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Education and change: the linguistic and cultural practices of teenagers in Catalonia

Education and change: the linguistic and cultural practices of teenagers in Catalonia. Vanessa Bretxa CUSC - University Center of Sociolinguistics and Communication University of Barcelona. RESOL: A longitudinal project (2006-2015).

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Education and change: the linguistic and cultural practices of teenagers in Catalonia

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  1. Education and change: the linguistic and cultural practices of teenagers in Catalonia Vanessa Bretxa CUSC- UniversityCenter of Sociolinguistics and Communication University of Barcelona

  2. RESOL: A longitudinal project (2006-2015) • RESOL-Resocialization and languages​​: the linguistic effects from primary to secondary education in multilingual contexts. • Funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. • Research team: F.Xavier Vila (UB) (PI), LlorençComajoan (UVic), Joan Melià (UIB), Vanessa Bretxa (UB), NatxoSorolla (UB) and Cristina Illamola(UB). • Main goal: To study the transition from primary to secondary education and its impact in sociolinguistic practices.

  3. Starting point of the project • The assessment (success or failure) of bilingual education in Catalonia is a complex matter. • Knowledge of Catalan among young people and teenagers has increased significantly compared with previous generations (Torres et al. 2005, EULP, 2008). • Knowledge of Catalan by youth has not necessarily had a consequence in their use of Catalan (Galindo and Vila 2009). • Some authors have attempted to explain part of this process by examining the transition from childhood to youth (Vila 2010; Pujolar et al. 2010). • Question: Is there a change in the use of Catalan between primary and secondary education?

  4. The complexity of language practice (Vila 2004, 2010) • Language competence refers to the individual’s ability to use one language • Language use refers to how individuals put their linguistic competence into practice in interaction with other individuals • Linguistic representations (or ideology) are related to attitudes, values, and ideas that speakers have about language • Linguistic system refers to the purely linguistic items that make up a language and that are the object of study of formal linguistics

  5. Dimensions of study and data instruments • Technique: Video-recorded linguistic competence assessment • Technique: Focus groups and Sociolinguistic questionnaire Technique: Sociolinguistic questionnaire

  6. The RESOL project (2006-2015) • Focus on longitudinal data: Same sample and instrument • 6P (age 12): Last year of primary education (2007) • 1S (age 13): First year of secondary education (2008) • 4S (age 16): Last year of secondary education (2011) • 2B(age 18): Last year of post-secondary (2013) • Number of participants: 1194 (6th-1st – 4th) • Catalan-speaking areas under study: • Catalonia (Manlleu, Mataró, Sant Joan Despí, Sant Just Desvern, Balaguer) • Aragon (La Franja) • Mallorca (Palma, Inca)

  7. Case study: Mataró (6P to 1S) - City in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. - 8th largest city in Catalonia - Population: 119.858 hab. (2008) - 15,6% immigrants (2008) - 35 schools N: 888 Sex: 49,1% boys and 50,9% girls Origin : 86,6% born in Catalonia and 13,6% born abroad.

  8. First Language (L1)“What language did you first speak at home when you were a child?” Source: RESOL 2007- 2008 Source: EULP 2008

  9. Proficiency in Catalan and Spanish (6P) Source: RESOL 2007

  10. Language inside the classroom (6P)

  11. Differences in language inside the classroom 6P to 1S

  12. Linguistic cultural consumption (6P)

  13. Differences between cultural consumption 6P to 1S

  14. Language with friends (6P and SP)

  15. Differences in language with friends (from 6P to 1S)

  16. Conclusions • Is there a change in the use of Catalan between primary and secondary education? • There are many changes and in different areas • In general there is a decline of Catalan • There are no changes in Spanish and Catalan proficiency • Language inside the classroom: • Catalan is still prevalent in class • Increased use of both languages by teachers and students • Cultural consumption: • Decrease of reading books and increased Internet use • Decrease in the consumption of TV and books in Catalan • Increased in the consumption of TV, Internet and books in Spanish • Increased in the consumption of music in English • There are more differences between structural uses (mass media and school) than in interpersonal private uses.

  17. DiolchThankyouMoltes gràcies! <http://www.ub.edu/cusc> Vanessa.bretxa@ub.edu <http://www.ub.edu/cusc/sleducativa/>

  18. Bibliografia • Bretxa i Riera, Vanessa i F. Xavier Vila i Moreno (2012) «Els canvis sociolingüístics en el pas primària a secundària: el projecte RESOL a Mataró.» Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana 22. • Vila i Moreno, F. Xavier (ed.). (2012). Posar-hi la base. Usos i aprenentatges lingüístics en el domini català. Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Catalans. • Vila i Moreno, F. Xavier. 2011. «La recerca sociolingüística educativa escolar als països de llengua catalana: elements per a un balanç.» Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana 21. • Galindo, Mireia i Vila i Moreno, F. Xavier (2009) «Els factors explicatius dels usos lingüístics informals entre l’alumnat català: llengua inicial, xarxes socials, competència i llengua vehicular d’ensenyament». Noves SL. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, invierno del 2009. • Comajoan, Llorenç  (2009). «Language revitalization in a globalized world: lessons learned from Catalan». A: Transferences. The expression of extra-linguistic processes in the world’s languages. Vic: Eumo Editorial, 269-299. • Bretxa, Vanessa, Llorenç Comajoan, i Natxo Sorolla (2009) «De les pràctiques monolingües familiars a la identificació bilingüe: el cas dels preadolescents de Mataró i la Franja. » Noves SL hivern. http://www6.gencat.cat/llengcat/noves/hm09hivern/bretxa_comajoan_sorolla1_9.htm • Bretxa i Riera, Vanessa (2009) «El salt a secundària: els adolescents, consum cultural i llengua.» Zeitschrift für Katalanistik / Revista d’Estudis Catalans 22:171-202. http://www.romanistik.uni-freiburg.de/pusch/zfk/22/11_Bretxa.pdf

  19. Summary • Data about Catalonia • Language use • L1 • habitallangauge • intergeneracionaltransmision • Linguistic competence • The project: RESOL • PANEL data • Language use: • home • school • friends • cultural consumption

  20. L1, habitual language and Intergenerational transmission (Catalonia) Source: EULP 2008

  21. Language competence (Catalonia) Source: EULP 2008 (Catalonia)

  22. Languagemediaconsumption in Catalonia (2011) Source: Fundacc, 2011

  23. Evolution of the position of Catalan in the mass media in Catalonia (2008-2011) Source: Fundacc, 2011

  24. Evolution of the position of Catalan in the cultural consumption in Catalonia (2008-2011) Source: Fundacc, 2011

  25. Some facts about Catalan in the mass media • Catalan language is in a minority position in the Catalan media landscape • However, in the last 5 years there is a slow but cleartrend towards an increase of relative position of Catalan as opposed to Spanish • Radio broadcasting is the area where Catalan language exhibits better figures, and has caught up withSpanishin terms of demand/consumption • Use of Catalan in cinema displays thelowest figures, despitesomeimprovement in thelastyears.

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