seek candidates with associate’s degrees in web design or something similar. Some more detail-oriented positions will require at least a bachelor’s degree in computer programming, computer science, or something similar. • Certification: Certifications are not necessary, but job candidates can make themselves more marketable by earning certifications in areas such as JavaScript or SQL through online courses.

  5. Web Developer Skills & Competencies • In addition to the technical skills necessary for the job, there are several soft skills that can be very beneficial to anyone looking for a career as a web developer: • Detail-oriented: One line of code can have a significant impact on a website’s functionality or appearance, and web developers need to be sure they aren’t missing key details. When troubleshooting, they need to be able to know where to look for the problem. • Multitasking: Projects aren’t always handled one at a time, and one client’s emergency sometimes can push another project to the backburner. Web developers need to be able to juggle multiple projects without missing deadlines. • Problem-solving: Websites need to be functional as well as attractive, and clients’ needs in these regards might not always be easy to meet. Web developers need to figure out how to translate a client’s vision to an actual, functional website.

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