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Mobile Advertising Lingo – SSP, DSP and RTP – What Are They?

To understand the fragmented mobile space, advertisers, publishers and marketers need to know the difference between three important terminologies.

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Mobile Advertising Lingo – SSP, DSP and RTP – What Are They?

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  1. Mobile Advertising Lingo – SSP, DSP and RTP – What Are They? The mobile advertising space is very complicated. To understand the fragmented mobile space, advertisers, publishers and marketers need to know the difference between three important terminologies – DSP, SSP, and RTB. This overview will help you understand the mobile advertising ecosystem. Let’s start with mobile ad network A mobile ad network is a mobile advertising company that connects multiple advertisers to mobile apps that want to advertise and monetize their apps. The main role of mobile ad network is to match ad space supply from publishers with advertiser’s demand. Mobile ad network, also known as affiliate network, acts as middleman between publishers and advertisers who want to advertise a product or service via mobile apps. What is a Supply Side Platform? A Supply Side Platform (SSP) is a technology platform/software that helps publishers to manage their advertising inventory. SSP uses real-time bidding to provide quality advertisers who are eager to purchase ad inventory from publisher. SSPs enable publishers to set up ‘price floors,’ which is the minimum amount to sell an inventory to specific buyers. In short, SSP gives publishers the power to optimize they way they sell their inventory, and optimize their mobile ad yields. What is a Demand Side Platform? A Demand Side Platform (DSP) is a mobile app marketing system which provides technology to purchase mobile advertising via bidding methodology in the mobile ad exchanges. Mobile DSPs are used by ad agencies and advertising vendors to buy mobile ad formats. Basically, a DSP is a computer-based platform that automates the mobile ad buying process. This automated platform analyzes which ad impressions are worth bidding for and at what price in a real-time bidding process. What is Mobile Real Time Bidding (RTB)? Real Time Bidding (RTB) is a process in which mobile ad impressions are auctioned for sale in the mobile ad space. RTB is a type of programmatic advertising. Ad buyers are no longer need to negotiate with ads publishers or ad networks for ad prices. They can directly select the ad impressions that they deem to be valuable to them. This also helps to cut down the time and resource wasted on the wrong users. All in all, DSPs and SSPs facilitate the RTB process so that publishers can sell their ad inventory to the advertiser via mobile ad network. The idea is to open the ad impressions to as many potential buyers as possible via affiliate network so that publishers and advertisers both can maximize their returns.

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