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Rubrics to Dissections to GRAIL to Classifications

Rubrics to Dissections to GRAIL to Classifications. GALEN-IN-USE. http://www.galen-organisation.com/ http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/mig/galen/. A graphical overview of the tools and methodologies being used in the GALEN-IN-USE project to develop a classification of surgical procedures.

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Rubrics to Dissections to GRAIL to Classifications

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  1. Rubrics to Dissections to GRAIL to Classifications GALEN-IN-USE http://www.galen-organisation.com/ http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/mig/galen/ A graphical overview of the tools and methodologies being used in the GALEN-IN-USE project to develop a classification of surgical procedures The slides in this presentation have accompanying notes. These are visible from the ‘View…Notes Pages’ option on the main PowerPoint menu.

  2. University of Manchester, VAMP Health, UK University of Nijmegen, Holland EFCC and its affiliates: WCC, NOMESCO, CNR Rome, U St Etienne IASIST, IDGmbH, CMITD, STAKE, U Louvain University Hospital of Geneva, LNAT, Switzerland OLE, RAMIT, Datasoft, Belgium GSF Medis, U Hildesheim, Germany CNR, Rome, Italy SPRI, U Linköping, Sweden VTT, Oulu Univ Hospital, Medici Data, Finland GALEN-IN-USE Partners

  3. SNOMED ICD ICPC Surgical Procedure Entry Tool SPET

  4. RUBRIC "dividing of papillary muscle" CODE "35.31.i1" MAIN dividing ACTS_ON papillary muscle HAS_OTHER_FEATURE method VALUE induced arrest of heart Dissection SPET

  5. ‘Sibling’ codes RUBRIC "operations on papillary muscle" CODE "35.31" MAIN surgical deed ACTS_ON papillary muscle HAS_OTHER_FEATURE method VALUE induced arrest of heart RUBRIC "dividing of papillary muscle" CODE "35.31.i1" MAIN dividing ACTS_ON papillary muscle HAS_OTHER_FEATURE method VALUE induced arrest of heart RUBRIC "reattachment of papillary muscle" CODE "35.31.i2" MAIN repairing ACTS_ON papillary muscle BY_TECHNIQUE reattaching ACTS_ON papillary muscle HAS_OTHER_FEATURE method VALUE induced arrest of heart RUBRIC "repair of papillary muscle" CODE "35.31.i3" MAIN repairing ACTS_ON papillary muscle HAS_OTHER_FEATURE method VALUE induced arrest of heart Dissections

  6. RUBRIC "operations on papillary muscle" CODE "35.31" MAIN surgical deed ACTS_ON papillary muscle HAS_OTHER_FEATURE method VALUE induced arrest of heart RUBRIC "dividing of papillary muscle" CODE "35.31.i1" MAIN dividing ACTS_ON papillary muscle HAS_OTHER_FEATURE method VALUE induced arrest of heart RUBRIC "reattachment of papillary muscle" CODE "35.31.i2" MAIN repairing ACTS_ON papillary muscle BY_TECHNIQUE reattaching ACTS_ON papillary muscle HAS_OTHER_FEATURE method VALUE induced arrest of heart RUBRIC "repair of papillary muscle" CODE "35.31.i3" MAIN repairing ACTS_ON papillary muscle HAS_OTHER_FEATURE method VALUE induced arrest of heart Dissections TemplateInterpreterand GRAIL Generator

  7. Map ‘descriptors’ to GRAIL concepts (usually one-to-one) Map ‘Links’ to GRAIL link-concept-link fragments usually one to many Expansion Algorithm

  8. GRAIL Dissection

  9. GRAIL GALEN Terminology Server Browse... Automatic GRAIL Classification

  10. GRAIL Browse... Classification of original rubrics GALEN Terminology Server GALEN Terminology Server

  11. Different organisation New organisation calculated automatically, based on the structure provided in the dissection, and in the GRAIL Common Reference Model. [35.31.i2] is now a child of [35.31.i3], not a sibling (as in the original source).

