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The Impact of RtI & 504 Accommodation Plans on McKay Scholarship Eligibility & Funding

The Impact of RtI & 504 Accommodation Plans on McKay Scholarship Eligibility & Funding. Andy Hicks, Ph.D. Center Academy Schools August 26, 2011. A Brief History of the McKay Scholarship.

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The Impact of RtI & 504 Accommodation Plans on McKay Scholarship Eligibility & Funding

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  1. The Impact of RtI & 504 Accommodation Plans on McKay Scholarship Eligibility & Funding Andy Hicks, Ph.D. Center Academy Schools August 26, 2011

  2. A Brief History of the McKay Scholarship • 1998: Florida Senate President John M. McKay - Scholarship for ESE students (with an IEP) to public or private school • 1999: Pilot program with 6 children • 2002: 5,000 students • 2005: 17,300 students • 2011: 22,198 students

  3. McKay Legislation • 1999: Original legislation passed • 2006: Accountability legislation • 2008: Ethics in Education Act • 2011: 504 Plan Expansion

  4. 2011 McKay Participation • 22,198 students (1,013 schools): • 946 in Hillsborough (57 schools) • 888 in Pinellas (58) • 463 in Polk (33) • 432 in Pasco (15) • 389 in Manatee (14) • 89 in Hernando (6)

  5. 2011 McKay Participation • Male: 68.9% • Female: 31.1% • Gr. K-3: 16.8% • Gr. 4-8: 49.7% • Gr. 9-12: 33.5%

  6. 2011 McKay Participation • White: 46.4% • Black/Afr. Am.: 27.9% • Hispanic/Latino: 22.0% • Others: 3.6% • 46.7% free & reduced-price lunch • 56.1% attend religious schools

  7. 2011 McKay Participation • Specific Learning Disability: 39.2% • Other Health Impaired: 17.0% • Language Impaired: 10.3% • Speech Impaired: 10.1% • Emotional/Behavioral Disability: 6.7% • Intellectual Disability: 7.5% • Autism Spectrum Disorder: 7.4% • Others: 1.8%

  8. Obtaining a McKay Scholarship • Eligibility: • Have an active IEP or 504 Plan and • Spent prior school year in a Florida public school or • Spent prior year in Florida VPK Program or • Dependent child of US Armed Forces who transfers to Florida • Parent filed intent and enrolled student in participating private school prior to quarterly deadlines

  9. Obtaining a McKay Scholarship • 2011-12 Deadlines: IntentEnrollment July 3 August 2 September 2 October 2 December 3 January 2 January 31 March 2

  10. Obtaining a McKay Scholarship • Prohibitions: • Enrolled in DJJ program • Receiving Florida Tax Credit Scholarship • Participating in home education program • Taking more than 2 virtual school courses • Not having regular & direct contact with teachers at school’s physical location • Issued a temporary (< 6 mos.) 504 Plan

  11. Obtaining a McKay Scholarship • To determine eligibility and file intent, parents should go to: https://www.floridaschoolchoice.org/Intent/McKayIntent/StudentIntent.aspx

  12. The Impact of RtI on McKay Eligibility • RtI has greatly decreased new IEPs • Fewer special ed. referrals & IEPs (2009 National RtI Implementation Survey) • Only 2% of students are expected to reach Tier 3 and receive an IEP (FL DOE 2011) • The number of 2010 SLD IEPs was 9,393 fewer than 2009 (FL DOE 2011) • No new SLD IEPs in some schools

  13. The Impact of RtI on McKay Eligibility • Numbers of Florida Students with IEPs: YearSLD IEPsTotal 2007-08 172,077 358,273 2008-09 166,494 351,179 2009-10 159,096 341,632 2010-11 149,703 332,781



  16. RtI Psychological Reports TIER3/INTENSIVE INSTRUCTION Problem Identification. Problem Analysis and Hypothesis Generated. Tier 3 Intervention Developed and Implemented. Support provided to person implementing intervention. Fidelity. Progress Monitoring. Student’s Response to Tier 3 Intervention.


  18. RtI Psychological Reports TIER3/INTENSIVE INSTRUCTION Problem Identification. Problem Analysis and Hypothesis Generated. Tier 3 Intervention Developed and Implemented. Support provided to person implementing intervention. Fidelity. Progress Monitoring. Student’s Response to Tier 3 Intervention.


  20. What is a 504 Accommodation Plan? • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 • For individuals with conditions that significantly limit major life activities such as walking, seeing, hearing, breathing, learning, communicating & working • Examples: asthma, diabetes, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, ADHD

  21. What is a 504 Plan? • Public schools (with parental input) develop & implement the plan • Plans include identified needs & accommodations • Yearly review is recommended • No additional funding is provided • No additional services are provided • Adverse impact on educational performance not required

  22. Why McKay Scholarships for Students with 504 Plans?

  23. 504 Plan Students Accessing the McKay Scholarship • Scholarship application procedures are the same as those for students with IEPs • HB 1329 became law July 1, 2011 • Application deadline July 3, 2011 (for quarter 1 eligibility) • 51,000 Florida students have 504 Plan • Approximately 1,000 applied for McKay Scholarship by July 3