  12. GRAIL Browse... Rubric Dissection Multilingual Natural Language

  13. Language Generation: example 1 Rubric '037 Biopsie rénale isolée par lombotomie' SurgicalDeed which isCharacterisedBy (performance whichG isEnactmentOf (BiopsyingProcess whichG < actsSpecificallyOn Kidney hasSpecificSubprocess (SurgicalApproaching whichG hasPhysicalMeans ((Route whichG passesThrough Loin))) >)) en: 'kidney biopsy by lumbotomie' fr: 'biopsie rénale par lombotomie' ge: 'Biopsie der Niere durch Lumbotomie' du: 'biopsie van de nier door lombotomie?' GRAIL Multilingual Natural Language

  14. Language Generation: example 2 Rubric '109 Echographie prostatique transrectale' SurgicalDeed which isCharacterisedBy (performance whichG isEnactmentOf ((ImagingProcess which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < actsSpecificallyOn ProstateGland hasSpecificPhysicalMeans UltrasonographyMachine hasSpecificSubprocess (SurgicalApproaching whichG hasPhysicalMeans ((Route which hasColinearityWith Rectum))) >)) en: 'transrectal prostate echographie' fr: 'echographie transrectale de la prostate' ge: 'transrektale Sonographie der Prostata' du: 'transrectale echografie van de prostaat' GRAIL Multilingual Natural Language

  15. Language Generation: example 3 Rubric '252 Exérèse d''une tumeur de la glande surrénale à ciel ouvert' SurgicalDeed which isCharacterisedBy (performance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Excising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < actsSpecificallyOn (NeoplasticLesion whichG hasSpecificLocation AdrenalGland) hasSpecificSubprocess (SurgicalApproaching whichG hasSurgicalOpenClosedness (SurgicalOpenClosedness whichG hasAbsoluteState surgicallyOpen)) >)) en: 'surgically open extracting of an adrenal gland neoplastic lesion' fr: 'extraction d''une tumeur de la glande surrénale à ciel ouvert' ge: 'offene Extraktion eines Tumors der Nebenniere' du: 'open extractie van een tumor van de bijnier' GRAIL Multilingual Natural Language

  16. Why Templates? RUBRIC "valgiserende osteotomie van overig gespecificeerd bot" PARAPHRASE "osteotomy of bone with purpose to create a valgising position, without humerus, without radius, without ulna, without metacarpalen and phalanx of hand, without femur, without tibia, without fibula and without metatarsalen and phalanx of foot" CODE "5-781.29" ENGLISH_RUBRIC "valgising osteotomy of other specified bone" MAIN cutting TO_ACHIEVE Deed:valgising ACTS_ON Pathology:pathological posture ACTS_ON bone WITHOUT cutting TO_ACHIEVE Deed:valgising ACTS_ON Pathology:pathological posture ACTS_ON humerus / radius / ulna / femur / tibia / fibula / os metacarpale / os metatarsale / phalanx Small template produces large Grail ...

  17. #printTime. #printMessage 'valgiserende osteotomie van overig gespecificeerd bot'. ((SurgicalDeed which < isCharacterisedBy (performance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Bone >)) isCharacterisedBy (nonPerformance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Humerus >)) >) extrinsically hasRubric 'valgiserende osteotomie van overig gespecificeerd bot'; extrinsically hasParaphrase 'osteotomy of bone with purpose to create a valgising position, without humerus, without radius, without ulna, without metacarpalen and phalanx of hand, without femur, without tibia, without fibula and without metatarsalen and phalanx of foot'; extrinsically hasCode '5-781.29'; extrinsically hasEnglishRubric 'valgising osteotomy of other specified bone') extrinsically hasPhysicalSource 'wccfix.txt'. ((SurgicalDeed which < isCharacterisedBy (performance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Bone >)) isCharacterisedBy (nonPerformance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Radius >)) >) Grail 1 2 3 4 5

  18. extrinsically hasRubric 'valgiserende osteotomie van overig gespecificeerd bot'; extrinsically hasParaphrase 'osteotomy of bone with purpose to create a valgising position, without humerus, without radius, without ulna, without metacarpalen and phalanx of hand, without femur, without tibia, without fibula and without metatarsalen and phalanx of foot'; extrinsically hasCode '5-781.29'; extrinsically hasEnglishRubric 'valgising osteotomy of other specified bone') extrinsically hasPhysicalSource 'wccfix.txt'. ((SurgicalDeed which < isCharacterisedBy (performance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Bone >)) isCharacterisedBy (nonPerformance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Ulna >)) >) extrinsically hasRubric 'valgiserende osteotomie van overig gespecificeerd bot'; extrinsically hasParaphrase 'osteotomy of bone with purpose to create a valgising position, without humerus, without radius, without ulna, without metacarpalen and phalanx of hand, without femur, without tibia, without fibula and without metatarsalen and phalanx of foot'; extrinsically hasCode '5-781.29'; extrinsically hasEnglishRubric 'valgising osteotomy of other specified bone') extrinsically hasPhysicalSource 'wccfix.txt'. ((SurgicalDeed which < isCharacterisedBy (performance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Bone >)) Grail 1 2 3 4 5