  24. McKay Funding Levels • Students with a 504 Plan receive state funding that includes Base Allocation and select categorical FEFP funding • Students with an IEP receive the above funds plus ESE allocation based on IEP matrix level (1 to 5) • Not included: class size reduction, local effort, lottery, millage, transportation, teacher lead, food service, performance pay

  25. 2011-12 McKay Funding: Hillsborough 504 Plan: Gr. K-3Gr. 4-8Gr. 9-12 $4,155 $3,796 $3,863 ESE Level 1: Gr. K-3Gr. 4-8Gr. 9-12 $5,171 $4,935 $4,674

  26. 2011-12 McKay Funding: Hillsborough ESE Level 2: Gr. K-3Gr. 4-8Gr. 9-12 $7,437 $7,201 $6,939 ESE Level 3: Gr. K-3Gr. 4-8Gr. 9-12 $10,852 $10,616 $10,354

  27. 2011-12 McKay Funding: Hillsborough ESE Level 4: All grades $12,782 ESE Level 5: All grades $17,970

  28. Funding Decreases • Florida education budget decreased by $1.35 billion from 2010-11 to 2011-12 • Affect traditional public schools, charter schools, scholarship programs (McKay & Step Up) • McKay Scholarship amounts have decreased significantly since 2007- 08 (drop varies from 5.2 to 18.2%)

  29. Matrix Level Determination • Matrix completed by school district • Area(s) of eligibility noted (from IEP) • Levels (1 to 5) of required services are determined for each of 5 domains: • Curriculum & Learning Environment • Social/Emotional Behavior • Independent Functioning • Health Care • Communication

  30. Matrix Level Determination • Special considerations (additional points) for hospital/homebound, visually/sensory impaired… • Cost Factor Scale: Total PointsESE Level 6-9 1 10-13 2 14-17 3 18-21 4 22+ 5

  31. Changing a Student’s Matrix Level • McKay matrix level cannot be changed after scholarship granted except for clerical errors • Districts may change a matrix level prior to a student receiving McKay & without notifying parents • Parent advocates can help ensure that IEP services accurately reflect student needs

  32. Obtaining an IEP • RtI is used for 3 of the most common areas of eligibility: Specific Learning Disability (SLD), Language Impaired (LI) & Emotional/Behavioral Disability (EBD) • RtI is not required for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Intellectual Disability (IND), Speech Impaired (SI) & Other Health Impaired (OHI)

  33. Tips for IEP Meetings • Put requests in writing – ask for forms • Bring a friend, relative or advocate • Review & revise as often as needed • Make sure all needed services are included in the IEP • Do not be pressured • Be persistent • Respect the other participants

  34. Parent Advocates • Many are attorneys or parents • Contacts: www.STANDadvocates.org Statewide Advocacy Network on Disabilities www.FLspedLaw.com Mark Kamleiter (STAND President) Claudia Roberts (Advocate)

  35. Parent Advocates • Contacts: www.WrightsLaw.com law, advocacy & training; free newsletter www.theIEPadvocate.com advocacy, free conference call www.AbleVillage.com social support & resources for people with disabilities & providers

  36. Learning Opportunities • SPARC (STAND Pinellas Accessing Resources Conference) Saturday, September 24, 2011 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Morgan Fitzgerald Middle School 6410  118th Ave N Largo, FL  33770 www.STANDadvocates.org

  37. Learning Opportunities • The IEP Advocate Conference Call (free call re: IEPs, 504 Plans, McKay) Mondays, 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm 1-218-862-6400 Access Code: 303-2901 Pam Lindemann www.theIEPadvocate.com

  38. Additional McKay Issues • McKay Scholarship is lost if enroll in district programs (including drivers education & district virtual school) • Private schools may charge parents in addition to scholarship amount • Private schools do not need to provide all services listed in IEP • Students may take FCAT & 3-year re- evaluations

  39. Additional McKay Issues • Students may play sports in zoned school while attending some private schools (HB 797) • McKay may be used at public schools, possibly including other districts • DOE must investigate complaints • Commissioner may deny, suspend, revoke participation if fraud, non- compliance or threats to health, safety or welfare

  40. Additional McKay Issues • More than 90% of survey respondents report satisfaction with the program • The McKay Program saves Florida more than $40 million per year (Friedman Foundation, 2007) • McKay legislation (HB 1329) passed with bipartisan support

  41. Additional 2011 Parental Choice Legislation • Step Up for Students (Tax Credit Scholarships for low income): HB 965 • Opportunity Scholarships (public schools): HB 1331 • Virtual Schools: HB 7197 • Charter Schools: SB 1546 • Multiple Programs: HB 1255

  42. Opportunities for Psychologists • Processing Assessments Fewer done due to RtI • End-of-Course Exams Phasing in for MS & HS - some IEP exemptions; assessments, remediation, career planning • Specialized Classrooms Inclusion/fuse replacing self- contained

  43. Opportunities for Psychologists • Charter Schools Increasing: 140,000 Florida students • Parent Advocates Needed due to choices & changes • Legislative Action Become a Key Psychologist; Contribute to the PAC

  44. Additional Resources • www.floridaschoolchoice.org • www.stepupforstudents.org • www.mckaycoalition.com • www.fldoe.org • www.florida-rti.org • www.myfloridahouse.gov • www.flsenate.gov

  45. Andy Hicks, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist #PY0004223 Center Academy Schools andrewhicks@centeracademy.com 727 541-5716

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