  19. isCharacterisedBy (nonPerformance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Femur >)) >) extrinsically hasRubric 'valgiserende osteotomie van overig gespecificeerd bot'; extrinsically hasParaphrase 'osteotomy of bone with purpose to create a valgising position, without humerus, without radius, without ulna, without metacarpalen and phalanx of hand, without femur, without tibia, without fibula and without metatarsalen and phalanx of foot'; extrinsically hasCode '5-781.29'; extrinsically hasEnglishRubric 'valgising osteotomy of other specified bone') extrinsically hasPhysicalSource 'wccfix.txt'. ((SurgicalDeed which < isCharacterisedBy (performance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Bone >)) isCharacterisedBy (nonPerformance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Tibia >)) >) extrinsically hasRubric 'valgiserende osteotomie van overig gespecificeerd bot'; extrinsically hasParaphrase 'osteotomy of bone with purpose to create a valgising position, without humerus, without radius, without ulna, without metacarpalen and phalanx of hand, without femur, without tibia, without fibula and without metatarsalen and phalanx of foot'; extrinsically hasCode '5-781.29'; extrinsically hasEnglishRubric 'valgising osteotomy of other specified bone') extrinsically hasPhysicalSource 'wccfix.txt'. ((SurgicalDeed which < isCharacterisedBy (performance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG Grail 1 2 3 4 5

  20. actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Bone >)) isCharacterisedBy (nonPerformance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Fibula >)) >) extrinsically hasRubric 'valgiserende osteotomie van overig gespecificeerd bot'; extrinsically hasParaphrase 'osteotomy of bone with purpose to create a valgising position, without humerus, without radius, without ulna, without metacarpalen and phalanx of hand, without femur, without tibia, without fibula and without metatarsalen and phalanx of foot'; extrinsically hasCode '5-781.29'; extrinsically hasEnglishRubric 'valgising osteotomy of other specified bone') extrinsically hasPhysicalSource 'wccfix.txt'. ((SurgicalDeed which < isCharacterisedBy (performance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Bone >)) isCharacterisedBy (nonPerformance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Metacarpal >)) >) extrinsically hasRubric 'valgiserende osteotomie van overig gespecificeerd bot'; extrinsically hasParaphrase 'osteotomy of bone with purpose to create a valgising position, without humerus, without radius, without ulna, without metacarpalen and phalanx of hand, without femur, without tibia, without fibula and without metatarsalen and phalanx of foot'; extrinsically hasCode '5-781.29'; extrinsically hasEnglishRubric 'valgising osteotomy of other specified bone') extrinsically hasPhysicalSource 'wccfix.txt'. ((SurgicalDeed which < Grail 1 2 3 4 5

  21. isCharacterisedBy (performance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Bone >)) isCharacterisedBy (nonPerformance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Metatarsal >)) >) extrinsically hasRubric 'valgiserende osteotomie van overig gespecificeerd bot'; extrinsically hasParaphrase 'osteotomy of bone with purpose to create a valgising position, without humerus, without radius, without ulna, without metacarpalen and phalanx of hand, without femur, without tibia, without fibula and without metatarsalen and phalanx of foot'; extrinsically hasCode '5-781.29'; extrinsically hasEnglishRubric 'valgising osteotomy of other specified bone') extrinsically hasPhysicalSource 'wccfix.txt'. ((SurgicalDeed which < isCharacterisedBy (performance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Bone >)) isCharacterisedBy (nonPerformance whichG isEnactmentOf ((Incising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG < hasSpecificGoal ((Valgising which playsClinicalRole SurgicalRole) whichG actsSpecificallyOn PathologicalStandingPosture) actsSpecificallyOn Phalanx >)) >) Grail 1 2 3 4 5

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